Mid Island AeroChapter Makes History
In January 2015,
the Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) unveiled the new AeroChapter program. On April 23, 2015,
the Mid Island AeroChapter which is the first AeroChapter in the United States, held their first meeting. It was attended by 14 Long Islanders in grades 6-12 along with over 20 parents.
Interim officers, President,
Vice President and secretary were assigned by club advisors. Chapter members will elect new officers in September once they have had a some time to get to know each other. Members volunteered for committees which include Membership, Nominating and Program.
The officers run the meeting based on their agenda, take minutes, plan and contact guest speakers and have the opportunity to discuss "hot aviation and aerospace topics" with each other.
At their third meeting on June 25, 2015, the Mid Island AeroChapter was pleased to be joined byFSANA
President & CEO, Bob Rockmaker
(first photo). He spoke to the group about their chapter breaking new ground and earning a special place in FSANA history. Bob recognized and applauded their decision to engage, become leaders and learn.
He expressed appreciation to the parents who helped get the youth to the airport and the AeroChapter meeting. One of the many highlights of the meeting was when Mid Island AeroChapter received their Certificate of Charter. Accepting the Charter from Bob Rockmaker was Gail Mancuso, Vice President of Mid Island Air Service, Dan Brooks, Chapter Advisor (Far left) and Don Lawrence, Assistant Chapter Advisor (far right in third photo).
The meeting was extra special since the parents were invited to observe their children conducting business and running the meeting. Parents were impressed with the way the meeting was conducted. One mom said, "It's just like the meetings I have with staff at the hospital where I work".
Another said "my son finally hasa place
to go where he can be with other kids who love aviation - we have been looking for an outlet like this."
Guest, Sean Martens, brought his Extra 300 and gave a talk about
aerobatic flying as well as presenting each member with a book on Basic Aerobatics. Tailwheels Etc from Lakeland Florida provided each youth member with a certificate for a complimentary ride in their 1940 Stearman biplane.
AeroChapter members are required to be FSANA Youth Members which costs $25.00 per year. Youth members receive a monthly eNewsletter along with other benefits. Mid Island AeroChapter has 17 members and continues to expand. Meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month at the ISP location, from 1730-1930. New AeroChapters are under development and will be announced as they become activated.
CFI Training Center Launches "3 weeks to a Lifetime Career"
John Amundsen along with his son Jonathan have created a new business which focuses on training modality's designed for pilots who want to earn their Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) certificate in a three week time period. With an industry shortage of flight instructors affecting many training providers, this development has the potential to help fill the gaps in the instructor pipeline many places need.
John Amundsen is the original creator of the two-week private pilot training program operated by Tailwheels Etc at the Lakeland Linder Airport in Lakeland Florida. The CFI Training Center (CFITC) will be located on the third floor of the facilities in Lakeland.
The new business model was created to help increase the number of CFI's in the marketplace according to John Amundsen who is a
15,000 plus hour pilot with a tool chest of pilot certificates and ratings.
The CFI Training Center will implement Johns proven accelerated course techniques to produce the safest, most professional certified flight instructors in the world. Several highlights include:
- Excellent accessibility to flight testing
- Over 92% first-time pass rate
- Flat rate pricing
Included with the program will be a special benefit for FSANA members according to Amundsen who is also a FSANA Board member. Details of the benefit program will be announced to FSANA members within the next few weeks.
Flight schools interested in becoming an affiliate of the CFI Training Center or learning how your school can benefit should contact Debbie Sparks, the CFITC Business Manager at 561-767-6826 or email dsparks@cfitrainingcenter.com or John Amundsen at 863-327-6880 or email johna@cfitraingcenter.com The website is www.cfitrainingcenter.com.
Multi Service
Solutions Announces Discounts for Aviation Software Management Platforms for
Multi Service Technology Solutions (MSTS) is excited to announce it is sponsoring the Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) at the Builder Level and will be offering its suite of Aviation Software Management platforms to
members at a discounted rate.
The MSTS portfolio of aviation management software packages includes MyFBO.com, AvPOS, TotalFBO and FBO Manager. Each software package serves different segments of the aviation industry and offers features and functionality that make running FBOs, Flight Schools, and MRO facilities more cost effective and efficient.
