Weekly eNews

March 16, 2023

Funeral for Larry Phillips is Today at 11 a.m.

March 16, 11 a.m.

Reception to follow

Join us to celebrate the life of Larry Phillips this morning in the sanctuary at 11 a.m. All are invited to gather after the service for a reception in the Parish Hall.

March Madness 2023: Compassion Edition—Join Our Food Drive

It is that time of year again! The NCAA championship has begun. Instead of filling out a bracket, vote for the conference that will win the National Championship and love your neighbor at the same time by participating in our Lenten food drive.

Bring non-perishable food items to the Parish Hall, and put them in the box marked with the conference of your choice. The food will be delivered to One Step Further food pantry, one of our partners in ministry. Let’s show compassion for those who are hungry and see if St. Andrew’s can pick this year’s winner.

Have You Signed Up for Our Lenten Supper?

March 22, 6 p.m.

Sign up by Monday, March 19

We will gather for a light meal of soup and grilled cheese sandwiches next Wednesday, March 22, in the Parish Hall. Come enjoy supper and conversation with your church family. There is no charge; love offering donations will be given to Abundant Life Ministries. Please sign up at the link below by March 19.

RSVP for Lenten Supper

No Fooling—Join Us April 1 for Work & Lunch

Saturday April 1, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.

Lunch to follow

Signup is open!

We will have a parish workday April 1, 9:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m., followed by lunch for all workers. Your help is needed! We will spread pine needles in bedding areas and mulch on the playground, move pine straw bales and mulch, and tackle lighter jobs such as cleaning the small porches. There is no shortage of jobs for everyone and every skill level! Please sign up now using the link below.

Sign Up for April Workday

Support the Altar Guild with Easter Flower Dedications

Submit by March 30

This Easter, we invite you to support the Altar Guild with an honorary or memorial Easter Flower Offering. The bulletin for Easter Sunday will list all donors and dedications. Requests should be received by Thursday, March 30, to be included in the Easter bulletin, and may be made using the online form (button below), at church using the special flower envelopes in the pews, or by mail. For all gifts made by check, make payable to St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, with “Altar Guild” on the memo line.

If you are mailing your request, please include the following:

This gift is given by: ___________________________________

in honor of: ___________________________________________

 –– or ––   

in memory of: _________________________________________

Make an Easter Flower Donation

We Did It! Coins of Compassion Has Surpassed Our Goal

Thank you to all who have donated change and bills to our EYC’s coin drive to pay off Lindley Elementary School’s student lunch debt. Thanks to your generosity, the youth have collected over $778, surpassing their goal of $750, which was the amount of the lunch debt when the drive began.

Although the youth will not continue collecting coins on Sunday mornings, donations still will be accepted and will be applied to the debt, which has increased and will accrue through the school year. Please contact Martha Chaires or bring your donation to church on Sundays or during office hours, Tuesday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Parish Seniors & Youth—Save the Date for a Get-Together, Sunday, March 26!

Our church's youth would like to invite all parish seniors to a dinner and game night hosted by the EYC and everyone's favorite chef, Charles Kappauf. Come enjoy a selection of the youth group's favorite Glory Ridge dinners, and give us a chance to get to know you better. We hope to see you there. Details coming soon!

Sign Up for Our Youth Summer Mission 2023

June 11–16, Asheville Youth Mission

If your child is interested in attending this year's summer mission opportunity with St. Andrew’s, please contact Martha Chaires ASAP at martha@standrewsgso.org to sign up. This opportunity is open to youth in 7th grade and older. This year we will go to Asheville Youth Mission, June 11–16.

HUGS Camp Applications Open for Campers & Helpers

July 10-15, Haw River State Park

Last year several of our youth were Helper Campers (or Camper Buddies) at HUGS camp, the diocese-wide camp for children and adults with disabilities, and all reported back that their experience was life-changing. Applications are now open for Campers and Helper Campers at the link below. Helpers must be 14 by August 31. 

Apply to HUGS Camp 2023

Let’s Gather Again for Breakfast

Thursday, March 30

Green Valley Grill

All are invited to a monthly breakfast gathering at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday, March 30, at Green Valley Grill. Please RSVP to Charles Kelshaw (email or 336-549-7652) or Jean Phelps. We have reserved a men’s table and a women’s table so all can gather for food and fellowship.

An Invitation to Attend Cursillo—April 20–23

Camp Walter Johnson in Denton, NC

The word Cursillo means “a short course.” It is a spiritual renewal ministry in the Episcopal Church that presents a short course to help men and women understand their calling to grow deeper in their relationship with God, and it supports an ongoing development of Christian leadership. During the weekend, participants experience community as they pray, sing, and learn how the community of faith experiences God’s love. To learn more about how you can be a participant, don’t hesitate to contact Deacon Pam or NorthCarolinaCursillo@gmail.com. Click below for the application and to see a video message from Bishop Curry about the value of Cursillo. Scholarships are available.

Register for Cursillo

Each Sunday we worship in person and online. We are always glad when you worship with us. Nursery care is available during worship, and we offer children’s ministry time as well as activity bags to keep little hearts and hands engaged.

Join Online Worship
View Our  Bulletin
Support Our Church

Called to Compassion Class

Sundays in Lent at 11:15 a.m. (The Cloister)

This Lent, we are considering together our call to compassion as a critical part of the Christian life. Compassion literally means “to suffer with.” Human history and our own experience make clear that compassion is not our natural state of being, but a choice about how to live in and engage the world. This class is designed to help us grow in compassion as individuals and a community that follows Christ. We have an excellent teaching team and will meet in the Cloister at 11:15 a.m. on Sundays. The Rev. John de Beer will lead our March 19 class, focusing on self-compassion in the midst of turmoil.

