An e-newsletter
January 2019

We welcome students back to campus for J-term this week and next!

We look forward to all of our students - new and returning - for the start of Track I classes on February 22 and Track II on February 25!
Saturday, January 12, 2019
New Student Orientation

Orientation will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Aymer Center with sign in, continental breakfast and greetings from President Lattimore. We look forward to welcoming our new students!
February 6, 2019
Firm Foundation
Covenant Service

7 pm in the Aymer Center

Join us for this special, annual service sponsored by the Board of Bishops of the A.M.E. Zion Church, chaired by Bishop George E. Battle, Jr., and facilitated by Bishop Kenneth Monroe.

At this special gathering, the bishops conduct a moving and inspiring service and bring collections from their Episcopal Districts in support of the Seminary. 

This free event is open to the public and all are welcome!
February 8 & 9, 2019

The Bishop Alfred E. and Mrs. Mamie White
Endowed Heritage Lecture Series

“Blessed Interdependence: Reimagining Identity, Community, and Solidarity”  

Presented by  Amanda Mbuvi, Ph.D. , Assistant Professor of Religion, High Point University

Lecture I (Feb. 8):  The social ladder and the family tree
Lecture II (Feb. 9):  We the People (You Must Go)

Read more here.
Faithful Families: Eating Smart and Moving More

HTS is once again partnering with Cabarrus Health Alliance to offer this free 9-week course for clergy and other church leadership as well as any individuals interested in offering wellness related activities to their congregations and families. The classes connect healthy eating and physical activity to religious or spiritual beliefs.

Two schedule options are available: Thursdays from 9:30 – 10:45 a.m or Saturdays from 8:45 – 10:00 a.m. beginning February 28 through May 4, 2019.

Free and open to the public! To register, contact Jenn West: (704)-920-1337 or .

Read more here .
Spring Term 2019 classes begin January 22

Class auditors welcome!

Learning is a lifelong process and we invite all to continue the learning journey with us! Those who seek further education for personal enrichment may register for classes as an auditing student.

Interested in auditing a class? Please contact Dr. Reginald Boyd, Director of Recruitment and Admissions, at 704-636-6455 or

Auditors pay only $75 per course! View or download information on class days and times: Track I and  Track II (two pages each) . Read more about the audit process  here .

4th Annual
Thursday, March 14 &
Friday, March 15, 2019

Lay Leadership in Ministry: Equipping People for Partnership

Thursday, March 14: Networking Reception from  5:00-7:00 p.m. Agency Representatives, Congregational Lay Leaders/Coordinators, and Faculty, Staff, and Student Interns will be present.

Friday, March 15:  Symposium presentations and luncheon from 8 a.m.- 4 p.m.  A Continental Breakfast with "Morning Reflections - The Role and Impact of Laity in the Church," will start the day.

Presentation I: "Lay Leaders: The Soul of Congregational Life & Ministry."
Presentation II:"Best Practices for Empowering Lay Leaders."
Celebration Luncheon with Keynote Speaker: Clemmie Palmer, III, MD, M.Div.'16. Presentation III: "Celebrating and Coaching Lay Leaders."

The Symposium will conclude with a Symposium Review: "Implications for Ministry to the Millennial Generation" followed by a Symposium Wrap-Up/Evaluation.

Registration information will be available soon!
HTS is delighted to welcome Ms. Kimberly Clarke , Program Coordinator for the newly established Institute for Early Career Clergy Development (IECCD) at Hood Theological Seminary.

Ms. Clarke completed her B.A. in Urban Health Policy at Tufts University, Medford, MA. She has completed coursework toward the M.A. degree in Human Resources Management at the New School for Social Research, New York, NY. She also completed coursework in the M.A. in Christian Practice at the Duke University Divinity School, Durham, NC, and will be continuing her education in the M.Div. program at HTS.

Ms. Clarke has served as a Diversity Contractor/Consultant with Duke Divinity School's Neighborhood Seminary and as a Team Leader and Recruiter for the Spiritual Academy for Leading Transformation (S.A.L.T.) for the Western North Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC). In the UMC, she has also served as a Plowpoint Ministries Team Leader and a Grant Writer for the Justice and Reconciliation Team: Dismantling Racism. As a seasoned Facilitator, she has volunteered in a variety of community-based organizations, urban advocacy and health agencies, and faith-based care and women's resource centers.

