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Dear Founders,

Wow! What an amazing celebration for our 56th Anniversary! Wasn't it wonderful to have our founder, Rev. Troy Perry with us in worship? One man, who heard God's voice, obeyed the call on his heart, and 56 years later, here we are - all over the world!

Thank you to all who came and participated in our celebration. The combined Praise Teams were just amazing! (I could get used to hearing all those voices every week!) Thanks especially to Louis Ramirez for his leadership and ministry to ALL of us!

October is the month we focus on Stewardship. Over the next few weeks, we'll hear messages that cause us to reflect on our personal stewardship as well as our stewardship as a congregation. I love this time of year, as it helps me think about my time, talents, tithes, and testimony for God. I hope you will join me in thinking on these things as well. On October 20th, we'll share our Commitment Cards for 2025. Please be praying about what the Spirit would have you do.

This is also a time that I am personally thinking about our VISION. What is it that "I" want to see for our church? What ministries would I like to improve? Add? Let go? How can "I" be of service in a better way to my church, my denomination, my community, and, most importantly, to God? Yes, pastors ask these questions, too! The good news is: I'm not in this ministry alone; WE are in this ministry, and WE can make a difference in our world.

There are lots of activities happening over the next few weeks: Pet BlessingModels of PrideAIDS Walk, and more. Participation in these activities is just one way we can be a witness (stewardship!) to our community.

This month, we will continue our 56th Anniversary by celebrating those who have been associated with MCC for 50+ years! You'll be blessed by these testimonies!  

This Sunday, the message is entitled, If We Can See It, We Can Be It. If you'd like to read ahead, check out Habakkuk 2:1-3 (Message Version). Come expecting a blessing!

Pastor Keith

The reading is taken from

Habakkuk, Chapter 2, Verses 1 through 3

(The Message Version)

What’s God going to say to my questions? I’m braced for the answer.

    I’ll climb to the lookout tower and scan the horizon.

I’ll wait to see what God says,

    how God’ll answer me. 

And then God answered: “Write this.

    Write what you see.

Write it out in big block letters

    so that it can be read on the run.

This vision-message is a witness

    pointing to what’s coming.

It aches for the coming—it can hardly wait!

    And it doesn’t lie.

If it seems slow in coming, wait.

    It’s on its way. It will come right on time.

Interested in Church Membership? Or, maybe, you just want to know more about our church's core beliefs and history. Set up an online meeting with Rev. Steve Swafford at for an individualized study!

For I know the plans I have for you … to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11,12)


GIVEN AS OF Oct. 10th   =$77,571.00

REMAINING NEED         =$68,625.00

Does anyone have a spare bass guitar laying around the house, or know of someone who does and is willing to donate it to the Music Ministry here at FMCC/ICMF? Please contact our Minister of Music, Louis Ramirez. (Also needing a bass amplifier.)

Our own Daniel Franzese is part of the cast of Blood/Love "Rock Popera." It is playing through November 2. For tickets and synopsis, go to (graphics attached).

We are raffling 4 sets of 4 tickets to Blood/Love, given to us by Daniel Franzese as a fundraiser for our Roof Project. Donations are 1 for $20 and 3 for $50. Winners can select their show dates. 

Starting Today!!

Upcoming Showtimes

Oct11 Tonight!!

8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Blood Love – Vampire Rock Popera


8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Blood Love – Vampire Rock Popera


8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Blood Love – Vampire Rock Popera

We will have our monthly Saturday Night Spiritual with Rev. Sheena Metal tomorrow night, October 12, 2024, at 5 p.m. on Facebook Live. Come here a positive and uplifting spiritual message!

Board Meeting 

Founders MCC is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: BOD Meeting

Time: Oct 17, 2024 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 838 6114 9155

Passcode: 125205

Pet Blessing - October 19th

If you would like to have your pet blessed, we will have a "walk-up" pet blessing station in the church's courtyard on Saturday, October 19th, 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.



Proposition 3 will enshrine marriage equality in the California state constitution, protecting our rights should the U.S. Supreme Court change its mind. For more information and to volunteer for text banking and other opportunities to help, see

Dear friends:

Thank you again for your support of the "Tailoring Our Way to Freedom" project in Uganda last year. As you know, the project was launched successfully, then co-founder Steven Kabuye was brutally attacked on January 3rd. 

