Saint Luke's

Lutheran Church

308 West 46th Street

New York, NY 10036


The Lutheran Church

of Times Square

. . . in the city for good!

Our website's new design is now available!

Click the image and take a look. We're still adding content but you can get familiar with the new layout.

Saint Luke's is on Facebook and Instagram!

Click on either of these icons and follow us!


for the week of

August 23

to August 29, 2023

A Message from Pastor Strasser

"Handing off the baton"

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

I organized a family reunion last week which brought together my three siblings, their spouses and grown children in one place at one time. Our last proper reunion was twenty-five years ago, before our nieces and nephews were born, so this was a pretty big deal for us. 

It was fun to learn more about my in-laws and my nieces and nephews through our conversations. I saw the playful interactions between cousins who rarely see each other. We canoed across Lake George, went swimming and played lots of chess. We made crafts, went hiking and played trivia. We swapped stories. The overall atmosphere was deep joy and belonging. Why does such a gathering provide unique encouragement and human connection? 

Since I am now an elder, as my parents have died, I also sensed an invisible shifting in the extended family, as if the life stories of the family will now be made by the younger generation. Perhaps it was only Susan and me, but it felt like we were handing on the baton of living an interesting life to the next generation. I hope they run with it.

I am glad we did this. If you have the chance to organize one, I encourage you to do so. 

Rev. Arden C. Strasser, Pastor

The cross makes peace with our past;

and the resurrection recreates our future.

Full details and a reply card are available with this link.

You may print it and mail with your check to Saint Luke's,

or use our eGiving option.

RSVP by September 10 for the Luncheon.

You are invited to worship with us this Sunday.

If you know anyone you think might appreciate some comfort and hope,

please invite them to tune-in for the livestream

or watch on our Facebook page anytime afterwards.

On Sunday, August 27, 2023 we celebrate

The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Gospel Lesson: Matthew 16:13-20

The profession of Peter's faith

9:30 am Service of the Word

  • Preaching: Pastor Arden Strasser
  • Lector: TBD
  • Greeters: Volunteer
  • Videographer: Volunteer
  • Postlude: Richard Sterne

11:00 am Sung Eucharist

  • Preaching and Presiding: Pastor Arden Strasser
  • Assisting Minister: Rosemary Lebron
  • Organist/Cantor: Pedro d'Aquino
  • Lector: Judy Barnett
  • Summer Soloist: Mike Brouwer
  • Ushers: Richard Sterne, Volunteers
  • Videographer: Volunteer

The services are also Live Streamed on Facebook

Eric Zollinger is training to support Cycle for the Cause!

"The ride is Sept 29-Oct 1st. Help me raise funds for critical HIV/AIDS programs."

Our own Eric Zollinger is riding from Boston to New York at the end of September to raise awareness and funds for people living with HIV. The funds from this epic charity ride raise support for The LGBT Community Center’s HIV and AIDS services.

You may make a

tax-deductible donation with this link.

Lori Mahl is cycling for Bike MS 2023!

"Hi everyone! 

I’m excited to let you know that I’ll be cycling in Bike MS again. Bike MS is a fundraising ride that changes the world for people affected by multiple sclerosis."

Lori is aiming to be ready to cycle the 50 mile route each day for a total of 100 miles over the weekend of September 9-10. 

"Having your support

to help me reach my goal

is the best feeling."

Here's my fundraising link.

Dianna Blaylock is running in the 2023 NYC Marathon!

"Hi everyone!

I’m excited to let you know that I’ll be running the 2023 TCS NYC Marathon again this year on Nov 5th. I will be running with the American Cancer Society and fundraising to support cancer patient programs and groundbreaking research that can help save lives.

Cancer has affected many people I know and love. I will be running in honor of my dad, Russell Blaylock. I have a large goal to meet but I know I can get there with your help.

You may make a tax-deductible donation with this link.

Morning Prayer

Weekdays at 8:00 am,

live-streamed on 

our Facebook page.

A short 20 minutes with prayer, scripture and reflection to start your day right and strengthen your faith. You're invited!

Wednesday Noon

Holy Communion

If you can't attend a regular Sunday service, or would like to celebrate Communion during the week, join us for this intimate worship experience in our Narthex chapel.

Birthdays and

Special Occasions

for this week

8/23 to 8/29/2023

Jeff MacDonagh 8/24

Gayle Kliever 8/26

Andre Bambara 8/27

Wedding Anniversary of

David Cho and Shirley Luo 8/29

Did we miss 

your important date?

Please email it to us.

When the enemy knocks on your door, just say,

"Jesus, it's for you."

E-giving is easy.

Try our online Offerings and Donations feature which you can easily initiate from our website.

Or aim your phone camera at this graphic which takes you directly to the Vanco giving website for our church.

Schedule for

August 23 to August 29, 2023


Office Closed

8:00 am Morning Prayer on FB Live

12:00 Noon Holy Communion


THURSDAY August 24

8:00 am Morning Prayer on FB Live

The Soup Kitchen is closed for the Summer Break Cleaning and Maintenance.

FRIDAY August 25

8:00 am Morning Prayer on FB Live

SUNDAY August 27

13th Sunday after Pentecost

9:30 am Service of the Word

11:00 am Sung Eucharist

12:15 pm Fellowship Hour

MONDAY August 28

8:00 am Morning Prayer on FB Live

TUESDAY August 29

8:00 am Morning Prayer on FB Live

The Soup Kitchen is closed for the Summer Break Cleaning and Maintenance.

The Holy Spirit calls us together as the people of God.

Layout Design by REW