She has experience in public relations and marketing, having served as Director of Public Relations for Personal Care, Inc, Greensboro, NC and as the Senior Program Facilitator and Co-Director of  ANYTOWN  Leadership Development Camp of the National Conference for Community and Justice, Greensboro, NC. Finally, Ms. Clarke has Certification in Massage Therapy from Guilford County Community College, High Point, NC.

Read about the Institute for Early Career Clergy Development  here .
President Vergel Lattimore visited and greeted the Solid Rock A.M.E. Zion Church in Lathonia, GA on Sunday, January 6. The church is pastored by Rev. Karim Curry, M.Div. '10 and current HTS D.Min. student.

On January 10, Dr. Lattimore will attend the Professional Advisory Group of the Carolina Medical System (Atrium) as well as the Rowan County Chamber of Commerce 93rd Annual Meeting & Gala, Salisbury, NC.

He will be a co-presenter for a workshop - "The Gift of Black Theological Education - at the Lilly Endowment-sponsored  Gathering First Fruits: National Summit on the Economics of Ministry , Indianapolis, IN on January 18.

On January 20, Dr. Lattimore will bring greetings for the Annual Mt. Zion Baptist Church Dr. Martin Luther King Community Recognition and Awards Program, Salisbury, NC. He will also attend the 2019 Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Breakfast at the J.F. Hurley YMCA on January 21.

Dr. Lattimore will participate in a consultation with the Faithlife Corporation and other A.M.E. Zion leaders in Gracewood, Washington January 21 - 24/ He will attend the Installation Ceremony for the Wake County Branch of the NAACP at the Martin Street Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC on January 26, 
Dr. André Resner , Professor of Homiletics and Worship, was invited to participate in a consultation at Boston University School of Theology from January 4-6, 2019 as part of a Wabash Teaching and Learning Grant, on Exploring Intercultural Instructional Communication for Homiletical Pedagogy: Facework Theory, Cultural Competence, and “Peering behind the Curtain." 

Please pray for those who are missing loved ones during this time of year.
Also continue to pray for those impacted by natural disasters.

Summer internship in Christian Discipleship:  Covenant Presbyterian Church, Charlotte, NC, seeks a summer intern who wishes to learn about and engage in the ministry of Christian discipleship in the context of a large, urban Presbyterian congregation.
The summer intern for Christian discipleship will enjoy a broad range of experiences in ministry, and should be committed to growing in a life of Christian faith and interested in exploring how to help children, youth, and adults grow in their journeys of faith, as well.
The job includes a $3,000 stipend. Interested applicants should e-mail a letter of interest and a cover letter to Jessica Patchett, associate minister of Christian education, at  by January 21, 2019.

Get your Hood gear online! Shirts, jackets, hats, etc. available.
Create Your Legacy with a Planned Gift
~ Do you have an IRA?

~ Are you at least 70 1/2 years of age?

~ Would you like to help HTS in its mission to prepare women and men for bold and creative leadership for the Christian church for a diverse world ?

If you answered ''Yes" to all three questions, please consider an IRA Charitable Rollover.

In an IRA Charitable Rollover, the distribution of up to $100,000 annually made directly from the IRA custodian to a qualifying public charity, such as HTS, is excluded from gross income and counts toward the required minimum distribution.

For more information, contact John Everett at or (704) 636-6545, or visit our Planned Giving website for lots of helpful information.
Hood's Herald - Vol.XVI
Winter 2017-2018

Available online .

If you would like to be on our mailing list, please contact Carol Palmer at
It's so easy to donate securely online ! Or mail your check to the Seminary at 1810 Lutheran Synod Dr., Salisbury, NC 28144. Your gift to the Annual Fund is essential in promoting the mission of the Seminary and in helping keep tuition as low as possible for our students. Every  gift, small and large, is greatly appreciated and stewarded responsibly.

Create your legacy through a planned gift by remembering Hood Theological Seminary in a bequest or will with gifts of stocks and bonds, real estate or personal property, life insurance, charitable trust, retirement funds/IRA or life income gifts. By making a planned gift, you will become a member of the  Hood Legacy Society

Visit the Planned Giving website for helpful information and valuable resources to help you determine the ideal planned giving option for you. For more information contact John C. Everett, Director, Institutional Advancement, at 704-636-6545 or