* Please see Steven's message below.


As a result of your support, we launched the first Troy Perry Legacy Grants program!


We are now expanding our 7th annual OUR PRIDE Shorts & Arts Fest to support the Troy Perry Legacy Grants & Awards programs. This year we've expanded to a full 31 DAY festival, the entire month of LGBTQ History Month, October 1-31, including 120+ Shorts & Feature Films from 25+ Countries, with 30+ Viewing Hours.


The festival is viewable worldwide on Roku, AppleTV, FireTV, iOS, Andorid, the Web, and at The ALL ACCESS PASS is $20 and proceeds go to the Troy Perry Legacy Grants & Awards programs. 


Please consider getting your ALL ACCESS PASS at

Check out the film trailers and details!

We're expanding our festival to include Musical Artists.


Solo artists and groups may submit their videos here:


Thought you might like to check out a local LA artist: Johnny Schaefer:


Also, we're slashing prices for African All Access Passes by 50%.... $10 for an All-Access Pass.


Thanks for your support and sharing this festival widely!

Update from Steven Kabuye

Hello friends:

Thank you for your support of the "Tailoring Our Way to Freedom" project in late 2023.


As you are aware, I was nearly killed in a homophobic stabbing just as we were producing our first products in the Tailoring project.


Additionally, my co-founder, Eugene Ntambi, was arrested, and our offices, tailoring premises, and homes were raided by the police and army. They were searching for evidence to falsely charge us with recruiting children into homosexuality and spreading homosexuality. As a result, our successful Tailoring project came to a standstill.


Before these events, we had secured a two-room rented premise for our training, purchased three high-quality electric industrial sewing machines, materials, and recruited two expert teachers in fashion, tailoring, and design. We had enrolled five students for the first cohort, and training was scheduled to begin on January 4, 2024.


We had accounted for 67% of the grant funds and were left with 33% to cover the first training session.


By January 5, 2024, our landlord, neighbors, and community leaders had discovered our sexual orientation and evicted us immediately. The police continued to intimidate and track us, preventing us from continuing the project for the first three months.


However, at the start of this month, our top management resolved to restart the project discreetly. We aim to train 60 LGBTQ young people in tailoring from September this year to September 2025.


Our main challenges now are the lack of training materials, as the police confiscated most of our belongings, and the need for rent and other resources to support the trainers and run the project. We believe the "Tailoring Our Way to Freedom" project, under the name Liberation Designs, can revolutionize our struggle for freedom, empower us, and change the lives of ordinary LGBTQ Ugandans.


We still have our machines, trainers, and trainees, and we are determined to see this project succeed and transform lives.


Regarding Eugene's health, he remains seriously unwell. Please keep him in your prayers for an advanced checkup to determine what happened to him while in custody on January 3, 2024.


Please consider purchasing a $20 ALL ACCESS PASS at for the OUR PRIDE 2024 Shorts & Arts Fest. Your ticket purchase will support the next Troy Perry Legacy Grant for Phase II of the "Tailoring" project.


Thank you for your understanding and support.

Steven Kabuye

President, Coloured Voices Media Foundation, Uganda

OUR PRIDE LGBTQ Short Films & Arts Festival / Rainbow Advocacy


Support Us | OUR PRIDE

Our Pride Shorts and Art Fest during the month of October benefitting the

Troy Perry Legacy Grants.

(1946 movie is part of this Festival)

Tickets are now linked from the website and live on eoFlix for 1946 Movie:











Twitter / X


Women Make Movies - Fiscal Sponsor



MCC denomination will be promoting the film to their churches and members.

Being MCC in Politically Perilous Times in the U.S.A.

Moving from Independence to Interdependence

Attention U.S. Pastors, Pastoral Leaders, Network Leaders, and Lay Delegates:

This Message is for YOU!

While on our journey of faith, those who live in the U.S. now find ourselves in politically perilous times. And, we know that MCCers are always STRONGER TOGETHER when we share our journey in faith, prayer, and love.

So we, the Council of Elders, invite you to join us as we explore what we carry in our ‘spiritual backpack’ on this journey and choose to move from independence to interdependence through listening, prayer, action, and hope. We are indeed stronger together and even stronger with love.

