NOVEMBER 7, 2014


Registration Now Open - 2015 International
Flight School Operators Conference

FSANA's Annual Flight School Conference is heading to San Diego January 27-30, 2015. Like years past, this conference is a great event for flight school owners, operators, managers, chief flight instructors, and others involved with training, along with exhibitors and sponsors to share information with each other.

"In our sixth year of this conference, we keep improving and expanding the content of FSANA events,"
said Bob Rockmaker of FSANA. "This will be an event that those involved in the flight training business won't
want to miss and at which attendees will certainly gain knowledge that can help them in the day-to-day
running of their businesses. Click here for the 2015 International Flight School Operators Conference attendee information and registration brochure.

Exhibitors and sponsors are still welcome and interested parties can find more information by downloading
the 2015 exhibitor/sponsor brochure.


First ATP CTP (Certification Training Program)
Graduates at Embry-Riddle Daytona

Just a couple of days ago Embry-Riddle University in Daytona announced that it had graduated the first pilots to graduate an Airline Transport Pilot Certification Training Program course in the United States since the course became a requirement for ATP certification and a prerequisite to authorization to take a multi-engine ATP FAA knowledge test (required for ATP certification).

Embry-Riddle's was the first course to be approved by the FAA, and one of only four such programs currently
approved (a list can be found here: http://www.faa.gov/pilots/training/atp/).

At the recent Flying Aviation Expo, Nicola O'Toole, Assistant Chief Flight Instructor, Flight Training Department, 
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL, spoke to an audience on a panel about changes to ATP certification and pilot careers and noted that this first course graduated 16 students. In a recent article in AvWeb
(ATP Tests Grind to a Halt) it was noted that historically the industry saw over 500 individuals completing FAA ATP knowledge tests per month (prior to August 1, 2014). As a prerequisite course for any pilots to be authorized to take
the FAA multi-engine ATP knowledge test, this small number of graduates represents a significantly lower number of potential pilots in the pipeline than before.  This will be something that FSANA will monitor as the Embry-Riddle course ramps up and as other approved courses do the same or become approved.

Click here to see the press release from Embry-Riddle.
Embry-Riddle Becomes 
FSANA Partner


Brad Sims, Ph.D., Chief Academic Officer of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide stated, "ERAU Worldwide looks forward to advancing and partnering with FSANA and the flight school industry in America. The process of educational delivery in the post secondary markets is and will continue to evolve over the next decade and ERAU Worldwide will continue to embrace change for our customers and prospects.

Bob Rockmaker, President & CEO of FSANA said, "FSANA welcomes Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide to the FSANA family and is pleased to have the worlds leading aviation and aerospace university as a FSANA "Partner".
Trade-A-Plane Becomes
FSANA Partner


Bob Rockmaker, President & CEO of FSANA said, "FSANA is exceptionally pleased that Trade-A-Plane which is one of the most respected supply chain companies in civil aviation has recognized FSANA and has become a "Partner". The general aviation industry recognizes that an increase in the pilot population will help lift the entire industry in North America.

FSANA is pleased to add Trade-A-Plane to the list of supporters for the association.
Cosby Stone, Chief Executive Officer of TAP Publishing which publishes Trade-A-Plane
Magazine and Trade-A-Plane.com stated, "we are pleased that our brand will be partnering
with FSANA to help support the flight training industry and attract new people to general aviation". The industry needs more pilots and many of FSANA's programs are focused on
building the pilot population.


Is AATD Time Logable?

by Tracy Cook
Vice President - Marketing and Sales
Precision Flight Controls, Inc.


This month, I had intended to discuss the broad application of the various levels of Aviation Training Devices (ATDs) in a training environment. Instead, I thought it would be best to
clarify a single timely operational issue that applies specifically to AATDs.

For many years, the allowable AATD logable time toward an instrument rating had been 20 hours under Part 61, and 14 hours (40% of the 35 minimum required hours) under Part 141. As of February 3, 2014, this has changed, but a limited exemption was immediately granted to delay implementation until January 1, 2015. The FAA has mandated a reduction in loggable time toward the instrument rating down to 10 hours under Part 61 (a 50% reduction), and down to 3.5 hours under Part 141 (a 75% reduction). This has been done, not because of new information that suggests the necessity for reduction, but solely to reconcile the allowable time with a contradictory limit previously imposed under subsection 61.65(i) in 2009. Comments to the FAA regarding these reductions have been unanimously negative. Accordingly, the FAA appears to be seeking ways to return to the status quo.

