General Aviation Aircraft Liability Insurance Report 

This past week the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), an office established as an independent, non-partisan agency that works for Congress to investigate how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars, released a report which focused on providing analysis of state statutes and regulations in relation to liability insurance coverage that is maintained by general aviation (GA) owners and operators.  


We all know, this would include most of the operators of flight training aircraft. While FSANA recognizes that most flight training providers maintain coverage for their operations that includes both liability and hull coverage, the report found that few states "require" any form of coverage for GA aircraft. In fact, very few did. 

This fact, along with other findings that relate to coverage of GA aircraft and requirements for coverage is something that the GAO drew out in the full report. In this report, the GAO notes that it was asked to "look at the feasibility and costs associated with adopting federal liability insurance requirements for GA aircraft owners."
FSANA is interested in where this discussion will proceed because any changes will have a significant potential to impact insurance options, costs, and restrictions that flight training operators may face.
Currently the insurance industry does not see a mandated coverage that a GA aircraft owner must purchase as many states require for auto insurance, but the additional focus on this subject by this report certainly has the potential to inspire additional discussion or potentially legislation that may propose such coverage types on state or federal levels.
FSANA encourages members and other flight training industry leaders to read the full GAO report  

FSANA Establishing "Drone Committee" to Work with Flight Schools on Developing UAS Programs, Procedures and Responses

It was 2013 when the Flight School Association (FSANA) first discussed Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) during a round-table discussion. Thinking that we had plenty of time before the market developed, we were slow to react and respond to the rapid demand. As an Association, we wanted to take a "wait and see" approach as to where our place and focus would be on behalf of our members.

According to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) "introducing UAS into our nation's airspace is both challenging to both the FAA and the aviation community."

Supporting the "business of flight training" is what we do. Bringing in new supply chain partners, developing new programs to support our members at FSANA, that is our job. However, the UAS/Drone arena and its rapid popularity have given us pause and concern. Where do we fit in as an Association and how can we help the Independent Flight Schools across America develop quality programs to address the rapid growing industry?

After much consideration, our approach will be two-pronged. First, we will work to develop programs for the area of "Model Aircraft" or Hobby and Recreational users. Imagine millions of micro drones being given as presents this holiday season, without the benefit of a safety program or understanding of regulatory direction such as 400 feet, visual line of sight, no flight within 5 miles of an airport rules.

Secondly, we must focus on "Civil Operations" (Non-Governmental) use. This is where an operator is compensated to operate the drone and MUST acquire the following from the FAA: 
  • Section 333 Exemption
  • Certification of Waiver of Authorization (COA) 
  • Special Airworthiness Certification (SAC.)
Keeping in mind that requirements for the two categories will be ever evolving, it is imperative that our Association work collectively with regulatory agencies, drone manufacturers and member flight schools to develop meaningful programs to educate the general public and commercial operators.

In light of these new challenges, FSANA has formed our first Drone Committee and is seeking members to serve as we navigate this exciting new dimension in General Aviation. FSANA's Chairman of the Board, Greg Hayes, is serving as Committee Chair. 
If you are interested in participating, please contact us at or call our office at 610-791-4359.  

Getting Ready for a Great 2016 Flight School Operators Conference - February 9-12, 2016
As we all get ready for the upcoming conference next year, we are continuing to put together the benefits list for attendees. We will be announcing our program in the very near future, but in the mean time as you get ready to attend, we wanted to share several opportunities.

For the first time, the FSANA conference committee will be adding a special GUEST program
for those who would like to join their spouse, partner or friend during the conference. Highlights of the Guest program will be included in the conference information coming out next month. 
Mears ground transportation is offering the ability for conference attendees to get a special discount on shuttle services from Orlando International Airport. To get the discount, click the banner to the right.
While we know you will be attending the event for professional reasons, it does not mean that all of your time or if you happen to have family or friends joining you on the trip has to be spent without some fun. Since we are staying at a Disney property, attendees will have the ability to purchase some discounted tickets and access to additional services.
These tickets offer pre-arrival savings of 10% on our Full-Multi-Day (2 days or longer).
Tickets include a complimentary bonus visit to an additional Disney Experience at any one of the following (additional details are listed on the web site):
  • Disney's Typhoon Lagoon Water Park
  • Disney's Blizzard Beach Water Park
  • ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex
  • Disney's Winter Summerland or Disney's Fantasia Gardens Miniature Golf Courses (before 4 p.m.)
  • A round of golf at Disney's Oak Trail Golf Course 
The site also contains our partial-day tickets, After - 2 pm and After - 4 pm tickets, which are exclusive to the meetings market. 
Haven't made your reservations yet? Be sure to do it soon to take advantage of the conference rates. Room reservations are now open.
Click here or on the image on the right for the B Resort and Spa to make reservations online or call directly at 800-248-7890. which is hosting the 2016 conference. FSANA encourages everyone who plans to attend to reserve your room as soon as possible!
Conference registration for attendees is scheduled to open in October. We expect to have a link for reservation in the next newsletter.