The first meeting will include an introduction and invite feedback. We hope you will join us:

Zoom Link:

Future meetings will be held on the following Saturdays, same time, using the same Zoom link:

October 26 / November 16

(post-election debriefs).

If you believe this is a good idea but are unable to attend, please let us know by emailing the Council of Elders at: []. And, we welcome your suggestions regarding what is important and helpful to you on this journey toward the U.S. elections.

Please note: this U.S. gathering is the first of several that are being considered globally.

Faithfully, the MCC Council of Elders:

Rev. Elder Cecilia Eggleston, Moderator

Elder Hattie Alexander-Key

Rev. Elder Mark Byrd

Rev. Elder Nokuthula Dhladhla

Elder Velma Garcia

Rev. Elder Rich Hendricks

Rev. Elder Aaron Miller

Rev. Elder Elaine Saralegui Caraballo

Rev. Elder Stuart Sutherland

Reflection on the Statement of Faith

Rev. Elder Rich Hendricks

Watch on YouTube | Watch on Vimeo

Our MCC Statement of Faith: We affirm God’s charge to all of humanity to care for the land, sea, and air. Therefore, we will actively resist systems and structures which are destroying God’s creation.

We are creatures who have forgotten our role in the world. Our role declared in Genesis as stewards of this garden planet. Our role declared in the gospels as lovers of God and our neighbor. Instead of caretaking, we have become takers.

We are a plastic worshipping society – it is in the deepest oceans and in our lungs. 

Fossil fuels are a curse passed down from one generation to the next. Loving our neighbor includes our neighbors in time. We must not burden our future neighbor, leaving them to solve problems we created.

Epic floods, fires, famines and weather-related disasters rise and will continue to do so until after we stop our manic consumption of fossil fuels and plastics.

The forces of God and nature are way bigger than us. We must face the common enemy of global warming together. We who were formed by God must relearn and practice our call to be in right relationship with creation. 

We are called to value love above expediency and personal comfort.

It is not impossible. Our indigenous siblings prove that people can coexist as valued parts of a healthy and thriving ecosystem. 

This is good news! 

All Creation is connected through kinship networks— our ancestors and siblings include the trees, the rivers, and the 2.3 million species that share fragments of our DNA.

Let us shift to valuing communal well-being. The health of one depends on the health of all. THAT’s what Jesus means by loving our neighbor as ourselves; by the Kindom of God --what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called The Beloved Community.

Imagine a world defined by enough, instead of by either excess or scarcity! Let us unlearn ways that place profit before life. Let us unlearn ways of relating that are “power-over”, rather than right relationship. 

We must listen again to our Creator.

Remembering who we are, we can live into our callings and find new ways to resist destroyers of creation. 

The time to start is now. Will you join us?

Donate Now to the MCC Disaster Relief Fund for those affected by Hurricane Helene & Milton

The recent Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton caused widespread damage and destruction. A number of families and communities have been affected, including some MCC churches in Florida, North Carolina, and other areas in the southeast of the United States.

We have been notified that disaster relief funds will be needed in both Florida and North Carolina and that we will be working to get these requests funded as soon as possible.

The MCC Disaster Relief Fund is an appeal which aims to support MCC churches affected by the recent hurricane, and any funds not used can be retained for future needs related to disaster relief.

Your generous donation to the MCC Disaster Relief Fund will provide critical support to those affected, helping them rebuild their lives and recover from this disaster.

Donate (

Dear MCCers:

So many of you are reaching out after Hurricane Helene's & Hurricane Milton's destruction that has impacted such a large geographic area, many without warning that such devastation was imminent. We launched an appeal for donations to the disaster relief fund, which provides an opportunity for churches to seek assistance for their own repairs, as well as providing additional means to support congregants.

Several of you have asked what the specific needs are so that you and your local congregations may do more. We have not been able to communicate with all churches as the ongoing local conditions impede internet and cell service so this list may grow.

The need for support is both physical and spiritual in nature with basic needs being our first priority. In order to help restore the wellbeing of those directly impacted, our response will need to be immediate as well as sustained. One hundred percent of disaster relief donations are in a restricted fund and can only be used for for disaster relief efforts.

