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FEBRUARY 6, 2014

Fifth Annual Flight School Operators Conference in
San Antonio Spurs Discussion of Flight Training Business Issues


FSANA hosted its fifth annual Flight School Operators
conference in San Antonio yesterday and today with 
current concerns in the flight training businesss 
representatives including flight school owners
operators, industry association and corporate 
representatives, and members of FSANA to discuss
critical issues in the flight training industry.

The conference included a keynote presentation by 
aviation notable personality Ralph Hood 
(www.ralphhood.comand presentations by experts
covering topics including Psychology and the Art of 
Flight Training, Attracting New Customers and Increasing
Student Starts, Developing Social Media plans and 
Training Flight Instructors to be Customer Centric to 
name just a few key topics. 
"The importance of covering these types of topics for flight 
training providers cannot be overstressed," said President 
and out there that help flight training providers and their
business operations more successful; it is one of the goals
of our conference and FSANA as a whole to make these
resources available." 
FSANA thanks attendees and the supporters of the
conference including AvFuelCAPACG, MoyerAviation
MyFlightTrainPhoenix Aviation, Regal Aviation Insurance, and Tecnam for making this year's conference another success.

FSANA Announces New AeroChapters Program Coming Soon...


The Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is going to be offering a new program, AeroChapters, designed to benefit both members and the general public. This program will be a significant new addition to the programs offered by FSANA and aimed at helping the aviation industry.

AeroChapters is a program designed to help young people become acquainted with the aviation and aerospace industry in a real time environment. The program will establish local chapters to make this effort successful. Each chapter will offer a variety of educational and leadership opportunities which help to create the future backbone for our youth and the business and planning components of each chapter will be lead by youth with mentorship and leadership from adult advisors and mentors.

"This effort is something we are confident can not only help drive interest in aviation in youth in this country," said Bob Rockmaker, FSANA's President and CEO, "it can also help build critical business skills for the young adults that become involved with the program. We expect that AeroChapters has the potential to realize over 20,000 young people becoming involved on an annual basis.

AeroChapters is in final stages of development and will involve FSANA members as they work to launch a hands on, interactive, monthly program designed for youth. More information about this program and the launching of the first chapters will be coming soon and will be available on the FSANA website.

Awards Given at Fifth
Annual Flight
Operators Conference


FSANA presented awards during the Fifth Annual
Flight School Operators Conference today for
activity and branding efforts by schools using AeroPrograms and a Wings award to an industry association.

FSANA presented its Wings award to AOPA for the work that AOPA does with flight training and the aviation community.

Awards for AeroProgram activity and branding were presented to the following flight school operators:

    Mid Island Air Service in New York (

    Double Eagle Aviation in Arizona (

    Leading Edge Aviation in Pennsylvania (

    Island Air Express in Florida (

Heirman To Airman Foundation
Debut's at FSANA Conference


With a soft launch announced at the FSANA conference,
a new foundation, the Heirman To Airman Foundation ( annnounced its goals and mission. Dedicated to helping introduce pilot training to individuals who have 
the desire to become aviators and may need some assistance in accomplishing their goals.

"This is a grass roots effort and organization hoping to provide access to aviation,
to help bring new participants into aviation, and to help bring business to local flight training providers," said Danny Joyner, a Director with the Heirman To Airman
Foundation. "We will be looking to the aviation industry and beyond for support
to include volunteers, corporate support, and promotion of this effort."

The Heirman To Airman Foundation is targetting providing assitance to approximately
100 students per month at over 10 locations throughout the country. Qualified
individuals are provide up to 10 hours of instruction and flight training at no cost.

For more information about the Heirman To Aviation Foundation, visit
2014 FSANA Flight School Accreditation 
Program Update


The 2014 Flight school accreditation program information has been updated and is available on the FSANA website. Flight schools can review and download the necessary forms to begin the process of accreditation.

FSANAs Flight School Accreditation program is a process whereby flight schools seek to improve their business practices by benchmarking their school against a set of standards that have been established to help improve the overall performance of the business and to raise professional standards and create a positive focus which will help flight schools to achieve best practices in the flight training industry.

FSANA is also seeking interested parties to serve as inspectors for schools seeking accreditation. Qualified candidates are typically aviation professionals with experience in the industry. The inspectors follow a set of guidelines for inspection and have their expenses for travel compensated when conducting the inspections. 

If you or someone you know would be a good candidate for serving as an inspector please visit the inspector application on our website:

The Inspector Guide that is followed can also be found at:
FSANA  Special Committee on Federal Student Loans


FSANA has formed a special committee to begin the process of solving the question of how customers can find funding to complete flight training with member training providers. The goal is to develop resources that will allows customers who receive flight training at FSANA accredited schools to be eligible to receive federal student loans.

Lisa Campbell, President of Air Mods Flight Training in Robinsville, New Jersey is chairing the committee. FSANA members who would like to assist on the committee should contact the FSANA office or Lisa Campbell.

This is something that FSANA is dedicated to addressing and to developing resources for flight training providers. The FSANA Special Committee on Federal Student Loans will be reporting its progress in the upcoming months. 
FSANA AeroParty

2014 Aero Programs Toolkits
for AeroCamp and AeroParty

FSANA members will soon be receiving the 2014 Aero Programs toolkits. These kits offer  guidance and suggestions on how to offer and operate the respective programs. When conducting programs, members are encouraged to include the Aero branded logos along with the FSANA logo on their websites and other promotional materials.
The Aero brands continue to 
grow, but will grow more rapidly as members help
their promotion. The growth of these programs makes them a 
more powerful
tool for all FSANA members
We want feedback from the readers of this newsletter!
If you see things we have written about or things you think we should write about, tell us. This publication will help provide the best content to its readers when we have feedback from those of you who are working in the industry. We want to hear good things, bad things, and anything that is worth discussing in our community. Please send us your thoughts or articles you would like to share with other readers.
Any potential articles, thoughts, or feedback you may have can be sent to FSANA at
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2014 Flight Training
Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C.
More information to be announced soon...

Find Your U.S. Congressman  


Find Your U.S. Senator 


U.S. House Aviation Subcommittee 


U.S. Senate Aviation Subcommittee 


US Senate Education Committee 


US House Committee on Education and
the Workforce

Click on images to download sample Aero program brochures
AeroCamp brochure
AeroParty brochure
AeroSolo brochure

FSANA Partners

 The above companies are annual supporters of the FSANA mission and work of the association and its members.
Established in 2009, the Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is the first and only association of its kind dedicated solely to the flight training industry. FSANA represents flight schools, firms that provide products and services to the flight training or aviation industry, and other supporting partners.

FSANA MISSION: The Mission of the Flight School Association is to work in alliance with the aviation and aerospace industry; to serve and foster the flight training industry; to provide programs and services that will enhance the ability of flight schools to serve their customers and communities; and to promote best business practices which will help flight schools and their industry thrive and increase the pilot population.
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