Frequently Asked Questions

Which students have IPC holds on their account?
As of Spring 2019, all F-1 visa holders have this hold until they have applied to graduate.

Why do I have a hold on my account? Am I in trouble?
This hold policy was implemented to protect you from falling out of status by dropping classes during the semester without first speaking with an advisor. The hold does not mean that you owe money on your student bill or that you have done anything wrong.

What does the hold prevent me from doing?
The hold only prevents you from adding and dropping classes after the first week of classes and from viewing your transcripts. It should not inhibit any other actions while you are a student.

What if I need my hold lifted during the semester to drop a class or request my transcripts?
You can email or the advisor of your choice to explain the reason for needed your hold lifted. If you have a valid reason, we will temporarily lift your hold.

How often do I have to complete this request through the ISSS Portal?
The request must be completed each semester before your registration window opens (contact your academic advisor for your exact registration window). We will send an email when it's time to complete the request.

IPC said they lifted my hold but I still can't register. What's going on?
It is possible that you have an additional hold on your account preventing registration. You can check your holds in UNCGenie and contact the office responsible for placing your hold. Most often, registration holds come from either the Cashiers Office or the Graduate School.