One hundred percent web-based, MyFBO.com offers many solutions for flight schools, including online scheduling and dispatch, aircraft maintenance, student records, course management, financial transaction management, credit card processing and more. It is a preferred aviation management software package used by flight schools globally.
"We're excited to be partnering with FSANA and believe in the overarching mission of Flight Schools - to teach and train students to fly," shared Gary Rice, Director, Global Aviation Software Sales, "And the solutions offered by MyFBO.com give instructors more time to do what matters most - spend time with their students."
AeroCamp Fun In The Carolinas
Triad Aviation Academy in Winston Salem, North Carolina is having a banner AeroCamp year according to President, Bruce McCall.
We have been blessed with an abundance of young people who decided to try us out this summer. Each group of campers gets their own AeroCamp cake along with a completion certificate. Each group of campers also takes an aviation pledge which helps create a special bond between themselves and the aerospace industry.
The local news media enjoy covering programs such as AeroCamp. The programs are informative for both the campers and the general news media who always learn something new during their time at the flight school. Click here to see the recent media coverage.
Is Your Marketing Attracting Freebie-Seekers and Cheapskates?
"The cheapest thing about an airplane is the owner."
- Overheard at an aviation trade show.
"I do these radio remotes and free barbecues with cheap discovery flights several times a year. It's great advertising - we get lots of media coverage, we have a ton of people show up. But most of them just eat the free food and maybe go for a discovery flight if they can split the cost between three people, and then we never hear from them again."
- Frustrated flight school owner
"Our product will easily pay for itself in the amount they'll save in mechanic labor alone in six months. And yet they still argue with me about price."
- Frustrated component distributor
It's a paradox in aviation - you would think the consumers of aviation products and services would be a little more concerned with quality and safety, and less concerned with saving nickels as they sometimes appear to be.
If you seem to be attracting freebie-seekers and cheapskates, here are a few things to consider:
- Do your marketing materials position your product as the lowest-cost alternative? (Being the low-price leader is a scary place to be unless you have the buying power of Wal-Mart, and nobody in aviation has that kind of advantage.) It's much better if your USP (unique selling proposition) is based on the highest quality or the best service or something more difficult for a competitor to replicate.
- Are you rewarding bad behavior? By offering freebies or deep discounts on a regular basis, you're teaching consumers to wait for your sales or special events, and eroding the integrity of your pricing. (Why is it worth $1000 if you were selling it for $600 during your sale last week?)
- Sometimes (probably most of the time) when people say "it's too expensive" or "I can't afford it" it's just shorthand for "You haven't yet convinced me of the value."
Time to go to work on your sales and marketing materials and processes. It's better to have half as many leads, if they are more likely to be willing and able to pay for your product or service.

Two FAA Advisory Circulars Open for Public Comment - Relate to High Altitude and Icing Conditions Flying
The FAA has opened two new draft Advisory Circulars (ACs) for public comment. Both of these directly relate to training that pilots receive and training providers conduct. The feedback the FAA gets on these draft documents is important to the development of their next editions.
The advisory circulars open for public comment are: FAA AFS Draft Advisory Circular - Pilot Guide: Flight in Icing Conditions FAA AFS Draft Advisory Circular - Aircraft Operations at Altitudes Above 25,000 Feet Mean Sea Level or Mach Numbers Greater Than .75 To see the proposed documents and have an opportunity to provide feedback, click the following link: http://www.faa.gov/aircraft/draft_docs/afs_ac/.
Writers and Contributors Wanted for Youth Newsletter
FSANA is launching a Youth only E News which will focus on all aspects of aviation and aerospace. The audience is young people in grades 6-12. If you enjoy writing and would like to become a contributor, we want your assistance!
Please send your contact information to info@fsana.com. Place Youth E-News in the subject line.
FSANA Sets Date for 2016 Flight School Operators Conference
Save the date! FSANA has set a date of February 9th through the 12th, 2016 for the next Flight School Operators Conference. The conference will be in Orlando Florida. More information will be coming very soon, but in the interim, set your calendars and plan to attend!
We want feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of
Flight Schools News eMonthly
Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.
2016 Flight School Operators Conferrence
February 9-12
in Orlando
More information coming soon...
Inviting the Best
Aircraft Operators
in the Business to
Join Our Network.
Click on images to download sample Aero program brochures