From the top
It looks like we made it through the 2023 hurricane season with only one close call for us (Hurricane Idalia). Thankfully, our members were ready for service if needed. Thank you!
December 4 - 8 is National Influenza Vaccination Week. With all of the talk about Covid over the last few years, we might forget that Influenza kills 20,000 – 52,000 people every year depending on the strength of the strain that year. Stay safe.
As we enter the festive season, keep safety in mind to ensure a joyful celebration. Some quick reminders to stay safe from holiday fires: mind the candles, check the lights, care for the tree, cook carefully and power decorations safely. Ensure your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working, and make sure everyone knows the emergency exit plan. Keep your holiday merry, not scary.
Happy Holidays!
Jim Emanuelson (KN4VMK)
President, LWR CERT
RECAP: Annual Member Meeting and Election
The last Member Meeting of 2023 featured former Manatee County Emergency Manager Steve Litschauer discussing his deployment to Suwannee County after Hurricane Idalia where he served as Incident Commander.
As IC, Steve's biggest struggle was trying to identify who needed what in the severe wind-damaged county. Suwannee County has only 1.5 employees in their Emergency Operations Center, which they had to evacuate. Steve highlighted the cooperation of numerous national, state and local organizations that came together and created a mini EOC camp, including setting up temporary generators, sewer, water, and internet along with light towers and trailers of meeting rooms, places to eat, sleep, shower, and even do laundry.
Walton County CERT, Charlotte County CERT and the City of Tampa CERT organizations provided staffing assistance to coordinate donations, conducted door-to-door needs assessment, and served as runners between EOC areas and field intelligence. Steve predicts an increase in requests for CERT storm response teams to travel across the state. LWR CERT leadership is currently looking into how to organize interested members to respond to such future requests.
Thank you to Jan Kuhn for running the check in table, to Pat Knowles for helping light the way to the Town Hall back entrance, and to Norm Olmstead for ensuring members could enter through the patio doors.
Congratulations to George Jenckes and Doug Webber, who were both overwhelmingly voted onto the Board of Directors during the Annual Meeting.
At a Special Board Meeting held immediately following the Annual Meeting, the 2024 slate of Officers was approved:
- President - Jim Emanuelson
- Vice President - George Jenckes
- Treasurer - Doug Webber
- Liaison - Jim Hermiston
- Team Captain Coordinator - Jan Kuhn
Congratulations to all! Thank you for volunteering and for your service in 2024.
Thank you for your service!
Thank you to Dave Cashbaugh (pictured in left photo) and Eddie Russell (pictured in right photo) for your service on the LWR CERT Board of Directors. Dave and Eddie received a Certificate of Recognition from President Jim Emanuelson at the November Board Meeting.
Dave and Eddie will both remain active in LWR CERT -- Dave as Operations Manager and Eddie as Logistics Manager.
Click for Holiday Pet Safety
Member News and Things to Know
Happy December birthday to members Anna Albano (Team 16), Becky Bertram (Team 20), Donna Donato (Team 33), Patsy Gasaway (Team 31), Dan Gulling (Team 31), Karen Lilly (Team 8), Elena Markow (Team 13), Martha O'Donnell (Team 36), Hector Rodriguez (Team 31), Dave Thurston (Team 8), John Uttero (Team 20), and Christine Zieg (Team 32)
Founding Member - Long-time member Patt Staley recently learned that cancer has been found in two places in her throat. Patt and her husband, Mr. Mike, graduated from the first-ever LWR CERT Basic Training in January 2007 and remain active on Team 8. Please keep Patt and Mike in your thoughts during this difficult time.
Training Opportunities in Manatee County
Trailer Estates CERT schedules HAM radio license classes
Trailer Estates CERT is offering free HAM radio classes to assist those interested in taking the test to obtain an amateur radio license. The classes meet in the evenings on Dec. 4, 7, and 11. An optional class will be held on Dec. 15, if necessary.
The next Manatee County licensure exam is scheduled for Dec 16. The exam is offered on the third Saturday every other month. There is now a $15 charge to take the exam and an additional fee for the license.
Upcoming LWR CERT Meetings and Events
Team Kit Drop Off (for Team Captains) - Saturday, December 2
Basic Training Committee Meeting - Wednesday, December 13
Radio Communications Committee Meeting - Thursday, December 21
LWR CERT 2024 Executive Committee
LWR CERT 941.404.8606