Here's our weekly update on news and topics STARRS tracks, monitors and shines a spotlight on in order to expose the Marxist CRT/DEI woke agenda in the military and to show the danger of this ideology and how it affects morale, readiness, recruitment and retention. Also the vax issue pertaining to service members. Our purpose is education and awareness for an informed citizenry.

The "Agenda" Month is half-way through; stay strong and just say no. Every DOD tweet on the subject is getting ratio'd against it. The people have spoken but the Pentagon refuses to listen as the radical leftist Agenda is more important than acting in a way so people want to join the military.

Click on the headlines to read the articles on our website, STARRS.US.

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Whose Flag?

By Major Chase Spears, US Army ret

Must Read, sums it up

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If Only Our Military Prioritized Winning Wars As Much As It Did Celebrating LGBT Radicalism

Actual "morale" patch from AFB Osan.

Wrecks morale of the majority.

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Air Force Celebrates Pride Month With CEO Of Organization Advocating For Child Gender Transitions

"The event is indicative of misplaced focus in the military, which is losing sight of its main purpose: fighting wars."

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‘Pride Month’ good reminder greatest military in history being defeated by moral rot

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Green Beret launches attack on Pentagon ‘Pride Month’ celebration

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How Did the Military Fall Off the Cliff and What to Do About It

By Lt General Marvin L. Covault, US Army, retired

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The Army’s Recruiting Problem Is Male

More blaming men and conservatives instead of the miserable woke agenda push in the military that has done everything it can to marginalize and push out men.

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U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission

By Capt. Brent Ramsey, US Navy, ret 

STARRS Board of Advisors

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New Legislation To Eliminate All DEI Programs From The Federal Government

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Amendment To Ban Critical Race Theory Programs For DoD Employees

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What is Congress doing to fix problems in our military that are tearing it apart?

By Elaine Donnelly, CMR President

STARRS Board of Advisors

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Pride Month targeted by House GOP in must-pass defense bill

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House Republicans Target Left-Wing Pentagon Policies In Massive Spending Bill

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This is Progress

By CDR Salamander 

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U.S. House Approves Steube Amendment to Keep Radical Gender Ideology and Pornography Out of DoD Schools

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West Point Teaches Lies

By “pyrene”

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80 years ago, an explanation of exactly what’s happening today

Flag Day June 14, 2024

What Military People Are Saying

“In 2016 I remember my first “transgender awareness training”. Because of my political and traditional beliefs people were trying to out me and destroy my life in the military. It worked because in 2018 I chose separation. I would never recommend my children or anyone else to join.”

“This is not the same America I signed up to serve for! I'm in the Marine Special Forces and contemplating taking an early discharge because of the current administration, and I'm not the only one that feels this way. The moral is the lowest I've ever seen in my tenure so far!”

“My son retired from the military because his commanding officer wears a dress and is a mockery to women...overcompensates the walk and talk. He said it's hard enough to follow a commander that you think might be crazy, but harder to follow one that is outwardly crazy. He also stated we are too close to wars to risk following these fools.”

“I just retired last year after 22 years. DEI is being pushed hard. I wanted to serve 30 years, but it got to woke. Command teams have lost so much power that they are just place holders.”

“I served 35 years, I retired last August. He is 100% correct in his observations. The military is a mess at the moment due to social justice agendas forced on the members.”

FROM: Evidence that the DEI/CRT agenda in the military DOES hurt recruiting and retention

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Join us in an important new campaign effort in our goal to eliminate the CRT/DEI/Woke agenda in the Pentagon because the stakes for our country have never been higher.


E Pluribus Unum – Unity is America’s Strength

Wake Up, Stand Up, Speak Up and Never Give Up!

We are US military veterans and citizens concerned about the divisive racist and radical CRT/DEI ideology infiltrating the military and seek to expose, stand up against, and eliminate it in order to keep our country safe.

Volunteer to Help
Make a Donation


  • We STAND against the CRT/DEI/Woke agenda in the military & service academies
  • We educate on the dangers of this racist and radical ideology in the military
  • We monitor and call out the CRT/DEI/Woke agenda in the DoD through our website & social media
  • We seek the truth of what is happening in the military through FOIAs
  • We hold accountable the Academies and Services when they push this radical agenda
  • We speak Truth to Power . . . Hard Truths
  • We write articles and policy papers alerting people to this harmful agenda
  • We work with Congress and Panels to provide knowledge and ideas to combat the problem
  • We help like-minded organizations and media to get out the truth
  • We provide a network and listening ear to cadets, service members, veterans and families who are sick of this ideology being forced on them and worried about the future of our country. If you feel this way too, know that you are not alone!



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