Active AeroCampers in Harrisburg

Heskel Burnstein, Flight Instructor with Harrisburg Pilots in Middletown, PA which is close to Harrisburg, PA hosted its first AeroCamp last month and had a great turnout with students who got a unique opportunity to experience aviation, much like those at all sites who host AeroCamps get to experience.


According to Burnstein, their 2016 AeroCamp program will be larger and they will most likely run several weeks during the summer. 


If you are a FSANA member and have yet to host an AeroCamp, let this be a challenge to you. Take the time to set up an AeroCamp to share the aviation community with a new group of people and potential future customers.


For more information about the FSANA AeroCamp program, click here. 

FSANA  News  

FSANA Members Benefit Hub 
We have great news. Why not increase revenue, reduce expenses and build your bottom by utilizing the FSANA Member Benefit Hub of supply chain Partners. They are experts in their respective fields and will help to strengthen your business model.

From specific mailing lists to target AeroCamp prospects, or advertising a new segment within your school, to reducing your insurance costs, we have you covered. Maybe one of your Instructors would like to earn a degree online. Our Partners Thomas Edison State College and Embry Riddle Aeronautical University both have exceptional online programs to suit any schedule or budget.

Some of our generous Partners have factored in revenue sharing just for YOU! Imagine every time a student acquires Renters Insurance through Regal Aviation Insurance, you get to share profit. They understand low margins in the flight training business and want to help you thrive.

As security becomes an even bigger concern for flight training providers, we formed an alliance with One Source, The Background Check Company. They are an accredited back ground check company that takes background checks to a whole new level to protect your investment of staff, students and infrastructure. Give Greg Simmons a call; you'll be glad you did!

Perhaps you need a little help managing your contacts and resources. Gene Marks of The Marks Group is amazingly talented in the CRM realm, and in addition, Gene holds weekly webinars free of charge on a host of marketing subjects.

These are just a few example of how to take advantage of your membership. You spoke, we listened and are growing our list all the time to help your business model and increase profits.

Please contact Debbie Sparks to discuss any future Partnerships YOU would like to see added at (561) 767-6826, or email 

Five Marketing Tasks You Can Accomplish Using Social Media Tools  
by Paula Williams

Many people have preconceived notions about social media - and nobody is neutral. Some folks think it's going to save the world, some folks think it's going to ruin it. In reality, though, we like to think of social media as just another set of tools - like a set of socket wrenches, that are sometimes useful, but can't be used on everything.

So, people ask us:

"What kind of tasks could I accomplish using social media tools?"

Here are a few of our favorites:

1. Research your Top Ten most wanted customers.

You should have at least ten "future customers" that you are pursuing at all times- and you can ethically "stalk" them by observing what they publish in social media. Follow their accounts, read what they write, and comment when appropriate.

This is also a great resource to learn about a prospect before a meeting or sales call. (There is no excuse, in this day and age, for a "cold" call - you have plenty of research tools at your fingertips and can customize your reason for calling!)

Best tools for this task: LinkedIn, Facebook Company Pages

2. Plan your Trade Show Appearance.

It's expensive to travel to trade shows, but it's also a "target rich environment," to quote Top Gun. There is no excuse for wasting a spare moment. Use the show's official hashtag (#OSH15, #NBAA15) to discover competitors, customers and prospects that will be attending, and to connect and arrange times to meet for coffee or dinner or just to drop by their booth. .

Best tools for this task: Twitter, Instagram

3. Find out more about your customers.

Enter a list of email addresses and you can get detailed reports on the demographics of the people that "like" your page on Facebook, or that visit your website, or serveral other variables.Best tool for this task: Google Ads Manager (Note - you can use a free account and don't have to purchase any ads.)

