An Odyssey: From a long-lost genealogy to a best-selling historical novel,

Hundred Beam Bridge

by Ted Marr, Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024, 2:00 pm

Ted Marr, author of the acclaimed historical novel Hundred Beam Bridge: The Lions and the Pixius, will delve into the rich tapestry of the Song Dynasty. By tracing the lives of three generations of a noble family, the Arsians, Marr will offer an overview of the novel and share his connection to the protagonist: his 12th-generational ancestor.

For more info on the book, please click here.

When: Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024 2:00 pm

Where: Large Community Meeting Room, Holgate Library

Address: 7905 SE Holgate Blvd., Portland, OR 97206

Cost: Free, and open to the public - Please register to give us a headcount

Ted Marr, an American of Chinese descent, is passionate about his heritage and its history. His astonishing discovery of a 1000-page genealogy, which detailed the lives of four thousand ancestors and traced his lineage to Uyghur ancestry during the Song Dynasty 1000 years ago, inspired him to write Hundred Beam Bridge

Ted holds multiple Doctorate and Master's degrees in Physics, Theology, and Business and works as a Silicon Valley Executive and Entrepreneur in IT. He has taught at several universities worldwide, including the University of Virginia, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Oregon State University, Portland State University, George Fox University, Claremont College, and CGST Hong Kong.

Established in 1980, the mission of the Northwest China Council is to promote a greater understanding of Chinese history, culture, business, and contemporary affairs.
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