Breathe deeply for release and energy. Breath is life and affects our vitality and willingness to be alive in our body.
Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of pure water as water bathes our cells and is part of our energy management.
Rest when needed to recharge, re-calibrate and rejuvenate.
Meditate to relax the mind and explore your inner space through quiet listening and stillness.
Eat wholesome, healthy foods rich in nutrients that are life sustaining (not life robbing). Organic when possible.
Use high quality supplements and herbs for optimum health.
Connect with nature for balance. Enjoy the beauty of plants, trees, water, sky and the symphony of sounds produced by birds, bees, cicadas, frogs, crickets and so many more. Nature is our tuning fork and our grounding rod. Go into nature and be still.
Use grounding techniques to utilize the energy of the Earth. Place your attention on your feet and imagine roots extending deep into the belly of Mother Earth. Breathe the earth energy up through your feet through each chakra to above the crown. Then reverse it by bringing in the Universal Life force down through each chakra to the feet and into the Earth.
Create healthy boundaries.
Sometimes we are exposed to dense, heavy or negative energy in people or the environment. You can manage the energy you process through your body without judging by using this affirmation technique:
“I release and let go all unbalanced energy to be neutralized.
I choose to be centered, balanced and grounded in my body and being”.
Use Healing practices such as Reiki, tapping, Qigong, message, chiropractic and more.
Use Essential Oils for comfort and healing. Chamomile and lavender are soothing and restful.
Avoid over exposure to TV, media and dis-empowering messages that emphasize sickness, division and fear.
Be Creative with inspiring projects like art, music, gardening, crafts and learning.
Be Grateful. Focusing on appreciation strengthens an open heart and attracts more to be thankful for.
Gratitude invites peacefulness.
Commune with Spirit. Call upon Source, Angels and High Beings for insight and guidance.