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a List of States 
in which Coverage 
is Available
Loss of Training Expenses Insurance Program Now Available
The Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is pleased to announce a new group "Loss of training expenses insurance program" in cooperation with Hiscox Global Flying and the Schrager Hampson Aviation Insurance Agency, LLC. The coverage is available to flight students who are training at FSANA member flight training providers.

This new product provides for 100% reimbursement of training expenses if a student is unable to complete their training program due to bodily injury or illness and 25% reimbursement for mental or behavioral disorders. Coverage is offered as a group policy to flight training providers, who can offer their students the opportunity to obtain the coverage through a simple enrollment process.

Hiscox Global Flying 
Coverage is currently available in 31 States and more will be added.

David Hampson, Managing Partner of Schrager Hampson Aviation Insurance Agency, LLC noted, "Our insurance agency is pleased to bring this product, which has been popular in Europe for some time, to the flight training industry in North America. We think this product can help mitigate the financial risk of pursuing a professional pilot career and help bring more aspiring young people into the industry." With this insurance product, flight students, parents and lenders can know that there is a low cost option available to cover the cost of flight training if a student is not able to continue and/or complete their training due to injury or illness according to David Hampson.

The loss of training expenses insurance is available for students seeking to become professional pilots all the way from the private pilot certificate through commercial and advanced ratings.

Bob Rockmaker, FSANA President & CEO commented, "The loss of training expenses insurance coverage is another FSANA based program created to help the flight training industry at all levels which includes both flight training providers and their students".

FSANA is hosting a special conference call on Tuesday, July 19 at 11AM EDT on this new program. To join the call, dial 719-234-7872. Enter code 710559. If you are unable to join the call, please contact David Hampson at Schrager Hampson Aviation Insurance Agency, LLC for more information. Phone 781-274-0303. 
Madison Capital
Madison Capital Aircraft & Avionics Financing
Time is Running Out on the FAA's ADS-B Mandated Deadline!
There are now less than 42 months remaining before 157,000 GA aircrafts risk losing access to controlled airspace on January 1, 2020. The FAA estimates that only 8% of the current GA fleet is ADS-B compliant.  
In March of 2014, the NextGen Fund Group originally selected Madison Capital LLC to be their financing partner. The Fund has not made any recent progress in Congress as we approach the FAA's 2020 deadline. In the meantime, we are providing our financing resources as a direct lender for ADS-B and additional aircraft equipment.

With over 40 years of equipment and vehicle financing experience, Madison Capital offers the expertise necessary to determine your best option. Our financing plans enable you to acquire, upgrade, or replace avionics equipment easily and economically. 
We look forward to helping you find a financing solution to meet your aircrafts' needs.  
  • All U.S. registered piston, turbine and experimental aircraft.
  • This includes all ages of fixed-wing and rotary aircraft.
  • Transponders
  • ADS-B (out/in)
  • DataComm
  • Displays ("Glass")
  • Antennae
  • Installation/Certification
  • Conserves working capital
  • Preserves bank lines of credit
  • Let's one pay for the portion of the asset used
  • Helps budget planning
  • Conserves capital for alternative uses including investments, improvements, marketing, and inventory expenses
  • Allows purchasing decisions to be deferred
  • Often requires less stringent credit criteria
  • Helps avoid technological obsolescence

Logging Instrument Experience on ATDs
by Tracy Cook
Vice President - Marketing and Sales, Precision Flight Controls Inc.  

Logging of Instrument Experience (currency) is possible on a BATD. BATDs are approved under FAR 61.57 (c)(3) which dictates that the time must be logged within the two calendar months preceding the month of flight. Three hours of instrument experience are required along with holding procedures and tasks, six instrument approaches, and intercepting and tracking courses through the use of navigational and electronic systems. Two unusual attitudes must also be included, one while in a descending VNE airspeed condition, and another in an ascending, stall speed condition.

