You are receiving this email because you held a 2022 or 2023 IRC certificate.

Even if you have already revalidated (thank you), this email contains useful information for you.

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IRC 2024 applications open

Boat name: (boat name)

Sail no.: (sail no)

IRC Certificate no.: 441590677030


If you have sold this boat, please let us know so we can update our records; the easiest way is to reply to this email (

The MyIRC online application portal is open for IRC 2024 and you are invited to apply for your rating certificate for the new racing season.

Please read the information below before applying for your certificate to ensure that you are aware of rule changes and that the IRC rating accurately reflects your boat's configuration.

Do you hold a Secondary (SEC) certificate for your boat?

If so, please add this to your MyIRC account as a separate boat. This then allows you to revalidate the SEC certificate and apply for amendments or trials for it during the year. If you have any problems adding it, please contact the Rating Office.

Number of headsails

For 2024 you MUST declare the number of headsails you carry on board for racing. This includes staysails. Exclude 1 x OSR Heavy Weather Jib and/or 1 x OSR Storm Jib. See IRC rule 21.7.1.

If only 1 headsail please also confirm whether it is eligible as a single furling headsail (the default will be No).

Please enter this information on the Mainsail & Headsail page. If you enter 1 headsail, the furling headsail will show at the bottom of the same page.

IRC 2024 Rules

Trial certificate and Secondary certificate applications may be submitted after you have applied for your initial valid certificate.

IRC Rules & Definitions

Changes from last year are clearly marked with a sidebar in the Rule text. This web page includes more details on rule changes, and any Notices & Interpretations that have been issued.

IRC rating formulation changes

You can find this in the current IRC Rule section.

This document outlines the main formulation developments for this year and has been produced to help owners understand changes to IRC ratings.

Certificate applications, measurement and sail numbers

IRC Member benefits

Current certificate holders benefit from the following generous offers from our IRC partners:

Free online access to Seahorse Magazine

Seahorse Magazine trial subscription offer

Discount on TuffLuff from SeaSure

Click the link above for full information

This wise advice from a member of GBR IRC Committee is worth repeating:

"Economical or free ways to improve your rating: Clean hulls, getting the crew to build polars, calibrate instruments, relearn basics, batten tension, crew position, backing down for weed, practise, practise, practise. Do these easy, cheap things, and make sure you have fun!"

Images: RORC / Paul Wyeth / Rick Tomlinson
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