Weekly eNews
September 14, 2023
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Fall Has Arrived at St. Andrew's | |
It may have rained outside, but there was plenty of sunshine and LOVE GROWING HERE last Sunday for our Fall Kickoff and Parish Potluck. | |
Hearing God’s Story: The Narrative of Scripture
Begins this Sunday, September 17
Sundays at 11:15 a.m., in the Cloister
(Sept. 17, 24, Oct. 8, 15)
The earliest Christians inhabited a “storied” world. Not only did they inherit Israel’s sacred narrative, but they also constructed their own identity around certain stories—stories about God, Israel, the Gentiles, and of course, Jesus. In this course we shall attend carefully to storytelling, first in the Old Testament and early Judaism, and then across the pages of the New Testament, in order to sort out how these ancient stories worked, and how the story of Jesus was treasured and shaped to meet the needs of the emerging church. This course will explore ways to read, interpret and, ultimately, to inhabit the Biblical story; it should be a useful resource for those who are seeking to cultivate a growing appreciation for the story-bound identity of the people of God.
Dr. Jason Myers (Ph.D., Asbury Theological Seminary in 2015) is Professor of Biblical Studies at Greensboro College. In addition to this full-time role, he is also lecturer in New Testament at Westminster Theological Centre in the U.K. He is the co-author of four books including Voices and Views on Paul (IVP, 2015), numerous academic articles, and his most recent publication is Paul, The Apostle of Obedience (T&T Clark, 2023). He is also the co-editor of the Proclamation: Preaching the New Testament commentary series with Cascade Publishing. Jason and wife Lisa attend St. Andrew’s and have been married for 16 years; they have two children, Augustine and Phoebe.
The Hope That Is In Us
Begins Sunday, September 24
Sundays, 5:00–7:00 p.m., in the Library
(Sept. 24, Oct. 8, 22, Nov. 5, 19, Dec. 3)
Join us for a retreat spread over six Sunday evenings this fall. We will explore scripture, theology, and our experience and use different prayer forms, including praying with the psalms and lectio divina, a slow reading of a short piece of Scripture and meditation. The group size will be limited to 8 participants and will be led by the Rev. Tricia de Beer. Questions? Want to register? Please contact Tricia by email or at 336-457-4524.
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Affordable Housing is a Priority: Join the Conversation this Tuesday, September 19
Faith communities are invited to a conversation, sponsored by the Interfaith Affordable Housing Initiative (IAHI), with staff from Greensboro’s Department of Housing and Neighborhood Development. We would like to have 10 people in attendance for this important event, which is a unified effort of Greensboro faith communities working together to advocate for affordable housing.
The meeting is September 19, 5:30–7:30 p.m., at St. James Presbyterian Church, 800 Ross Ave.
Please also mark your calendar for two upcoming opportunities to care for those experiencing homelessness in our community:
October 4 (6 p.m.) is Temple Emanuel’s Sukkot Celebration, including a Food Lion gift card drive for homeless families of GCS students.
October 26 is Greensboro Housing Coalition’s Summit at the Greensboro Coliseum Terrace.
Contact Deacon Pam with questions about these events.
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Celebration of Creation Sunday and Blessing of the Animals—October 1, 2023
On October 1, we celebrate Creation Sunday in our worship. That afternoon, all people and pets are invited to the annual Blessing of the Animals at 3 p.m. Join us on the church lawn as we share God’s love with the pets that have loved us through life’s ups and downs. All pets are asked to attend on a leash or in a carrier.
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Missing Peace in Your Budget? Financial Peace University (FPU) Starts October 11
Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
If you've ever felt like you just can't get in control of your money, you're not alone. You'd be surprised how many people you know are struggling just like you. According to one study, 40% of Americans say their financial situation has caused them to lose sleep in the past month. If that’s you, FPU can help. Learn how you can pay off debt, save more money, and build wealth. Our class will meet in the Cloister Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. starting October 11. Parishioner Nick Klett will host and can be emailed with questions. You can sign up now at the link below.
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Come to Church this Sunday!
Each Sunday we worship in person and online. We are always glad when you worship with us. Nursery care is available during worship, and we offer children’s ministry time (read about our offerings below) as well as activity bags to keep little hearts and hands engaged. After worship, all are invited to gather in the Parish Hall for Coffee & Conversation.
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Sunday Morning Ministry for K-5 Has Begun
We are back in action with Godly Play for grades K–2 and Kids of the Kingdom for grades 3–5. Join us for formation, fun, and festivities for the new school year.