What we know right now is this:

  • King of Peace MCC in St. Petersburg, Florida - Rev. Ray Simms -we have a number of people that were impacted seriously because they lived on the water in condos and some were on the ground floor. Three of our people lived in the same building and they think the building is condemned at this point.  Other than that anybody else only had minor damage. There was no injury and certainly no loss of life.

  • MCC of Our Redeemer in Augusta, Georgia - Rev. Dr. Marc Trimm -still widespread power outages; minimal damage to church; most congregants need food; two grocery stores have reopened for non-perishables; a gas depot has been set up for fuel and while these two steps are staving panic, it is perilous.

  • Mountain Spirit MCC in Asheville, North Carolina - Rev. Pressley Sutherland - all congregants have been accounted for! There is still widespread power outages, complete losses of homes, food, lack of communication; widespread destruction - it is perilous.

  • Trinity MCC in Gainesville, Florida - Rev. Catherine Dearlove - fairly widespread power outages, including Pastor, though she and animals are safe. Lots of limbs down on church property. Still assessing needs.

  • Church of the Trinity MCC in Sarasota, Florida - Rev. Elder Lillie Brock - We have a few church members who had flooding issues but all in all, I think we fared well.

  • SunCoast MCC in Venice, Florida - Rev. Elder Dr. Nancy Wilson - no damage to church property and no loss of power. Some congregants experienced flooding, several without a safe place to stay, one has lost everything.

  • Please keep our siblings in Knoxville, Tennessee in prayer as the flood waters will cause their water levels to rise and while MCC Knoxville and congregants are okay now, we send prayers that they remain so.

Donate Now to MCC Disaster Relief Fund

The MCC Disaster Relief Fund is an appeal which aims to support MCC churches affected by the recent hurricanes, and any funds not used can be retained for future needs related to disaster relief.

Your generous donation to the MCC Disaster Relief Fund will provide critical support to those affected, helping them rebuild their lives and recover from this disaster.

Donate Now

How To Apply - MCC Disaster Relief Fund

If your church or community is experiencing hardship because of Hurricane Helene, your church can apply for assistance by writing a letter (or an email if a letter is impossible at this time) to the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches. The church must be in a declared disaster zone and have suffered effects at the church proper or have an isolated disaster/emergency which can be documented.

In the letter, please include the following:

  1. Description of the situation your church is experiencing.
  2. Goals/Purpose for the use of these funds
  3. Budget for the use of these funds
  4. Projected impact of these funds (the difference these funds will make to the church and your community)

The letter should come from either the Pastor, Vice Moderator, or the Board of Directors.

Examples of the use of these funds could be:

  1. Payment of your insurance deductible relating to a property insurance claim caused by Hurricane Helene
  2. Repairs to your church building
  3. Assistance for your church’s Benevolence Fund due to the increased demand for your church’s Food Pantry program
  4. Distribution of water in your community

Initially, application requests may be for amounts up to $1,000 (USD). Additional funding might be possible as additional funds come in.

Send your letter to [].

If you receive MCC Disaster Relief funds, the reporting requirements are:

  1. Final accounting of how the funds were used.
  2. Description of the outcomes and impact of the funds
  3. Photos and personal stories are encouraged.

Email Application


Nominating Committee Information Below

Announcement - Introduction - Survey

**The Governing Board Nominating Committee Information was sent Wednesday

18th September 2024. That announcement included the Governing Board Application**

All information in this email is also in our resource bank at this link

INTRODUCING the Moderator Nominating Committee

The Governing Board, after reviewing recommendations from the Governance Committee, has approved five (5) candidates to serve as the Moderator Nominating Committee (MNC) through General Conference 2025. 

Please join us in congratulating the following persons as they are charged to do this work of the Moderator Nominating Committee per the UFMCC Bylaws Article V.E.2.a.:

  • MODERATOR NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The Governing Board shall appoint a Moderator Nominating Committee of five (5) persons. The responsibility of the Moderator Nominating Committee is to actively solicit candidates for the position, review any and all applications, and select up to five (5) qualified candidates. The qualified candidates shall be presented by the Governing Board to the General Conference for election. UFMCC Bylaws Effective 19 July 2022.

