American Minute with Bill Federer
"I do hereby appoint a day of prayer" Grover Cleveland, First Democrat President after Civil War, & the crises he faced
A wedding took place in the White House, JUNE 2, 1886.
One of three Presidents to marry in office and the only President to wed on White House grounds,
Grover Cleveland
married Frances Folsom and together they had five children.
Grover Cleveland
was a direct descendant of
Moses Cleveland,
the founder of
Cleveland, Ohio.
His ancestors came from England to Massachusetts in 1635; and he was the son of a Presbyterian minister,
Richard Falley Cleveland,
who pastored churches in New Jersey and New York, in addition to being the district secretary of the American Home Mission Society.
Grover Cleveland's
father died when he was sixteen.
He went on to be:
- a teacher at the New York Institute for the Blind, 1853;
- admitted to the bar, 1859;
- Sheriff of Erie County, 1870-73;
- Mayor of Buffalo, N.Y., 1881-82; and
- Governor of New York, 1882-85.
Grover Cleveland
was both the 22nd and 24th President - the only President to serve two non-consecutive terms, 1885-1889 and 1893-1897.
Secretary of State James Gillespie Blaine
would have been elected President in 1884
instead of Grover Cleveland
if he would have received
just 1000 more votes
in the State of New York.
James G. Blaine
wrote in
Columbus and Columbia, a Pictorial History of the Man and the Nation (1892):
"No proverb ever supplanted the patience of Job or the wisdom of Solomon ... Moses has never been surpassed in statesmanship.
A scientific theology is pointing out the footprints of the Creator to common sense. The brotherhood of man, the Fatherhood of God, is becoming the cornerstone of religion, as revealed in Christ, and as clearly traced in human history."
On December 8, 1885,
President Cleveland
stated in his First Annual Message:
"In the Territory of Utah the law of the United States passed for suppression of polygamy has been energetically and faithfully executed during the past year ...
The strength, the perpetuity, and the destiny of the nation rest upon our homes, established by the
law of God,
guarded by parental care, regulated by parental authority, and sanctified by parental love. These are not the homes of polygamy."
In his 2nd Inaugural, March 4, 1893,
Grover Cleveland
"It can not be doubted that our stupendous achievements as a people and our country's robust strength have given rise to
heedlessness of those laws governing our national health
we can no more evade than human life can escape the laws of God and nature ...
Above all, I know there is a
Supreme Being
who rules the affairs of men and whose goodness and mercy have always followed the American people, and I know He will not turn from us now
if we humbly and reverently seek His powerful aid."
The first Democrat elected President after the Civil War,
Grover Cleveland
sent in the army to
union strikers
during the
Pullman Railroad Strike of 1894.
He supported having
currency backed by gold
and fought political corruption.
On July 13, 1887, at a centennial celebration in Clinton, New York,
President Grover Cleveland
"Tthe sovereignty of sixty millions of free people, is, to my mind ... the working out ... of the divine right of man to govern himself and a manifestation of God's plan concerning the human race."
On December 3, 1888, in his Fourth Annual Message,
President Cleveland
"Our success in accomplishing the work
has given the American people to do, require of those intrusted with the making and execution of our laws perfect devotion ...
This devotion will lead us to strongly resist all impatience with constitutional limitations of Federal power and to
persistently check the increasing tendency to extend the scope of Federal legislation into the domain of the State and local jurisdiction."
One of the international incidents which occurred during
Grover Cleveland's
time as President was the treatment of the
Christians in Armenia
by the Muslim Ottoman Turks.
In a Message to Congress, December 2, 1895,
President Grover Cleveland
"Reported massacres of Christians in Armenia
and the development there and in other districts of a spirit of
fanatic hostility to Christian
influences naturally excited apprehension for the safety of the devoted men and women who, as dependents of the foreign missionary societies in the United States, reside in Turkey ..."
"Several of the most powerful European powers have secured a right ... not only in behalf of their own citizens ... but
as agents of the Christian world
... to enforce such conduct of Turkish government as will refrain
fanatical brutality."
The next year,
President Grover Cleveland
stated, December 7, 1896:
"The rage of
mad bigotry and cruel fanaticism
... wanton destruction of homes and the
bloody butchery of men, women, and children,
martyrs to their profession of Christian faith ...
outbreaks of blind fury
which lead to murder and pillage in Turkey occur suddenly and without notice ..."
"... I do not believe that the present somber prospect in Turkey will be long permitted to offend the sight of
It so mars the humane and enlightened civilization that belongs to the close of the 19th century that it seems hardly possible that the earnest demand of good people throughout the
Christian world
for its corrective treatment will remain unanswered."
At this same time, 1897-1898, a young British soldier named
Winston Churchill
fought in northwest India, Egypt and Sudan, serving under the command of British General Herbert Kitchener.
entered the British Parliament and went on to become Britain's Prime Minister. He wrote in his two-volume work,
The (Nile) River War:
"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! ... The fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog ...
Insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live ... A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity."
"The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.
Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities ... but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it."
"No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.
It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step;
and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome."
As First Lord of the Admiralty,
Winston Churchill
convinced the British Navy to modernize from using coal to oil from Iran.
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company
was formed, which later became
British Petroleum (BP).
In 1938,
Standard Oil Company
discovered oil in Saudi Arabia, which led to the forming of the
Arabian-American Oil Company (Aramco).
Within a generation,
Saudi Arabia
went from the
poorest Muslim country to the richest,
a magnet pulling Middle East countries toward its extremist
version of Islam.
In 1938,
Hilaire Belloc,
the President of the Oxford Union who had been a member of the British Parliament, wrote in
The Great Heresies
"Mohammedism was a perversion of Christian doctrine ... He eliminated the Trinity ... He was content to accept all that appealed to him...and to reject all that seemed to him too complicated ...
... He was born a pagan, living among pagans, and never baptized. He adopted Christian doctrines ... and dropped those that did not suit him ... The success of Mohammedanism ... was an extreme simplicity which pleased the unintelligent masses ..."
Continuing his 1938 book,
The Great Heresies,
Hilaire Belloc
ended with an almost prophetic warning:
"... Will not perhaps the temporal power of Islam return
and with it the menace of
an armed Mohammedan world
which will shake off the domination of Europeans - still nominally Christian - and reappear again as
the prime enemy of our civilization? ...
... The future always comes as a surprise but political wisdom consists in attempting at least some partial judgment of what that surprise may be.
And for my part I cannot but believe that a main unexpected thing of
the future is the return of Islam ...
... In view of this, anyone with a knowledge of history is bound to ask himself whether we shall not see
in the future a revival of Mohammedan political power
, and the renewal of the
old pressure of Islam upon Christendom;
yet over and over again they have suddenly united under a leader and accomplished the greatest things ..."
Hilaire Belloc
"... Now it is probable enough that on these lines - unity under a leader -
the return of Islam may arrive.
There is no leader as yet, but enthusiasm might bring one and there are signs enough in the political heavens today of
what we may have to expect from the revolt of Islam at some future date perhaps not far distant."
President Grover Cleveland
issued a Proclamation of a
National Day of Prayer,
November 4, 1895,
"That we may with thankful hearts unite in extolling the loving care of our
Heavenly Father,
Grover Cleveland,
President of the United States, do hereby appoint and set apart ...
a day of ... prayer
to be kept and
observed by all our people.
On that day let us forego our usual occupations and in our accustomed places of worship join in
rendering thanks to the Giver of Every Good and Perfect Gift ...
Let us humbly beseech the
to so incline the hearts of our people unto Him
that He will not leave us nor forsake us as a nation,
but will continue to us
His mercy
and protecting care."
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