Volume XII Issue XXXXV, November 20, 2023 | |
The Diocesan Advisory Board met weeks to begin planning for the 2024 celebrations of the Rite of Election/Call to Continuing Conversion.
Here is the schedule: Rite of Election Schedule
Some other information:
If the numbers hold to 850, there will only be seats for: Catechumens, candidates, their sponsors, the coordinator, and the pastor. Seating for guests may be available in the chapel. We will let you know this and other details at one of the two Zoom gatherings for coordinators to be held in late January.
These two Zoom informational sessions are being hosted again this year so that coordinators know what is expected of them as leaders for their parish. One person from the parish OCIA team is expected to attend.
All three celebrations will be livestreamed.
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Reminder: Your Circle of Grace lessons/family events should be integrated and provided by December 15. If you require an extension, please contact your diocesan leader:
(Rhonda Rose, Robin Shipley or myself)
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Adult Confirmation Opportunities
Bishop Pohlmeier will confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on Adults (over 18) who have received First Communion on the following dates:
Sunday, January 7, 2024 at the 5:30 pm Mass at Queen of Peace, Gainesville
Completed forms due by December 4th for inclusion.
Sunday, May 19, 2024 at a 2:00 pm Mass in the Cathedral Basilica of St. Augustine.
Registration forms for each are due 6 weeks prior. All information on forms is to be completed by a member of the parish staff and needs to be verified. We are not able to accept forms that are not completely filled out.
Norms for Adult Confirmation
Resources for Adult Confirmation
Parish checklist
Registration Form
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The dust has settled...
And we have a couple of liturgical year books left (for Year B). So, if you underordered or did not order...
First come first served at the regular discounts:
2 Spanish Ordos
2 English Ordos
1 Children's Daily Prayer Book
5 English Lector workbooks
Email Erin at Erin's Email
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Eucharistic Revival Local Resources
A large project of the local committee has been to take the tapes from the live presentations on the Mass and break them down into 15-minute smaller segments for various parish and school groups. These are found on the main page of the diocesan website. There are discussion questions after each segment:
Link to videos These are large files. It will be helpful if you download separately to your device.
Sacred Silence
One of the videos introduces another resource being provided in this pivotal third year of Revival, a Gudie for Sacred Silence:
(Bishop Erik Pohlmeier)
Guide for Prayerful and Sacred Silence before Mass:
St John of the Cross taught that silence is the sacred place where we hear the Word of God. However, our parishes can easily lose the atmosphere of prayerful and sacred silence before Mass. The committee is providing a mini-series of lector announcements and a sacred silence guide that you can customize and print.
Series of Lector Announcements: 10 minutes before each Sunday Mass, the priest, deacon, or lector can give a short announcement. There are a total of four announcements that can be given over four consecutive weeks. It is advantageous for the announcement to be given several minutes before Mass to allow people time to pray.
Announcements for Sacred Silence (English)
Announcements for Sacred Silence (Spanish)
Sacred Silence Pew Card (English)
Sacred Silence Pew Card (Spanish)
Sacred silence Pew Card (Vietnamese)
Printable Guide: Each parish can customize and print the guide above as needed. It teaches people three different ways of prayer: Anima Christ/Family Prayer, Lectio Divina, and P.A.C.T (petition, adoration, contrition, thanksgiving). One side is more oriented for individuals and the other for families. Erin McGeever in the Office of Christian Formation has a good and reasonably priced printer and is offering to help print out large quantities for parishes.
