HVAF Happenings
March 2019
"HVAF changed my life"
In 1968, Troy Rivers enlisted in the United States Marine Corps and served for four years.

When he got out of the military, he said he had zero guidance. This led him to getting mixed up with the wrong crowd.

Several times throughout the years he sought out help... but found himself back to abusing substances. In 2007, Troy came to HVAF and participated in REST: a former program at HVAF that helped veterans overcome addiction.

"It changed my life," Troy said.

After 9 months, Troy graduated from REST. He said during that time, it gave him time to get off of the streets, to think, to consider principles he could incorporate into his life, and to develop a relationship with the Lord.

"That relationship was the foundation of my new beginning of a drug-free life," Troy said.

As he finished the program, a HVAF case manager helped him to receive housing. And during that time, he began volunteer work at the VA Hospital. This led him to gaining full-time employment there, and still works there today.

Sadly, during this same time, Troy's wife passed away. While this was a very hard time for him, looking back, he realized he did not have any desire to use drugs for the pain he experienced. He said that was when he knew the Lord had delivered him from his former addiction.

Troy thanks HVAF and many other people who have helped him along his journey to a drug-free life.

" I have a choice today and that choice is not to use but to be of service to other people. And in doing that, I’m blessed," Troy said. "Today, that’s all I need, is to be blessed and be a blessing to other people."
Support HVAF at Carmel High School
Carmel High School sophomore Renuka Bajpai founded, an organization that aims to end the veteran PTSD suicide rate.

On May 11, she is hosting the International Food Festival event, where a portion of the proceeds will benefit HVAF!

They plan to have booths from veterans and armed services organizations, food from many restaurants and food trucks, as well as many games and fun events hosted by several Carmel High School clubs. The National Guard will also be there with Army trucks AND a helicopter!

Enjoy a day out with your family and support HVAF and our veterans! 
We are now on Amazon!
We have created a profile on Amazon so you can see what our greatest needs are at the moment.

This is such an easy and convenient way to see what we need for our pantry, and purchase immediately. You can even have it shipped directly to our headquarters!

Easy AND it helps our veterans... what a win, win!
We hosted a Shero Day: where we pampered female veterans and female spouses of veterans
Some of our HVAF employees hung out with Mayor Joe Hogsett at Second Helpings' Corks & Forks
Salesforce spent a day sorting donations for us
  • Pasta
  • Canned Pasta Sauce
  • Rice
  • Hamburger Helper
  • Peas
  • Corn
  • Boxers (all sizes)
  • Deodorant (men's & women's)
  • Razors
  • Shaving Cream
  • Denture Glue
  • Shampoo
  • Body Wash
  • Undershirts (2XL)