HOLY WEEK begins this Sunday as we celebrate Palm Sunday of the Passion. We gather on the lawn in front of the church to hear of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem, then join in a festive procession into the sanctuary where the focus shifts to the drama of the Passion. Please plan to arrive in time to get a bulletin and palm, and assemble on the front lawn before the service begins at 10.
There are other worship opportunities throughout the week, which we look forward to celebrating with our 3-19 family.
| All are invited to join the deacons in decorating the cross in front of the church before or after the Easter Sunday service. Come with your own flowers, real or artificial, or if you forget, there will be extras on hand. He is risen! He is risen indeed! |
Electronic giving now available
Greetings all!
Anyone who wishes to donate monetarily to the mission and ministry of Northmont can now do so electronically from your computer, phone, or mobile device.
Follow the link below:
Or, you can do so by text message:
Text “NUPC” to: 73256
Please note:
This is only meant to expand your giving options. If you already have a tried and true way of donating, please feel free to continue to do so. This option is being made available to those who might find it helpful or convenient.
Any questions, please let us know.
-Pastor Ben
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The One Great Hour of Sharing special offering is collected each year at Easter time. We usually collect it on Palm Sunday, which is March 24th this year, but donations are welcome any time in March. Money distributed through One Great Hour of Sharing is split almost evenly between its 3 missions:
Presbyterian Hunger Program works to alleviate local, national, and worldwide hunger.
Self-Development of People advances partnerships with people who are oppressed by poverty or social systems.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance provides disaster response and refugee ministries.
Please consider giving to One Great Hour of Sharing, using either the designated pledge envelope or a pew envelope marked for OGHS. The lives of many in great need can be significantly impacted by your contributions. Thank You!
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Women’s Bible Study
Women’s Bible Study welcomes all Northmont women and friends. Lessons are from the Horizons Series, Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts. Women enjoy fellowship and study led by Melody Hannegan in the Berean Room.
Schedule for the remaining lessons of the Series:
April – no meeting
May – Monday, May 13 at 1:00 pm
June – Tuesday, June 4 at 1:00 pm
A new Study Series begins in September.
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By: Stephen Schall, Music Director
March 21, 2024
Sunday we celebrate Palm Sunday of the Passion. It’s a festive and solemn service. First, we gather on the front lawn with our palm to hear the story of Christ’s entry into Jerusalem, then join the parade into the sanctuary singing “All Glory, Laud, and Honor.” Once there, we turn to the Word Service in which we hear the ancient Christological hymn from Philippians, “Christ became obedient for us.” Dianna Hollo and the choir will lead us in a Jewish-inspired responsorial psalm setting of Psalm 31 in which each section ends with the Hebrew phrase, Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani? [My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?]. Following that, we will hear the passion according to Mark chanted by Rob Frankenberry and members of the choir. Chanting the passion is a tradition that began as long ago as the fourth century! For me, the singing heightens the impact of the story by setting it apart from the other spoken parts of the service. Having different voices sing the different characters in the story gives it more immediacy.
| During Lent we will highlight two hymns. During the early weeks we will sing the ancient text, Kind Maker of the Word. This is a seventh-century Latin hymn, Audi benigne Conditor,” that is attributed to Gregory the Great (c. 540-604). It has been used for centuries during Lent at the daily services prayed in monasteries. Gregory was a nobleman who became a Benedictine monk, and later, pope. He contributed greatly to the universal church, but among musicians he is famous for founding or reestablishing the Roman singing school. Gregorian Chant is named for him. |
AMOS nights are our way of creating an atmosphere of fellowship and hospitality for families and all members of our church. We will be sharing a meal together and then breaking off for a time of learning. AMOS nights will take place once a month at 6pm.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming AMOS nights:
April 24
May 22
Mark your calendars for the following events.
Youth Gatherings:
April 10 at Northmont at 6 (Movie Night)
May 8 at North Park at 6
Confirmation Gathers:
2/25, 3/24, 4/21, 5/19
Any questions? Contact Ben
| Keep up to date with all things Northmont Youth Ministry by getting the Youth Group Newsletter in your email box. Sign up Below. | |
Sunday March 24
Worship, 10 am, Sanctuary
Confirmation Class, 1 pm
Monday March 25
Boy Scouts 6 pm
Chancel Choir, 6:30 pm
Tuesday March 26
NBC 9 am
Long Vue Acre Garden Club, 6:30 pm
Session Meeting, 7 pm
Wednesday March 27
Knit Wits 9:30 am
Thursday March 28
Friday March 29
Good Friday Service
12 pm
Saturday March 30
Sunday March 31
Easter Breakfast
8:45 am
Worship, 10 am, Sanctuary
Book Group —
Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus on Saturday, April 27 , 9:30
Pickleball Group —
To play,
contact Lindsey Cunko at l.cunko76@gmail.com
Dining-Out Group —
Andora’s, April 15 at 6:30 pm
Traveling God’s World Group —TBA
If you’d like to participate in any of these, email me to put in the correct email chain for your chosen group.
Have questions? Contact Rev. Ben at ben@northmontchurch.org
| This video series is your first opportunity to take a look and start prayerfully pondering the scripture I’ll be preaching on that Sunday. This YouTube series is posted early each week, so look for it in your email. |
Koehler and Phelps Class
Sundays at 8:45 in Mangochi Room
Women’s Bible Study begins on September 12th. The lessons are from the Horizon series, Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke-Acts! We will not be meeting in April. Our last 2 meetings will be May 13 and June 4 at 1 pm. All women are invited to join us. If you are interested, please contact Sarah Jane Beorn, sarahjanebeorn@icloud.com, or Melody Hannegan, viatoretis@comcast.net.
has been posted between the library and cloak room. Please consider ordering flowers to beautify our sanctuary and to honor loved ones or to commemorate special occasions at the Sunday service you choose.
Please contact Bill English to sign up and make arrangements.
Phone: 412-366-1713
Email: wenglish14@verizon.net
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