Best tool for this: Facebook Ads Manager, Twitter Ads Dashboard

4. Advertise an Event to specific groups.

Want to advertise an event for to licensed CFIs in certain zip codes in Texas? No problem!

Best tool for this task: Facebook Events + Ads Manager

Note: We also recommend that you acquire a targeted list from AirPac or JetNet and send postcards about your event if time & budget allows. An additional media compounds the effectiveness of your advertising.

5. Educate prospects and customers.

ABCI and many of our clients sell products and services that aren't as simple as a socket wrench. We need to let people know what it is, why they want it, what the alternatives are, and how to use it properly. At the same time, we simply can't get our casual prospects to spend hours poring over a manual. So, a "tip of the week" or "Did you know . . ." series of information snacks can be very helpful to increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, and reduce returns and chargebacks.

Best tool for this task: Any social media that your customers and/or prospects use!

Any powerful tool has risks associated with it. It's important to know how to use them properly and take safety precautions. In the case of social media, it's necessary to take many of these precautions (i.e. monitoring the reputation of your company, your product(s) and your brand) whether or not you personally are an active social media user. Whatever you and your employees do, you cannot control the actions of your customers and competitors on social media - so it pays to watch what they do.  
Upcoming TFRs for Papal Visit

The Department of Homeland Security has designated the upcoming Papal visit to the DC, NYC and Philadelphia Metro Areas (September 22-27, 2015) as a National Special Security Event and requested that the FAA issue very specific Temporary Flight Restrictions to provide and safe and secure environment for the very large public and dignitary attendance to several venues within each city.

The Department of Homeland Security has designated the upcoming Papal visit to the DC, NYC and Philadelphia Metro Areas (September 22-27, 2015) as a National Special Security Event and request that the FAA issue very specific Temporary Flight Restrictions to provide a safe and secure environment for the very large public and dignitary attendance to several venues within each city

Be sure to have your customers check current notams if they are going to be flying in this area over the next week.
Flight School Wanted to Purchase or Joint Venture

A buyer is seeking to purchase or partner with a Part 141 flight school within 150 miles of Washington, DC

Buyer will retain staff with agreement. FBO and experience with foreign students desired. Class D airspace preferred. Will consider joint-venture with school or airport. 

Contact Todd at 804-497-0282  or if you are interested in selling a company that meets these requirements or can recommend a contact for someone that has such an opportunity available.
Flight School Seeking Investment Capital

An  established  and successful Part 61 and 141 flight school is seeking $1M-3M investment capital for new enterprise start-up. Qualified parties please call 863-327-6880.
Flight School for Sale in Ohio
Interested in expanding your flight school or taking on a new location? How about buying a flight school for the first time? A flight training operation in Ohio may be the opportunity for which you are looking.

The operation is a successful flight training business with two owned aircraft and multiple leaseback aircraft, a large client base, a FBO business and maintenance services.

The operation has simulators and operates both FAR Part 61 and 141 training curricula, is SEVP approved, has VA approval, and operates a PSI testing center.

Interested parties should Contact Jim Baloun at , via email at  or via phone at 847-812-0661. 
We want feedback from the readers of this newsletter! Tell us what is important to you
as a school owner, manager or chief flight instructor. We will share comments received
in an upcoming edition of  Flight Schools News eMonthly Send your thoughts to
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in this publication

Asian Pilot Demand Lifts Flight Schools

Airlines Complain About Pilot Shortage They Created

200 Join Saudi Aviation Flight Academy

ATP Flight School Airline Transport Pilot Course Gets FAA Approval

AOPA Foundation Awards Grants for Training Scholarships

FAA Fails Airline Pilot Training Database Mandate, IG Says 

Inviting the Best
Aircraft Operators
in the Business to
Join Our Network.
2016 FSANA International Flight School Operators Conference
Orlando Florida
Februay 9-12

Flight Training
Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C.
More information to be announced.

Find Your U.S. Congressman  


Find Your U.S. Senator 


U.S. House Aviation Subcommittee 


U.S. Senate Aviation Subcommittee 


US Senate Education Committee 


US House Committee on Education and the Workforce 

Click on images to download sample Aero program brochures
AeroCamp brochure
AeroParty brochure
AeroSolo brochure