Come to Wholehearted Parenting Class this Sunday

Sundays in Lent, 11:15 a.m.

Herman Hall

Childcare Provided

If you cannot attend all classes, please attend on the Sundays you can. We will have handouts from previous classes available each week. 

How do we grow healthy, resilient children and youth who seek and serve Christ in all persons, who love their neighbors, who strive for justice and peace, and who respect the dignity of others? Our Wholehearted Parenting class explores the research of Dr. Brené Brown on vulnerability and authenticity, integrating science and spirituality into positive parenting practices. The offering includes time for shared reflection and conversation and is a great forum for meeting other St. Andrew’s parents. We will gather right after worship, and childcare is provided.

We Love Our Godly Play Sunday Mornings!

Here are some photos from this past Sunday, March 12.

Every Sunday, children in Kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to a children’s ministry time. They process out of the church and around the corner to the Godly Play room on the bright yellow hall. Godly Play is a Montessori-based teaching method using stories from the Bible.

Help Us Feed the Hungry

Thank you for continuing to pick up a burgundy bag and bring it back the following week with your food donations. Items that are especially in demand include:

  • dried beans, rice, pasta
  • canned vegetables, beans, meats, fish

Please leave donations in the church narthex and office hallway, and they will be collected and distributed to One Step Further food pantry by our Missions and Outreach Committee. Your gifts help carry out our mission to feed the hungry in our community.  

Everything We Do is Because of You

We are grateful for your gifts and pledges that sustain St. Andrew’s and our impact in our community. To make a new gift or continue your pledge, you may...

  • Donate at abundant.co/standrewsepiscopalch/give.
  • Use the “Abundant Giving” app, choosing "St Andrew’s Episcopal Church" in Greensboro.
  • Mail a check to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Bookkeeper, 2105 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403.

If you have questions about your giving, please reach out to Ray Marsh at bookkeeper@standrewsgso.org.  

This Week at St. Andrew’s 

Sunday, March 19

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Worship (In-Person & Online) and Children's Ministry, 10 a.m.

Coffee & Conversation, 11:15 a.m.

Called to Compassion Class, 11:15 a.m.

Wholehearted Parenting Class, 11:15 a.m.

Tuesday, March 21

Staff Meeting, 10 a.m.

Chapel Open, 11 a.m.–2 p.m.

EfM, 6:30 p.m.

Vestry Meeting, 7 p.m.

Wednesday, March 22

Hearing the Gospel, 10:30 a.m.

Lenten Midweek Eucharist, 12 p.m.

Lenten Soup Supper, 6 p.m.

Choir Rehearsal, 7:15 p.m.

Thursday, March 23

Handbell Rehearsal, 2 p.m.

Saturday, March 25

Corner Farmers Market, 8 a.m.–12 p.m.

Sunday, March 26

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Worship (In-Person & Online) and Children's Ministry, 10 a.m.

Coffee & Conversation, 11:15 a.m.

Called to Compassion Class, 11:15 a.m.

Wholehearted Parenting Class, 11:15 a.m.

Get-Together for Parish Seniors & Youth

Calendar for Holy Week

Apr. 2: Palm Sunday Service, 10 a.m. 

Apr. 6: Maundy Thursday Service, 7 p.m. 

Apr. 7: Good Friday Service, 12 p.m.   

Apr. 9: Easter Sunday Service, 10 a.m.

Easter Egg Hunt after Worship

We Pray For

Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Anglican Church of Southern Africa

What comes to many minds when seeing a reference to Anglicans in South Africa is the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Church’s witness to end apartheid, and that’s fair enough. But the Anglican Church in South Africa has a long, rich, and sometimes controversial history. (Its variation on the perennial “Christ and culture” debate led to the first Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops worldwide in 1867, called to stem the potential schism… and led to our hymn 525, “The church’s one foundation” – see verse 3.) Moreover, this province extends beyond South Africa; it also includes Namibia, Lesotho, and Eswatini (formerly Swaziland).

Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Stephen’s, Erwin; Trinity Church, Fuquay-Varina

Those on our parish prayer list: Mary Stalter, Norma Bullock, Moira Ermentrout, Maria Wilmoth, Johnetta Shablack, Jimmye Olivey, Patrick and Margaret Miller, Ed Morea, Cindy Shane, Julie Dameron, Traci and Erik, Barbara Cernansky, Ella Janssen, Dick Montgomery, Gabriel, Carol Phillips, Charles Claunch, Libby Eberhard, Gwen Snead, Ali Avery, Martha Barrineau, Barbara Van Cleve, George Ellison, David Heflin, Jeff Cummer, Charles Kelshaw, David McGraw, Mark Martin, Jeff Richardson, Dorcus Payne, Maureen Morea, Carolyn Ritchie, Sadique Jaffer, Betty Atwell, Eva Harris

Those serving in our military: Tom Stauffer, Paul Zeigler, Stephen Johnson, Benjamin Phillips, Kenneth Gearhart, Alex Reyes, Catharyn Nosek

Those expecting: Lindsay Eanes Schipper and Keith Schipper, daughter and son-in-law of Lee Eanes

Birthdays: Owen Carter, Carolyn Hackett, Pam Haynes, Henry Klett, Michael Klett, Corinth Milikin, Bob Mills, Jacob Perkins, Kacy Ramirez

Anniversaries: Danny and Susan Frye

Please send prayer requests to Susan at parish@standrewsgso.org or 336-275-1651, ext. 1. Names remain on our parish prayer list for six weeks. If you would like a name to be on the list for longer, please let Susan know. Please also tell Susan if a birthday or anniversary has been missed in the bulletin.

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St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
standrewsgso.org  parish@standrewsgso.org  336-275-1651