On an AATD, 61.57 (c)(2) applies. In consideration of the higher fidelity of AATDs, the requirements are less demanding. Within the six calendar months preceding the month of flight, an instrument-rated pilot must perform six instrument approaches, holding procedures and tasks, and intercepting and tracking courses through the use of navigational electronic systems. The regulations for an AATD do not specifically require three hours of instrument experience, nor the two unusual attitude recoveries required on a BATD.

The ability to self-log these requirements (without an endorsement from an instructor) has long been hotly contested. In light of this confusion, the FAA has recently released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (on May 12, 2016) which serves to clarify the matter by proposing that instrument experience be loggable without an instructor endorsement when performed on an FFS, FTD, or ATD.

Next month we'll cover IPCs in an ATD.

FAA Issues Final Policy on the Use of Airport Hangars

June 15- The FAA's final policy on the non-aeronautical use of airport hangars appears in today's Federal Register and will take effect on July 1, 2017. The FAA is issuing the policy to clarify how aviation facilities - including hangars can be used on airports that receive federal funds. The final policy strikes a balance between hangar use for aviation and non-aviation purposes.

The policy ensures hangars are available when there is an aviation need, and if demand is low, allows hangars to be used for non-aviation activities. The FAA recognizes that non-aviation hangar space rental allows airport sponsors to be economically independent when hangars are not being used to fulfill aviation needs. Airport sponsors must receive approval from the FAA before hangars can be used for non-av
iation purposes. 

In addition, the policy outlines the type of aircraft that can be built in a hangar, the equipment and items that can be stored in hangars, and the role of the airport sponsors to ensure tenants pay fair market value for hangar space.

FAA Air Traffic By The Numbers

Sometimes, it is important for us all to put what we do in perspective. And the FAA has recently done that with some graphics that show exactly how much traffic and activity there really is in the national airspace system. The impact that training and general aviation has in the industry directly affects the overall aviation system, so here are a few highlights we thought you might find interesting.


To see all the statistic graphics, visit  https://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/by_the_numbers/
Regal Aviation Insurance ad

Be Recognized as a FSANA Supporting Partner

FSANA is a dynamic trade association that represents the interests of flight training providers. Our members are motivated and successful business operators that provide flight training in the United States and foreign countries. Your company, or a company you know, is encouraged to support FSANA in its achievements by becoming a "Partner." 
FSANA's core platforms include:
  • Helping flight training businesses operate successfully and profitably;
  • Increasing the pilot population;
  • Working with other aviation and aerospace industry associations and companies to promote quality flight training pipeline development;
  • Providing programs and services that will assist FSANA members to better serve their customers and local communities;
  • Promoting best practices in the flight training community;
  • Reducing the general aviation incident and accident rates;
  • Engaging both youth and adults to explore aviation and aerospace.
For their part, FSANA Partners receive year-round brand exposure in both print and electronic platforms in multiple channels and a host of other benefits.  To learn more, please contact Debbie Sparks , director of Business Development, at dsparks@fsana.com or 561-767-6826. 

Flight School Seeking Investment Capital
An  established  and successful Part 61 and 141 flight school is seeking $1M-3M investment capital for new enterprise start-up. Qualified parties please call 863-327-6880.
* * *
Flight School for Sale in Ohio
Interested in expanding your flight school or taking on a new location? How about buying a flight school for the first time? A flight training operation in Ohio may be the opportunity for which you are looking. 
The operation is a successful flight training business with two owned aircraft and multiple leaseback aircraft, a large client base, a FBO business and maintenance services.  The operation has simulators and operates both FAR Part 61 and 141 training curricula, is SEVP approved, has VA approval, and operates a PSI testing center.
Interested parties should Contact John Bonfiglio CPA at 440-461-6227.  
We want feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of  Flight Schools News eMonthly Send your thoughts to info@fsana.com.
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U.S. House Aviation Subcommittee 


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