In the meantime, an important threshold is approaching. All applicants for an instrument
rating who wish to apply the previous (broader) time allowances must attempt and pass their checkride before January 1, 2015. Failure to do so will disallow any AATD time logged in excess of the new 10 hours/3.5 hour limits toward a subsequent check ride. Be prepared that last minute check rides may be harder to schedule with this deadline fast approaching.

Next month, we'll delve into loggable time allowances on PCATD and BATD systems.
Federal Register Source:


FAA Launches New Airport
Safety Video Series

The FAA recently announced it launched a new Airport Safety Information Video Series (http://www.faa.gov/airports/safety-video-series/). Over the
next few months, they plan to release several short videos highlighting important
safety issues, new technologies, and changes to safety-related guidance and policy.

The first video, Winter Operations Update, launches a national pre-season winter safety campaign. It reminds airports to review their Snow and Ice Control Plans and offers best practices for snow and ice control. The second video, planned for early 2015, will focus on the importance of wildlife strike reporting.

Flight Training in America is Evolving
By Bob Rockmaker
President & CEO, FSANA

There is one element that successful business owners and managers understand and recognize. It is that "change" is inevitable. Change is about making something different by either design or through normal life cycle evolution. Change can also relate to culture which as most people know tends to be a slow process with some exceptions.

The flight training industry has gone through change over the past decade with respect to the aircraft flight training fleet. The light sport aircraft (LSA) category was created to be the answer to many of the known challenges in both the general aviation (GA) and flight training segments. For several critical reasons, LSA has not been able to deliver the targeted goals for GA and more importantly, the flight training industry.

As the aviation industry heads toward 2015, it is evident that change is again upon us. FSANA encourages and welcomes both stability and change. Technology can be a wonderful platform and it is important that technology be embraced yet kept in check when it comes to flight training.

The first 60 hours of flight time for a student pilot are and always will be the most critical. Learning to fly the aircraft and developing a positive "Situational Awareness" mode in the brain chemistry will lead to the creation of good, safe pilots.

Another change taking place is where people will be learning to fly while advancing towards their career path as a professional pilot. The United States has many wonderful flight training providers, all capable of creating and forming the pilots of tomorrow. Over the next decade, many young, up and coming pilots will secure their flight training at their local flight school and advance their post secondary educations while remaining close to home. In modern terms, we call it "Distance Learning".

Make no mistake, "Distance Learning" is a proven and effective methodology for successfully transferring knowledge while keeping cost models in check. The flight training industry needs to remain open minded to the new and exciting platforms that are being deployed within the aviation educational delivery system. FSANA welcomes this new era and looks forward to seeing many new people enter the flight training industry for recreation, business and career path development.

FSANA congratulates Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide and Thomas Edison State College for their leadership in helping to evolve change with respect to the delivery of post secondary aviation education. The future looks bright as the world advances toward distance learning models across virtually every academic category.

FSANA encourages all flight training organizations to be aware of the changes already upon the industry with more coming. Flight training is entering a new and exciting period in the aviation industry. We hope to see all of you in San Diego in January, 2015 at the FSANA annual conference. FSANA along with many other aviation associations is dedicated to helping to introduce new people to aviation, grow the pilot population, improve and enhance "The Business of Flight Training". 
Investment Capital Required to Develop Flight
Training Aircraft for the 21st Century

A party has approached FSANA seeking to find investment capital for a new flight training aircraft. If anyone may have parties interested in this type of investment, please contact Bob Anderson at captboba@juno.com.

We want feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of Flight Schools News eMonthlySend your thoughts to info@fsana.com.
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Inviting the Best
Aircraft Operators
in the Business to
Join Our Network.
2015 FSANA
January 27-30
San Diego, CA

Flight Training
Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C.
More information to be announced.

Find Your U.S. Congressman  


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U.S. House Aviation Subcommittee 


U.S. Senate Aviation Subcommittee 


US Senate Education Committee 


US House Committee on Education and the Workforce 

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AeroCamp brochure
AeroParty brochure
AeroSolo brochure

FSANA Supporting Partners

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The above organizations are annual supporters of the FSANA mission and work of the association and its members.

Established in 2009, the Flight School Association of North America (FSANA) is the first and only association of its kind dedicated solely to the flight training industry. FSANA represents flight schools, firms that provide products and services to the flight training or aviation industry, and other supporting partners.

FSANA MISSION: The Mission of the Flight School Association is to work in alliance with the aviation and aerospace industry; to serve and foster the flight training industry; to provide programs and services that will enhance the ability of flight schools to serve their customers and communities; and to promote best business practices which will help flight schools and their industry thrive and increase the pilot population.
fsana.com  |  610-791-4359  |  info@fsana.com