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Advent Resources 2023
For Children and Families
https://www.sadlier.com/religion/advent-resources Sadlier Advent Calendar, prayers, St. Nicholas Activity, Spanish and English
https://www.stnicholascenter.org/ Website all about St. Nicholas, Christmas around the world, crafts, etc
https://www.foryourmarriage.org/celebrating-advent-as-a-family/ Celebrating Advent as a family
https://www.eriercd.org/Jesse-Tree-Ornaments.html Diocese of Erie, Jesse Tree symbols and prayers for each of the Jesse Tree Symbols
https://www.catholicicing.com/advent-and-christmas-with-kid/ Advent and Christmas crafts, etc
https://www.thereligionteacher.com/videos/advent/ Advent videos for classroom or home
https://www.loyolapress.com/catholic-resources/liturgical-year/advent/ a myriad of Advent activities for classroom or home
https://www.usccb.org/prayer-worship/liturgical-year/advent Advent calendars, the O Antiphons, Blessing of an Advent Wreath… Spanish and English
https://onlineministries.creighton.edu/CollaborativeMinistry/Advent/ Daily reflections, prayers, online retreats
https://www.catholicapostolatecenter.org/advent.html variety of resources, youtubes, etc
https://www.crs.org/advent-calendar Online advent calendar, reflections
https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/advent/ Prayers, Scripture reflections
https://bustedhalo.com/tag/advent-calendar Busted Halo (young adults) interactive Advent calendar
https://bustedhalo.com/ministry-resources/10-meaningful-advent-traditions-to-try-this-year 10 meaningful Advent traditions to start this year
Bishop Barron Three Comings at Advent. 8 minutes....this one is my favorite of many he has done on Advent.
https://hallow.com/blog/advent-calendars/ Interesting write up on Advent calendars from Hallow, which is a free app
https://churchlife-info.nd.edu/praying-the-o-antiphons Praying the O Antiphons, sign up and receive free reflections
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The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is Sunday, December 3. To celebrate, NCPD is hosting a "Where Faith and Disability Meet" panel on Friday, November 30, from 2 - 3 p.m. E.T.
Register for free here
Our panelists will share their experiences of disability in light of their faith, answering these questions: What breaks your heart? What brings your heart joy? How can the Church improve? We will hear from:
Andrea Kaneb
Andrea is the creator of gatheringsound.com. She is a founding member of the Audiology Leadership Council at MA Eye and Ear Infirmary, where her lifelong experiences with hearing loss inform patient-centered care. Andrea is also an NCPD Catholic Disability Foundation Board Member.
Bob Furtado
Robert, who is blind, has been a member of the Knights of Columbus for nearly twenty years and a lifelong Catholic. He is a current member of the Institute on Theology and Disability and a Committee member of the Status of Professionals with Disability with the American Academy on Religion.
Justin Boatner
Justin is a disability rights activist who started advocating for persons with disabilities in high school through Best Buddies and Athletes Without Limits. He has multiple disabilities, including autism, PTSD, generalizing anxiety disorder, and signs of muscular dystrophy. He was baptized at the Easter vigil this year.
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A couple of Pop-Up Opportunities:
Saturday, December 2, 2023
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Catholic Center Auditorium
Liturgy and Sacraments
Basic Beliefs
Brown bag your lunch
Jotform for December 2, 2023
Saturday, December 9, 2023
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Catholic Center Auditorium
Faith Development
Brown bag your lunch
Jotform for December 9, 2023
Certificación Básica para Catequistas
a través de Zoom
Lunes, 27 de Noviembre de 2023
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Sagrada Escritura (3 horas)
Folletos de información para ser utilizados ese día se enviarán por correo electrónico antes de la sesión.
Jotform para Zoom
The next "All in Two Weekends" will be held at Corpus Christi Parish in St. Augustine on the weekends of January 13-14, 2024 and January 27-28, 2024
January 13 Faith Development and Catechetical Legal
January 14 Role of the Catechist and Practical Skills
January 27 Scripture and Church
January 28 Liturgy and Sacraments and Basic Beliefs
Jotform to register
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The excellent presentations by Dr. Ansel Augustine on racism, "Leveling the Praying Field," and Joe Meyer on Laudato Si, "Caring for our Common Home," are now available online for your personal viewing. Consider using these video presentations with leaders in your diocese or parish.