If you are interested in helping with children's formation this year, whether by teaching, storytelling, doorkeeping, or just loving on our parish children, reach out to Martha Chaires, Director of Children, Youth, & Family Ministries. To sign up as a Kids of the Kingdom helper, use the link below.
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Nursery (Infant–Pre-K):
If your child is not yet school-age, we invite them to join us in our Nursery or Preschool Playroom downstairs from the sanctuary! Our nursery and playroom kids are engaged with stories, music, and play with our nursery staff, and will also enjoy playground time when weather permits. Parents are welcome to pick children up from the Nursery to celebrate Communion with their families, but staffing is provided until the service is complete.
Children's Formation (K–5th Grade): If your child falls into this age range, they're welcome to join us for Children’s Formation in the form of Godly Play for K–2nd graders and Kids of the Kingdom for 3rd–5th graders!
Godly Play is a Montessori-based approach to spiritual formation through storytelling, wonder, and activity.
Kids of the Kingdom gives our upper elementary school children the opportunity to dive deeper into their faith through Bible readings, crafts, and activities.
Godly Play & Kids of the Kingdom come together during formation for Angel Choir practice with Ann Doyle, our Minister of Music. This group of children processes out of the sanctuary together after the Collect and returns to the sanctuary by the Eucharistic Prayer.
Episcopal Youth Community or EYC (Middle & High School):
Our tweens and teens are welcome to stay in the sanctuary with their parents or to volunteer with our children's ministry, train as acolytes, or even join the choir! We also have a fun EYC, or youth group, on Sunday evenings.
EYC Fall Plans for Middle & High Schoolers | |
Our youth had a fun first gathering last Sunday, and there are still lots of great plans for the year. Save these dates! | |
Buildings and Grounds Committee Forming—Many Hands Make Light Work
At St. Andrew’s, we are blessed with a beautiful church and grounds. Their ongoing maintenance requires substantial TLC, and we are seeking people with skills, experience, or desire to serve on our resurrected Buildings & Grounds Team. Led by Junior Wardens Nick Klett and Dirk Siegmund, the team will identify and coordinate needed care and improvements, organize spring and fall work days, and assist in responding to church maintenance issues. Thank you to those who have already answered the call! If you would like to join them in this hands-on ministry, please email Parish Administrator Susan Frye.
Youth and Adults Seeking Confirmation, Reception, or Reaffirmation—Our Bishop Visitation is Sunday, December 3
Confirmation is the sacramental rite through which persons confirm their baptismal vows and deepen their commitment to the Episcopal Church. Those wishing to join the Episcopal Church may do so through confirmation or, if confirmed already, through reception or a reaffirmation of their confirmation commitment. Persons already confirmed in other churches adhering to the apostolic succession (such as Roman Catholic and Lutheran) are not confirmed again but received into our communion. Those who are baptized and confirmed who wish to recommit themselves to a life of faith may reaffirm their baptismal vows.
Bishop Sam Rodman will be with us on December 3, 2023. If you are interested in confirmation, reception, or reaffirmation, please contact the Rev. Ginny Bain Inman.
Sing to the Lord a New Song!
Our chancel choir meets weekly in the sanctuary on Wednesdays, 7:00–8:15 p.m. If you are interested in singing in our wonderful choir, this is a great time to join as fall rehearsals are getting underway. Please contact Ann Doyle, St. Andrew’s Minister of Music, for more information.
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Join Hearing the Gospel for Weekly Bible Study
Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.
Our ongoing weekly Bible Study, Hearing the Gospel, has begun its Fall session. We meet Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. in the Parish Hall to read the Gospel for the coming Sunday in a lectio divina format and discuss what the reading meant in Jesus’ time and what it means to us today. Our sessions last about an hour, closing with Noonday Prayer. No advance preparation is required, and all members of the Parish and friends are welcome. Please contact Bill Hill with questions.
Why We Do What We Do
These are the people–helping organizations in Greensboro that share the proceeds of Deck the Halls.
This is why we do what we do.
- Holy Spirit / Abundant Life
- One Step Further Food Pantry
- Barnabas Network
- Greensboro Housing Coalition
- Interactive Resource Center
- Habitat for Humanity
- Parents as Teachers of Guilford County
- Shepherd Center
- Greensboro Urban Ministries / Weaver House
- Malachi House II / Produce 2 People
- Mustard Seed Coalition
- Servant Center
- Church World Services (Afghani)
- Faith Action International
Watch this space in the weeks ahead for how you can help.
