ACT for Adolescent Health provider resources
Virtual Conference Coming Soon!
2021 Conference on Adolescent Health
May 13-14, 2021

Adolescent Health Initiative, Michigan Medicine

The Adolescent Health Initiative has announced that its annual conference will be entirely virtual this year (with reduced prices). You can expect an interdisciplinary schedule of speakers, opportunities for Continuing Education credits, exciting new sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities, and even a virtual networking session.
Connection and Development

Why "Boys Will Be Boys" Is a Myth
-- and a Harmful One
TedMed Talk

"Boys are emotional, empathic, and want close friendships more than anything else in the world….and boys are being raised to go against their nature." In an era of increasing rates of suicide and violence among boys and young men, our cultural fixation on men being strong, autonomous, and emotionless deserves to be reevaluated. Niobe Way is an internationally recognized leader in the study of social and emotional development among adolescents.

A Needed Formula for Youth Success
The Readiness Projects
"Relationships are the fuel for brain development. Relationships shape the developing mind, buffer the effects of stress and ignite learning processes. The moment is now to reach young people experiencing trauma and reshape their future trajectory." This brief summarizes key elements from the July 2020 paper Thriving, Robust Equity, and Transformative Learning and Development by Karen Pittman, a founder of the positive youth development approach, and colleagues.
The Social Pain of Rejection

Psychology Today

"I was many things when I was 10 years old, but one thing I was not is accepted..." Dr. Amy Banks briefly describes Social Pain Overlap Theory -- how the brain experiences rejection.

Malleability, Plasticity, and Individuality
American Institutes for Research

In this article, the authors synthesize and integrate a broad and deep literature of how human beings develop, situating this knowledge within a developmental systems theory frame. The authors include the role of multilevel adaptive processes in shaping brain and complex skill development, with specific attention to the integration of affective, cognitive, social, and emotional dimensions; the progressive, holistic, individualized processes of learning, including critical foundational skills such as self-regulation; the impact of adversity; and the opportunities suggested by research on attachment, relationships, and resilience.

This newsletter was developed with funding provided by the New York State Department of Health Bureau of Women, Infant and Adolescent Health. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the ACT for Youth Center for Community Action and do not necessarily represent the views of the New York State Department of Health.
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