
It is my Intention to deliver the Highest Truth for your Empowerment and Enjoyment.   


 Astara E. Edmonds

December 2024


"Lift up your eyes, for there are miracles to see every day. Lift up your voice, to help pray our world to wholeness. Lift up your witness, for many there are who share your story. Now is the fertile ground of hope. Now the first steps on a new path to discovery. Lift up your soul, for Spirit is at work within us.

Native American elder

Steven Charleston Steven Charleston

"Waves of change will always reshape our shores, but it's what we build in our hearts that stands eternal. In moments of uncertainty, remember — you are not just surviving the storm, you are becoming the lighthouse. Your compassion lights the way for others, your courage maps new paths, your spirit writes stories in stardust. Stand tall in your truth — the universe conspires to help those who dare to dream awake."

"Becoming Light"

By Etheric Echoes

"I will still be here, when the dust settles, when the storm subsides, I will still be standing, unafraid, unbroken, I will be upright before my ancestors, still lifting their banner high, still singing the songs of my people. I will be here, beside you, beside countless others, who would not give up or give in, but stood their ground of hope, until the light returned."

Native American elder

Steven Charleston Steven

Let Your Light Shine!

candle in hands

Be the Presence You Are. Show the way through presence, light. You Being Love will have profound effects--not by doing, but Being.

Allannah Capwell


Heart & Light Centered

Our Earth is in continuous motion, rotating while traveling through our galaxy, our zodiac.

All our planets are in perpetual motion as well, unique to themselves while in relationship to our Earth. We, as humans, live in this perpetual energy which is always change oriented.

We grow through our earthly experiences, each at our own pace within our own circumstances. No one is the same as another and yet we are all interconnected.

You have likely heard “we were born for these times” and it's true. The planetary shift is part of a bigger picture as Earth moves through a solar system of changing energies. Humanity in our current form is transforming through the planetary influences that are pushing us to evolve rapidly. This rapid pace of change is stressful so remember to nourish yourself with deep breathing, wholesome foods, rest, spiritual tools, creativity, nature, etc., for balancing.

This is a time with purpose, so go within to receive your insights and guidance. We are capable of navigating with care and without fear. Trust your heart to have the awareness to guide you with love and grace.

How we each ride the waves of change and transformation is ultimately a personal choice. We are collectively many layers of consciousness evolving and expanding in awareness. Our Light is the Light of Source and has the power to navigate the change agents of discord and chaos. It is a potent time to embrace and own the Light within us and acknowledge the Light in others as well. Our Light is significant and interconnects with the collective.

Peace begins within and when we learn to practice peace, we will be guided around discord and chaos or enabled to walk through it with grace. The frequency of peace opens us to new possibilities and perspectives. Choosing to align with peace helps us rest, recharge and

re-calibrate. Inner harmony is our natural state of being and learning how to navigate challenges is an aspect of our growth and evolution.

A new earth is being born through us as we emerge from the old patterns of the past. Just as personal habits and addictions can be difficult to release, so can familiar patterns of behavior be challenging to change. A step at a time process with courage and intention guides the way as we are all in the process of redefining our lives personally and globally. Facing our shadows as individuals, societies and countries, gives us new opportunities to choose more enlightened behavior.

With transformation consistently at the doorway of our hearts, let’s remember the power of our love and light. Our true power resides in knowing that our light can transform any darkness, any fear, any pain and any illusion.

Our awakening is to

Trust In Our Heart and Light.

stone and flower

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Reiki Master

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Astara E. Edmonds

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copyright by Astara E. Edmonds.

Articles may be shared with authorship named. 


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"May Your Light be Joy and Your Joy be Love" Astara