Join us in welcoming these five people into service as the Moderator Nominating Committee (MNC) for MCC’s General Conference 2025!

Email them a message of welcome at

Gilbert (GV) Basbas, He/Him

A Church For All MCC

Sacramento, California, USA

I’m Reverend Gilbert Victor “GV” Basbas, Associate Pastor of A Church For All MCC near Sacramento, California, USA. Via our outreach programs, I help provide mental health respite and facilitate suicide prevention in the Sacramento area. At the denominational level, I serve as coordinator for the global MCC Asian Pacific Islander Kinship Group. I was born and raised in Quezon City, Philippines. After graduating from high school in 1998, I immigrated to the United States, settled with my family in the San Francisco Bay Area and pursued a career in pharmaceutical engineering. I began my MCC journey on a date at A Church For All MCC in the summer of 2010. Several years later, I moved to the northeastern United States for seminary and attended both MCC Hartford and MCC Boston. As clergy intern, I also served as co-founder of the Elm City Oasis MCC Community in New Haven, Connecticut, USA. It has been my privilege to meet MCC members and clergy from around the world at every MCC General Conference since 2016. I have also been privileged to worship with Open Table MCC and MCC Marikina, both in the Metropolitan Manila Area of the Philippines. As pastor to marginalized communities of color, I believe it is a blessing to serve MCCers around the world as we journey together in choosing our next Moderator.

Kathy Coyle, She/Her

Trinity MCC, 

Gainesville, Florida USA

My name is Kathy Coyle. I live in Melrose, Florida, USA. My church is Trinity MCC in Gainesville, Florida, USA. I have been their Lay Delegate since 2017. I am taking part in the LEAD (Lay Empowerment for Active Discipleship) program and am part of LEAD 13. I was moved to apply for the Moderator’s Nominating Committee because of all that is going on politically in our country. Now more than ever I feel it is important for people to hear MCC’s message that they are loved by God. While I have not been active on a Denominational level, I feel strongly that MCC is still needed to stand up for social justice, therefore electing a Moderator will keep MCC moving into the future. 

Rev. Tijuana Gray, She/Her

New England USA

Rev. Dr. Tijuana Gray is pleased to serve on the Moderator Nominating Committee for 2025. She loves and is committed to the mission of MCC and takes as many opportunities as she can to support the work of that mission. Tijuana served on the last three Governing Board Nominating Committees, on the committee for the 2017 People of African Descent Conference, and on the Team for the former North Central US Network, in addition to pastoring two churches from 2015 to 2024. Tijuana recently moved from the US Heartland to New England to rehabilitate with her spouse after five years of long distance. While taking time allegedly to rest and adjust, she is preparing to turn her Doctor of Ministry project into a book, building her movement and bodywork practice, and talking with trees in the woods near her new home..

Rev. Kai Millar, They/Them

Northern Lights MCC,

Newcastle upon Tyme, United Kingdom

Kai has been a member of MCC for the past fifteen years. They attended Northern Lights MCC in Newcastle, England for 8 years and during this time followed their calling to train as clergy within MCC and completed REVM in 2018. Prior to this Kai completed the Creating a Life that Matters (CLM) and LEAD. 

Kai served as a Trustee on the Board of Northern Lights MCC, on the worship team, offered 1:1 pastoral care and had oversight for the welcoming ministry at the church.

In 2019 Kai relocated to Edinburgh and completed their student ministry placement experience at “Our Tribe” and Augustine United Church. This is a joint ministry between MCC and the local United Reformed Church. Kai continued to support this LGBT+ ministry and the wider life of the church offering skills in outreach, worship and pastoral care.

Kai was ordained in 2022 and was appointed as Senior Pastor at Northern Lights MCC. This continues to be their current ministry position.

Alongside MCC ministry Kai has worked as a Hospital Chaplain for ten years in the National Health Service in England and Scotland providing pastoral and spiritual care in hospital and community settings.

They have attended the European Network Gatherings since 2016 and the General Conference in 2019 and 2022. Kai has been actively involved in the wider work of the denomination and has been a peer leader of The Trans Kinship group, a member of “Partners in Hope” and a regular attender at the Council of Elder’s Tea Time.