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Toiletry & Personal Care Items Needed for Our Houseless Community
St. Andrew’s Daughters of the King chapter is filling Christmas stockings with toiletries and personal care items for the houseless community.
There are over 100 handmade stockings to fill! Please look for collection bins in the Parish Hall and fill them with the items below. Our collection continues through October 29:
Shampoo & conditioner
Soap & body wash
Toothpaste & toothbrushes
Disposable razors
Nail clippers & files
Feminine hygiene products
Sanitary wipes | Deodorant
Hand lotion
Lip balm
Pocket tissue
Throat lozenges
Antiseptic wipes
Bandaids | Gloves & mittens
Beanies (unisex)
Granola & cereal bars
Pampering items (body spray, lipstick—brand new) | | |
To Market, To Market
Saturdays, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.
W. Market St. at Kensington Rd.
The Corner Market delivers the goods each Saturday in our Kensington parking lot. Stay up to date on weekly offerings using the links below to their website, where you can sign up for a wonderful weekly newsletter, and Facebook page.
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New to St. Andrew’s? Join Our Directory! Old to St. Andrew’s? Check Your Listing!
St. Andrew’s uses a digital parishioner directory, and we want everyone in it who wants to be in it! Our church records include all, but the directory is elective; you will not be listed unless you ask to be (see below).
Accessible via a free mobile app or website, it is very handy. If digital does not serve your needs, we will happily provide a printed copy on request.
- To check your listing, sign in to the app or website using the email address in your directory listing.
- To download the free mobile app, search for “Instant Church Directory” in the Apple® App store in iTunes®, Google Play™ store, or Amazon Fire App Store.
- Can't access the directory or don't use email? Please call the office at 336-275-1651, ext. 1, for assistance.
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Help Us Feed the Hungry
Thank you for continuing to pick up a burgundy bag and bring it back the following week with your food donations. Items that are especially in demand include:
- dried beans, rice, pasta
- canned vegetables, beans, meats, fish
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Please leave donations in the church narthex and office hallway, and they will be collected and distributed to One Step Further food pantry by our Missions and Outreach Committee. Your gifts help carry out our mission to feed the hungry in our community. | |
Your Gifts Sustain St. Andrew's
We are grateful for your continued giving that sustains our ministry and our impact in our community. If you have questions about your giving, contact Ray Marsh by email or at 336-275-1651, ext. 3.
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To make a new gift or continue your pledge:
Donate at abundant.co/standrewsepiscopalch/give.
- Use the “Abundant Giving” app, choosing "St Andrew’s Episcopal Church" in Greensboro.
- Mail a check to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Bookkeeper, 2105 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403.
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ECW Evening Chapter Kickoff | |
The St. Agatha & St. Martha ECW Chapter started their year on September 11 with a presentation by Dennis Pollard on digital photography, cameras, AI, and a beautiful display of his work. | |
Triad Early Music Society: Watch & Learn from Guest Recorder Clinician, September 24
The Triad Early Music Society (TEMS) invites parishioners all to an open rehearsal and workshop with guest clinician Jody Miller on Sunday, September 24, 1:30–4:00 p.m., in Herman Hall. Mr. Miller has a thriving private studio and leads recorder workshops throughout the U.S., including a recent appearance at the San Francisco Early Music Society Recorder Workshop. The music will be great and there is lots to learn for interested guests. You are welcome to come and go quietly as it works for your schedule. This is the first of four sessions with Mr. Miller scheduled for this year.
This Week at St. Andrew’s
Sunday, September 17
Worship in the Sanctuary & Online, 10 a.m.
with Children's Ministry for K-5
Coffee & Conversation, 11:15 a.m.
Adult Formation Begins: Hearing God's Story, 11:15 a.m. (Cloister)
Tuesday, September 19
Staff Meeting, 10:30 a.m.
Chapel Open for Prayer, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
EfM, 6 p.m. (Library)
Vestry Meeting, 7 p.m. (Cloister)
Wednesday, September 20
Hearing the Gospel, 10:30 a.m. (Cloister)
Choir Rehearsal, 7:00-8:15 p.m. (Sanctuary)
Thursday, September 21
Daughters of the King, 6:30 p.m. (Online)
Saturday, September 23
Corner Farmers Market, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.
Sunday, September 24
Worship & Children's Ministry, 10 a.m.
Coffee & Conversation, 11:15 a.m.
