Walking & Biking News & Ideas
We hope you are staying healthy!

April is almost here! It's a beautiful season to walk and bike with families and friends and discover amazing sights along the trails and in the parks. This newsletter is packed with "GREEN" news and ideas! First, you will read the updates about Cupertino's "GREEN" projects: Carmen Bridge, Regnart Creek Trail, and Linda Vista Trail. As you may know, local schools are reopening in April. A climate impact study shows how much difference you can make by choosing a "GREEN" commute. What's more? A fun bike route is recommended to you to explore "GREEN" landmarks along the way, and a real-world testing reveals you the truth about the newest "GREEN" idea --- riding e-bikes. Enjoy!
Carmen Bridge Project Endorsed by Local PTA and PTSA
Great news to share with our Walk-Bike community in Cupertino! Both Kennedy Middle School (KMS) PTA and Monta Vista High School (MVHS) PTSA have officially endorsed the Carmen Bridge project. Many thanks to MVHS PTSA President Kathy Jacques and KMS PTA President Xi Cheng for arranging the time for our Advisory Board members to present this project for their school community. Special thanks to Kelly Tung, our Student Executive Board Member and the President of Youth Environmental Power Initiative (YEPI) for her great effort to advocate this project at MVHS and through her leadership in YEPI. 

The next phase is to include a design budget in the city’s CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) for 2021-2022. The city council will vote on this agenda item in May. Please help spread the word to your family and friends and sign the petition to support the design phase of the Carmen Bridge project at the link below.

Hundreds of local residents signed a petition to support this project, because it will provide a safer route for students to walk or bike to school and allow easier access to nearby parks on foot or wheels, significantly reducing the car traffic and improving air quality for a greener Cupertino.

The Regnart Creek Trail, extending from Library Field to East Estates, has begun construction! Once completed, the trail will connect with the McClellan Road protected bike lanes on the west end, and with Creekside Park on the east end. This provides a complete protected bikeway... Read more
Linda Vista Trail

The Linda Vista Trail, extending from Linda Vista Park to McClellan Ranch, is moving ahead quickly. Once completed, the trail will connect with the Stevens Creek Trail to the north and provide a great connection to southern Cupertino neighborhoods to use the Stevens Creek Trail...
Climate Impact of Driving to School
by Dino Sakkas , Walk-Bike Cupertino Board Member
Recently, both CUSD (Cupertino Union School District) and FUHSD (Fremont Union High School District) announced their reopening plans in April. After more than a year of shelter-in-place, school families are finally preparing for this exciting yet challenging transition from virtual learning to in-person instructions. One of many choices they need to make is how students will travel to and from school.
Since Fall 2015, Cupertino Safe Routes to School (SR2S) has been collecting data on citywide student transportation to better understand trends across all grade levels.

As an advisory board member of Walk-Bike Cupertino, I used the student distribution data posted on the Walk-Bike Cupertino website, the SR2S transportation surveys, and other public sources to model the climate impact of driving to school...
Click to view the full slide deck “Fall 2019 Student Transportation Survey Results”.
A Fun Bike Route to Shoreline Park
by Jian He, Walk-Bike Cupertino Board Member
Spring is here! It’s a perfect time to bike with families and friends to explore local trails and landmarks, at the same time, doing exercises together in the beautiful season. That was exactly what we did with our friends on a Saturday morning. We biked on the Stevens Creek Trail and the Bay Trail to Shoreline Park, and enjoyed a nice picnic by the lake...
...Overall, we recommend this bike route for families who love to bike and enjoy the lake. If you prefer to bike on off-street lanes, you can drive your bikes to the entrance, and parking is easy to find. In the future, the Stevens Creek Trail will be extended further to Homestead Rd and Grant Rd, maybe even all the way connected to ... Read more
Is Riding an e-Bike Cheating?

E-Bikes are everywhere and chances are you know someone who rides one. E-bikes make hills much easier and allow you to keep up a good speed even when you're tired. So are you really getting as much exercise as if you were riding a regular bike?

Rad Power Bikes sent out 5 riders of different genders, sizes, and fitness levels on a 30-min bike ride with flat and uphills and used fitness trackers to measure their performance at different power assist levels. The results might surprise you. Read more...
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We'd love to hear YOUR voice!

Do you know a great walk, ride, run or hike? Want to share an issue about walking, biking, city planning, or interesting idea?

Walk-Bike Cupertino would love to spotlight it in our newsletter and on our website! Articles should be 500 words or less, and should include a picture (at least 3 pictures for hikes). All submissions are subject to approval & editing, and can be used by Walk-Bike Cupertino in future publications. Contact us here.
Happy Walking and Biking,

Your friends at Walk-Bike Cupertino

Find much more, including maps, safety data, and information on all the city projects at: walkbikecupertino.org