Teresa (Terry) White, She/Her

Imago Dei MCC,

Aston, Pennsylvania, USA

I am a member of Imago Dei MCC in Aston, PA, USA. I serve as a member of the Board of Stewards, Ministry Council, prayer leader, food bank, Sunday Supper, alternate Lay Delegate, and worship coordinator of my church. On the denomination level, I am a member of PAD-TNG, co-coordinator for the Northeast Network; former member of the Governing Board Nominating Committee, and the Holy Redeemer Transition Team. I recently came out of retirement to teach in a special program. I currently work with high school expectant mothers so that they can maintain their high school credits. I have also served as a grief counselor for senior citizens. I have a Masters level degree in Education, with several certifications, and over 30 years of varying experience. I am a L.E.A.D. 6 (Laity Empowered for Active Discipleship) graduate. The core value of inclusion is what drew me to MCC. I truly believe in inclusivity, ALL are welcome here. It is an honor to serve on the Moderator Nominating Committee (MNC). My mother was my greatest teacher and spiritual leader.

General Conference 2025!

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In one year, we will be in the middle of our Transformational Weekend, which will be held 3-6 July 2025! General Conference will again take place in two parts:

Part 1: Business Discussion Circles, Forum and Meeting 

In the months leading up to General Conference, there will be many Discussion Circles, webinars, documents and emails to inform you of the business of General Conference. There will be many opportunities for you to provide input. 

At a meeting in June 2024 between the Governing Board and Governance Committee, the Governing Board voted to hold both the General Conference Business Meeting and Business Forum online. The Business Forum will be held on 31st May 2025 and the Business Meeting will be held 7th June 2025. Watch for more information about the content of these sessions. 

Part 2: Transformational Gathering

The 2025 conference will definitely have a retreat feel lasting 3 days instead of our typical 5 or 6-day conference that commingled business with worship and learning. In addition, there will be pre and post-conference activities to enrich and extend your experience. As mentioned above, all business will take place online and not during this in-person gathering. This creates a perfect opportunity for many different members of your congregation to retreat in the desert. Elements of this conference will be live streamed, recorded, and online allowing a hybrid experience for those unable to travel. Our conference app will bridge the online and in-person participants and increase involvement, engagement, and communication between everyone.


We are excited to announce the broad schedule for the Transformational Weekend! 

Thursday, July 3, 2025

  • Afternoon: Check-in and Welcome Reception 
  • Evening: Grounding Worship & Social Time

Friday, July 4, 2025

  • Morning: Opening Worship 
  • Afternoon: Plenary, Small Groups, and Free Time
  • Evening: Reception & Social Time 

Saturday, July 5: 2025 

  • Morning: Worship and Plenary
  • Afternoon: Small Groups and Free Time 
  • Evening: Dinner Church Style Worship (included in your registration) 

Sunday, July 6, 2025: 

  • Morning: Closing Worship with Installation of the Moderator, blessing over the incoming Governing Board, current and outgoing Council of Elders.
  • Afternoon: Optional Excursions

Before and after General Conference, several institutes will take place. Watch for more details on those before airline tickets become available.

Hotel Information

The in-person portion of the conference is taking over Scottsdale, Arizona, USA at the Embassy Suites Resort. It is walking distance from the historic district, Old Town Scottsdale, and the arts and entertainment district.

Our host hotel is an amazing, accessible resort. It is beautiful with incredible views of Camelback Mountain, two refreshing outdoor pools, large suite style sleeping rooms, tennis and pickle ball courts, large conference center, onsite restaurant and bar, and beautiful landscaping. We searched to find not only an accessible hotel for physical accommodations, but also a financially accessible hotel. The Embassy Suites Scottsdale Resort is offering us an amazing rate of $119/night which includes free made to order breakfast, daily cocktail hour, and a complimentary shuttle to hundreds of local shops, restaurants, and activities. Every suite has a living room (with a pull-out couch), and kitchenette which easily accommodates multiple parties to maximize savings. 

You can book your room today by following this link:



Although registration will not open until October, we want to help you plan and budget. Below are the Early Bird (first 90 days) and regular registration rates for General Conference: 

In-Person Rates: 

Sponsor Rate: $425 USD; €395; $7710 MEX; R$2370

This rate is for those who want to help subsidize other registration rates making it more affordable for others to attend General Conference. 