Adult Formation: Hearing God's Story, 11:15 a.m. (Cloister)
Adult Formation Begins: The Hope That Is In Us, 5:00 p.m. (Library)
EYC: Love Grows Here--Building Community: 5:00 p.m.
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Love Grows Here—Fall 2023 at St. Andrew’s
Our Fall Parish Calendar was recently mailed to homes. If you did not receive yours, please let us know so we can check your address in our records. We also have copies at church.
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m.
Sept. 17 Fall Formation Begins (Sundays after 10:00 a.m. Service)
Oct. 1 Celebration of Creation Sunday & Blessing of the Animals
Oct. 15 Giving Campaign Begins
Oct. 18 An Evening with Jim Dodson
Oct. 22 Love Beyond Borders: Community Conversation
Oct. 29 Giving Ingathering with Reception
Nov. 5 All Saints’ Sunday & RISE Food Packing Event
Nov. 19 Loving Our Neighbors: Community Conversation
Dec. 2 Deck the Halls Event (Supporting Mission & Outreach)
Dec. 3 First Sunday of Advent & Bishop Sam Rodman’s Visitation
Dec. 10 Advent Service of Lessons & Carols
Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Services:
10:00 a.m. with Children’s Pageant
6:00 p.m. Festive Eucharist
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We Pray For
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Anglican Province of Papua New Guinea
Britain took control over Papua New Guinea (which is the eastern half of the island of New Guinea) in 1888, and within a year Anglicans in Australia concluded that its proximity to New Guinea imposed upon it an obligation to evangelize the territory. By 1901 there were eleven mission stations along the coast. During the Japanese occupation of the island during World War II, some 330 church workers from various denominations were killed. Among them, eight Anglican missionaries and two Papuans were martyred in 1942, and these Martyrs of New Guinea are remembered on our Episcopal Church calendar on September 2nd. After the war, in 1951, the volcano Lamington erupted, destroying the Anglicans’ main mission center and their Martyrs’ School, further limiting the Church’s postwar recovery. The country is overwhelmingly Christian, but Anglicans form only a small percentage. While the Anglican Church of Australia remains supportive, the Papuans are making efforts toward self-reliance.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Calvary Church, Wadesboro; St. John’s, Wake Forest
Those on our parish prayer list: Mary Stalter, Norma Bullock, Moira Ermentrout, Maria Wilmoth, Jimmye Olivey, Patrick and Margaret Miller, Ed Morea, Julie Dameron, Traci and Erik, Barbara Cernansky, Ella Janssen, Dick Montgomery, Gabriel, Charles Claunch, Libby Eberhard, Gwen Snead, Ali Avery, Barbara Van Cleve, George Ellison, David Heflin, Jeff Cummer, Charles Kelshaw, David McGraw, Mark Martin, Maureen Morea, Carolyn Ritchie, Sadique Jaffer, Betty Atwell, Eva Harris, Stu Jenks, Harold Johnson, Bob Emmaus, Judy Gecinger, Liz Wert, Wes Hood, Carol Phillips, Leslie Deaton, Emma Hemrick, Sabrina Waide, Linda Fischer, Jean and Ed Phelps, Tom Walton, Mack Baker, Amber Morales, Lauren, Meghan Davis Carmichael
Those serving in our military: Tom Stauffer, Paul Zeigler, Stephen Johnson, Benjamin Phillips, Kenneth Gearhart, Alex Reyes, Catharyn Nosek, Michael McNeil, Jordan Payne
Those expecting: Anna Bengel and Joshua Greene, daughter and son-in-law of Tony Bengel; Catharine Kappauf and Clarke Hitch, daughter and son-in-law of Shelley and Charles Kappauf; Samantha and Martin Kappauf, daughter-in-law and son of Shelley and Charles Kappauf; Megan and Ryan Waide
Birthdays: Ken Byrd, David Crowe, Stella Farney, Adam Frahm, Brenda Ganim, David Hair, Linda Heller, Scott Hill, Catherine Johnson, Roger Kimbrough, Jill Lowe, Don Mackey, Susan Mann, Tahe Zalal
Please send prayer requests to Susan Frye, Parish Administrator, at parish@standrewsgso.org or 336-275-1651, ext. 1. Names are taken off of our prayer list after six weeks. If you would like a name to remain on the list, please let Susan know. Please also contact Susan with birthdays or anniversaries for the bulletin.
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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
standrewsgso.org parish@standrewsgso.org 336-275-1651
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