Upcoming Dates
Friday, Sept. 27 - 3-6pm, Sheffield Farmers Market
Sunday, Sept. 29 - 9:00am, Breakfast Church
- 3:00pm, Installation of the Rev. Marisa Brown-Ludwig,
First Congregational Church of Lee
Friday, Oct. 4 - 3-6pm, Oktoberfest at the Farmers Market
Sunday, Oct. 6 - 10:00am, World Communion Sunday
- 11:15am, after worship - coffee and conversation about the Community Preservation Act, in the Parish Hall
Sunday evenings - 7:00pm, AA meditation in Parish Hall
Mondays - 9:00am, Sheffield Food Assistance Program
Wednesdays - 4:30-6:30pm, Berkshire Children's Chorus rehearsal
- 5:00pm - Weekly Zoom Social Hour
Thursdays - 10:30am, Village Family Food Distribution
Fridays - 7:00pm, ACA Twelve Step meeting in Parish Hall