Early Bird Rate: $325 USD; €305; $5880MEX; R$1810

This rate is the Early Bird rate for General Conference which includes dinner one night. This rate will be available for the first 90 days when registration opens.

Regular Rate: $400 USD; €370; $7255 MEX; R$2225

This rate will be after the 90 days Early Bird rate.

Online Rates: 

Sponsor Online Rate: $300 USD; €280; $5445 MEX; R$1670

This rate is for those who those who want to help subsidize other registration rates making it more affordable for others to attend General Conference and only have access to the online portions of the General Conference like worship, plenaries, and online social connections. Note: We will not be hosting a 24-hour all-access conference like 202. 

Online Rate: $200 USD; €185; $3630MEX; R$1115

This rate is for those who will only have access to the online portions of the General Conference like worship, plenaries, and online social connections. Note: We will not be hosting a 24-hour all-access conference like 2022.


More details about speakers, pre and post-conference institutes, worship, and content for the business meeting will be shared in the coming months. In the meantime, mark your calendars, book your hotel, and get ready to have some fun in the sun (or in the air conditioning) with us!

If you have any questions, you can always email us at: to ensure you get all of the information about this next General Conference. Click the button below and add your email if you haven’t already! 



Click Here to Register for the Transformational Weekend


Come . . . and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28

Reunion | Refreshment | Revival

Global General Conference 2025 is a continuation of experimenting to create a truly global General Conference. We continue to open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities. We are experiencing this and learning together. Sometimes it may require moving out of our comfort zones, being willing to engage in new ways, and being open enough to see how this global General Conference allows others to be part of the experience, often for the very first time.

The 2025 conference will definitely have a retreat feel lasting 3 days instead of our typical 5 or 6 day conference that commingled business with worship and learning. In addition, there will be pre and post-conference activities to enrich and extend your experience. As mentioned above, all business will take place online and not during this Transformational Weekend. This creates a perfect opportunity for many different members of your congregation to retreat in the desert. Elements of this conference will be live streamed, recorded, and online allowing a hybrid experience for those unable to travel. Our conference app will bridge the online and onsite participants and increase involvement, engagement, and communication between everyone.

All are welcome to attend the Global General Conference. You do not need to be a member of an MCC Church. In addition to clergy and lay delegates, all ministry leaders, staff, board members, musicians, regular congregants, visitors and friends are encouraged to register and participate.

**The registration link below is only for the Transformational Weekend. Registration for the Business Meeting will open in January 2025.

Registration for the Transformational Weekend

03-06 July, 2025

"Early Bird" rates are available until

31 December 2024.

After that deadline, registration will increase.

Early Bird Onsite Rate: $325 USD

Early Bird Online Rate: $200 USD*

Regular Onsite Rate:$400 USD

Regular Online Rate: $225 USD*

Onsite Individual Day Attendance Rate: $200 USD per day

*Online experience will include General Sessions, pre-identified Programming Events, Workshops, and Worship Services. Additional connections to both those onsite and online will be made using the Whova app. We will not be hosting a 24-hour all-access conference like in 2022.

Use the link below to register for the Transformational Weekend.

Click Here to Register for the Transformational Weekend

General Conference Business Meeting

Registration for the Business Meeting will open in January 2025!

At a meeting in June 2024 between the Governing Board and Governance Committee, the Governing Board voted to hold both the General Conference Business Meeting and Business Forum online.

The Business Forum will be held on 31st May 2025 and the Business Meeting will be held online on 7th June 2025.

In the months leading up to General Conference, there will be many Discussion Circles, webinars, documents and emails to inform you of the business of General Conference. There will be many opportunities for you to provide input.

Watch for more information about the content of these sessions.

There will be no cost to register for the Business Meeting.

Want to help support someone attending conference? When registering there will be an option to give to the Go Global Fund. You may also donate directly by clicking the button below. A donation to the Go Global Fund will help subsidize other registration rates making it more affordable for others to attend General Conference, to provide online access to those outside the USA or to support Watch Parties in locations other than in the USA.