Leveling the Playing Field
Laudato Si 2.0
January 18-19, 2024
Free Online Conference
January 18: 1-3 pm ET
Emerging Trends in Ministry with Youth
Emerging Trends in Ministry with Young Adults
Paul Jarzembowski
Associate Director for the Laity, USCCB
January 19: 1-3 pm ET
Practices and Models of Family Catechesis
(Reporting on the research NCCL is doing on effective models of family catechesis)
Implementing Family Catechesis in Parishes
(Strategies for implementing family catechesis in your parish)
Paulette Chapman, Joan Weber, and John Roberto
Registration will open in December.
We selected topics based on your input from the summer NCCL survey and the interest finder at the Fall NCCL Convocations.
Catechesis on Prayer &
Prayer Practices
John Michael Reyes
Tuesdays February 6 & 13
Leadership Skills & Practices
for Catechetical Leaders
Dr. Dan Ebener
Thursdays March 7 & March14
Building Intercultural Competence in Catechetical Ministry
Sr. Ruth Bolarte, D.Min.
Thursdays April 11 & 18
Inviting, Forming, and Supporting Parish Catechists
Jayne Mondoy
Tuesdays May 7 & May 14
Tuition for each course is $50. Registration information coming soon.
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Deacon Matt Halbach appearing on EWTN
Dcn Matt, former Executive Director of Catechesis for Sadlier and a current consultant for them, will be featured on At Home with Jim and Joy.
Dcn Matt will be discussing his 2022 book, They Saw Through God's Eyes: An Invitation from Mary and the Saints. This will be a two- part show.
The episodes will debut on November 29 at 1:30 pm and November 30 at 1:30 pm (Eastern time). Each show will then air a few other times and they will be available on the on-demand episodes of At Home with Jim and Joy
Shameless PR: The OCF will have Deacon Matt in town the week of March 11-17, 2024 for several events. He will be presenting the MFP Annual Retreat as part of his whirlwind tour.
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Ave Maria Press publishes new resource for parish renewal
Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran—authors of the bestselling book, Rebuilt—have an answer for lackluster parishes: Make it all about Jesus. In Rebuilt Faith, you will learn that rebuilding and renewing faith starts with a nagging feeling that we want something more—more connectedness, more community, and more purpose. That’s the spark that leads to a flame that burns brightly around Jesus, the foundation of living and growing in faith.
Rebuilt Faith is broken down into forty days, each of which includes a quotation from a saint, a reflection, questions to ponder, a prayer, and a scripture verse.
General link for Parish leaders -
Link for Companion Kit
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Continuing Formation (Level III) Opportunities | |
Saints and Angels in the Parish: Theology and Ministry
Elizabeth Klein
November 21st 3:00 PM
"Are angels real? Do I have a guardian angel? Why should I pray to the saints when I can pray to God?"As a parish leader, you have probably been asked these questions at some point in your ministry. Did you feel confident in your response, wish you could do it over, or just want to know more about angels and saints? In this webinar, Elizabeth Klein—assistant professor of theology at the Augustine Institute—will discuss some of the fundamental teachings of the Church about saints and angels and suggest how these teachings might be applicable to various pastoral situations.
Go to this webinar
Taking Video Games Seriously and Evangelizing to Our Virtual Generation
Bobby Angel
November 28th 3:00 PM
Video games are a $200 billion industry that encapsulates everything from Candy Crush on your phone to Hollywood-quality console experiences, and the majority of young people now under the age of thirty-five are playing some kind of video game. This generation is also checking out of organized religion and serious belief in God, but their human needs for connection and purpose can still be profoundly felt. How do we evangelize in this digital space where so many young people live today? How do we connect a young person's love for the virtual world to the God who is real and loves them deeply? In this webinar, YouTube presenter, author, and former teacher Bobby Angel will offer insight into where video games intersect with a life of faith in God—how games echo Christ's call for our heroic holiness, and how we can lead young people to respond to that call in an integrated and flourishing way.
Go to this webinar
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I am out of the office this week. | | | | |