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The Vision Coaches
April 25, 2017   

Dave Veale
The Importance of Coaching for Breakthru Leaders

Attending the Breakthru awards event is one of the highlights of my year. Breakthru - hosted by the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF), Cox & Palmer and Deloitte, is a nation-wide start-up competition that provides participants with a unique opportunity to access start-up capital, mentoring and support.

I didn't envy the judges of the event this year - they had a very tough job choosing winners among the incredibly talented finalists. 
Calvin Milbury

Vision Coaching became a corporate sponsor of Breakthru in 2015 because we love the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation of the competition. As part of our sponsorship, we provide leadership coaching to the winners - it's a prize that Calvin Milbury, President & CEO of NBIF, feels provides the important support for entrepreneurs who are pursuing the development of a new and innovative business venture.

According to Ca lvin, ". ..leadership coaching helps our founders stay focused, provides structure and accountability, and supports them to go to the next level."
Matt Vance

We caught up recently with one of the 2015 winners, Matt Vance of Castaway Golf Technologies, who experienced coaching for his team after their big Breakthru win.   

Ma tt said, " Coaching not only helped me to better understand the dynamics of our team, but it helped me as a leader within our organization." 

Matt and Castaway Golf are an example of one of the many exciting new businesses that turned an innovative idea into a solid business venture. 

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Dave Veale, PCC
Professional Certified Coach
Founder of  Vision Coaching
Toll-Free (844) 847-4199
Scott VanWart, President & CEO of Saint John Pro BasketballPhoto: Colin McPhail
If you build it, they 
will come

From my interview with Scott VanWart p ublished 
October 2016 in the  Telegraph-Journal.

The social dividend of Saint John's pro basketball team is valued by group.

Keeping minor pro basketball alive and well in Saint John is a big job. Luckily, a group of 21 passionate and dedicated residents have stepped up, with Scott VanWart as volunteer leader, to ensure the community has great pro basketball and role models in their midst.

As president and CEO of Saint John Pro Basketball, Scott has a busy and exciting season ahead of him, not only building a team, but also getting the fans out to enjoy what pro basketball has to offer. I started our conversation by asking Scott about the origins of the team and the new ownership structure.

5 Ways to Stay Fresh...

1.  Craig Pinhey, The Beer and Wine Guy, has the best type of hobby - one you can turn into a job! That is exactly what Craig did with his love of beer, wine, and spirits. Listen in to this recent Boiling Point Podcast. 

2.  Moncton Startup Weekend NB - The Silver Economy. Startup Weekend is your chance to learn how to take any entrepreneurial idea from concept to creation within 54 HOURS. April 28th to 30th. Learn more & Register
3. How often do you say to yourself, "This is the last time I will ...; tomorrow I will..."? Read Bill Howatt's recent Globe & Mail column How to tune up your resiliency.

4. EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women nominations are open! The Winning Women program is an annual competition and executive leadership program that identifies a select group of high-potential women entrepreneurs whose businesses show real potential to scale and then helps them do it.  Nominations due on June 9, 2017Learn more.
5. The 9th Annual NB CBDC Entrepreneurial Gala 2017 will be held in Campbellton on Wednesday June 21st. The Gala will recognize the outstanding achievements of both a Young Entrepreneur and a Woman Entrepreneur for achieving excellence in business, and for their commitment and contribution to the well-being and economic development of their community. Deadline to send in your nominations is May 12, 2017. More information & Application Package

Ready to take a closer look at how you and your company can reach your full business potential?  
[email protected]  

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