June 3, 2019 (Updated)

"I Choose Joy" - An Exhibit of Abstract Art on Display at the Presbytery of Baltimore Gallery
Artist Carlotta Cerrato poses with paintings from
a collection of abstract paintings.
by Deborah I. Greene

It’s not what you see but, rather, what you feel when looking at Carla (Carlotta) Cerrato’s bold abstract paintings now on exhibit at the Presbytery of Baltimore’s gallery. Her impassioned use of color and brash brush strokes are revealed in an extraordinary display of acrylic paintings – some so ethereal as to stir both the mind and soul.

The exhibit, entitled “I Choose Joy”, features 14 of Cerrato’s paintings. They range from large canvases adorned with colors so striking that each commands the space of an entire wall to a series of smaller paintings with hues of orange, red, blue and purple that appear to form reverent shapes of angels dancing and people gathered in prayer.
“It doesn’t matter what you see with the eye. It’s how you connect what you see to your spirit,” Cerrato explained as she moved her fingers gently through the air, tracing the wispy strokes of a painting entitled Angelic Benediction . “People look at paintings and want to see something tangible. It’s not for me to tell you what you should see; it’s about connecting with the painting and trusting what you feel deep down in your heart and soul.”

The 58-year-old Catonsville resident’s artwork is a testament to her deep faith. There is profound power in her choice of colors; they speak to her in a visceral way, she said. And, her technique is uninhibited – rooted in a meditative practice of being present in the moment and accepting without expectation what evolves on canvas. “In this way,” she explained, “the painting is free to come through without trying to force or control anything.”
Exceptionally talented – although without much formal art training – Cerrato worked most of her adult life as a linguist. She fully indulged her passion for painting only after leaving home in Torino, Italy in her mid-40s to join her husband in America. Her art is in private collections in Italy, France, Germany, Mexico, USA, Australia and New Zealand. Cerrato also teaches art to students of all ages. Private or group classes maybe scheduled by emailing her at carlotta.cerrato@gmail.com .

Most of the paintings on exhibit at the Presbytery of Baltimore’s gallery are for sale. The exhibition is open to the public until Thursday, July 18, 2019 and available for viewing during the Presbytery’s normal business hours from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Please call 410.433.2012 to arrange viewings for groups of 5 or more. 

Cerrato's next exhibit, "Wholehearted", opens Aug. 25 at 12:15 p.m., Agape Gallery, Salem Lutheran Church in Catonsville. More information at: charsart@gmail.com
Presbytery & Church-wide
What is GA?

Help Plan GA-224 Worship Service
  • The opening worship service is the “big” festival service of praise that sets the tone for the entire week of General Assembly. Join us for a planning meeting for all presbytery music directors, choir leaders, musicians and worship leaders will be held at 7pm on July 9 at Catonsville PC.
  • Click here for details

Baltimore Presbytery is seeking up to three Teaching Elders serve as readers or as alternate in the group of Readers that will be evaluating ordination exams the week of  May 4-8, 2020. If you are interested and/or would like more information, please contact Rev. Heather Shortlidge at  heather@annapolis-presbyterian.com , or call 410.267.8705. 
The Community Engagement Grant is a new grant available from the Commission on Reconciliation for congregations in Baltimore Presbytery. Thanks to the Enduring Witness Fund for providing this new annual funding opportunity. What plans do you have underway for 2019-20 for engaging with your surrounding community? The grant application deadline is July 1 st and funds will be available in September. 

For an application click Community Engagement and scroll to the bottom of the web page. For questions, please contact Susan Krehbiel.
Each year we look forward to the annual meetings for Clerks of Session for training and to review Session Records. The following is a list of meetings for the Baltimore metropolitan area.
  • Saturday, June 8, 10am, Govans PC, Mary Gaut
The 2019-2020 Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) Planning Calendars are now available for purchase. The Presbytery of Baltimore will arrange a bulk order at a discounted price of $9 per planning calendar for member churches. The Presbytery's rate includes shipping and handling. The deadline to place an order is Monday, June 28 . Orders are non-refundable.

To place your order as part of the Presbytery’s bulk order, follow this link to the order form , print and complete the form, then return it by mail with the amount due to the Presbytery. Please make checks payable to the Presbytery of Baltimore and mail it to the attention of: Planning Calendar Orders, 5400 Loch Raven Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21239 . To pay by credit card, follow this link to Planning Calendar on the Presbytery’s payment page under Miscellaneous. Churches will be contacted for pick up when the calendars arrive.

Churches may also visit PCUSA’s online church store to place their own order for planning calendars at a cost of $14.95 each or $8.50 each for 50 or more books. Shipping and taxes are included separately in PCUSA's online price. Be advised that planning calendars will not be available for shipment until August 2019.
Trio St. Bernard in Concert at Springfield PC
Springfield Presbyterian Church will host Trio St. Bernard in a concert of chamber music at 3pm on Sunday, June 9. The concert is open to the public; however, a free will offering will be collected. A reception will follow the concert.  Click here for details.
Vacancy: Part-time Director for Community Assistance Program

A Part time Director is wanted for the 40 West Assistance & Referral Center, a 501(c)3 ecumenical nonprofit charitable organization located at St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church, 4711 Edmondson Ave., Balto. MD 21229. The program is supported by a number of area churches, including Hunting Ridge Presbyterian Church. The Director is responsible for overall operation and management of the Center. The position currently requires an average of 20 hours per week. The Director must be able to provide a welcoming atmosphere for clients and possess the education, skills, knowledge, qualities and experience in business, nonprofit operational and financial management or related areas. For full job description and further information, please contact Mrs. Glorius M. Sullivan, Chairman of the Board at chgl@verizon.net
Presbytery of Baltimore | (t) 410.433.2012 | (f) 410.433.2066| office@baltimorepresbytery.org |