Donate Directly to the Go Global Fund

Our host hotel is an amazing, accessible resort. It is beautiful with incredible views of Camelback Mountain, two refreshing outdoor pools, large suite style sleeping rooms, tennis and pickle ball courts, large conference center, onsite restaurant and bar, and beautiful landscaping. We searched to find not only an accessible hotel for physical accommodations, but also a financially accessible hotel. The Embassy Suites Scottsdale Resort is offering us an amazing rate of $119USD/night (plus taxes and fees) and includes free made to order breakfast, daily cocktail hour, and a complimentary shuttle to hundreds of local shops, restaurants, and activities. Every suite has a living room (with a pull-out couch), and kitchenette which easily accommodates multiple parties to maximize savings.

Make Hotel Reservations Using This Link

Transformational Weekend Schedule

We are excited to announce an overview schedule for the Transformational Weekend!

Thursday, July 3, 2025


  • Afternoon: Check-in and Welcome Reception
  • Evening: Opening Worship & Social Time

Friday, July 4, 2025


  • Morning: Morning Worship Celebration
  • Afternoon: Plenary, Small Groups, and Free Time
  • Evening: Reception & Social Time

Saturday, July 5, 2025


  • Morning: Worship and Plenary
  • Afternoon: Small Groups and Free Time
  • Evening: Dinner Church Style Worship (included in your registration)

Sunday, July 6, 2025


  • Morning: Closing Worship with Installation of the Moderator, blessing over the incoming Governing Board, current and outgoing Council of Elders.
  • Afternoon: Optional Excursions

Engaging Programming

We are excited that a main feature of our Transformational Weekend will be opening ourselves and each other into the possibilities of what it means to be community today -- what it means to be church in 2025. To help us steer the conversation, we are inviting the Rev. Dr. Claudio Carvalhaes to join us in Scottsdale. You might remember him from our online conference in 2022. 

To stay up-to-date on all the planning and relevant information visit the conference website at  

If you have any questions, ideas, or comments, start a conversation with us:

We look forward to connecting with you during our Global General Conference 2025!

GC Sponsorship Opportunities

Interested in how you can support General Conference by becoming a sponsor? Use the link below to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.

GC 2025 Sponsorship Information

Click Here to Register for the Transformational Weekend

Commitment Cards

Commitment forms for 2024.


Join us before and after worship for a time of Hospitality in the church courtyard. Martin Miny is heading a team of people to get coffee, juice, and pastries ready each Sunday. Volunteers are always welcome!

Monkey Pox Vaccine Available 

LA County now has another limited supply of Monkeypox Vaccine available. You can sign up here:

Change In Covid-19 Protocols

As we continue to cope with Covid-19, we are changing our protocols. The new protocols are in line with the rest of LA County. Until further notice, here are our guidelines:

1. We will no longer require vaccinations and boosters for church attendance, though we highly encourage them.
2. We will make wearing masks optional. Please feel free to continue wearing masks as you feel comfortable.

3. We ask people that have symptoms of (or tested positive for) Covid, flu, monkeypox, or any other easily communicable disease to please refrain from attending until they are well.

As we have from the very beginning of the pandemic, we will continue to keep in line with the advice of the LA County Public Health Department. Thank you so much for your patience as we navigate new guidelines.

Tithes & Offerings

Thank you to all who have given so generously through our online giving portal. Our church cannot function without your generosity!! Feel free to continue giving through our website (on PushPay) or simply sending a check in the mail (4607 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90027). Again, thank you.

Grand Total For Week Ending: 10-06-2024: $10,878.00

Roofing Challenge: $3,910.00

Tithing: $4,229.00

Facility Rental: $1,987.00

Christine Daniels Scholarship Fund: $752.00

Rev. Keith Mozingo (Moderator)
Dean Coffey (Vice Moderator)
Kim Doneche (Clerk)
Ed Shaughnessy (Treasurer)
Roger Owens - Governance
Ina Serene - Trans* Unity
Martin Miny - Facilities

Parking Available

Children's Hospital has so graciously volunteered up to 10 spaces for us to park. It is a small lot off Sunset Blvd., just beyond the Metro Station entrance.

Founders Metropolitan Community Church Address And Contact Info:

4607 Prospect Ave, Los Angeles CA 90027 | 323-669-3434



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