May 2019
"I Love It There"
“Marlo” was just 12 years old when she spoke those words about Gracehaven. During the early days with us she went to the hospital three times for self harm. And every time the nurses asked how she was doing at Gracehaven she said she "loved it."

It didn’t take long for our staff to fall in love with her. She was kind, giggly and eager to help. Her cheerful demeanor, however, didn’t accurately reflect her inner turmoil... CLICK HERE FOR REST OF STORY

How Many Victims are in Ohio?
"Estimating the Prevalence of Human Trafficking in Ohio" is a newly released comprehensive report that documents for the first time the status of trafficking in Ohio. Among other findings, the study says that in Ohio "there were 1,078 American-born Ohio youth (ages 12 to 17) that were estimated to have been trafficked for sex over a one-year period." It also states that more than 4,000 youth are at risk for being trafficked.

In the VIDEO above, Stephanie Rollins and Brooke Pollard of Gracehaven were interviewed by Spectrum TV about this report, and what you can do to help combat human trafficking in Ohio. We're thankful to be on the front lines of this battle and welcome anyone who would like to join us. For more information about Gracehaven, go to .

If you'd like to read the report in full, you can access it HERE.
Volunteer Highlight: Alan Gianettino
Alan Gianettino is an IT professional for Nationwide. He also volunteers at the Gracehaven house tutoring the girls in their online schooling. We asked Alan to share about his experience.

How did you hear about Gracehaven?
I was looking for a ministry that serves young victims of trafficking. Then in January 2019 I received the Gracehaven email update. I clicked on the link to the website and saw the pictures of the new home for the girls. I was moved by this provision from God to Gracehaven. I emailed Vicky Thompson to say that I was glad to help financially, and felt like I might be called to do more. After lunch with Vicky and Brooke Pollard they asked me to consider being a tutor.

What are some initial thoughts on your experience?
I enjoy “trying” to help these girls with their school. But I desire for them to experience unconditional love from a man who wants to instruct and care for and love them like Christ loves them.  CLICK HERE FOR REST OF STORY
"Now I Know He Was Grooming Me"
Upcoming Events
May 8
Noon - 1:00
Villa Milano
June 13-14
The Chase Tower
Downtown Columbus

How You Can Help
GRACEHAVEN 614.302.9515