Benefit Name: Monthly Investor Meetings
Benefit Explained: Monthly Investor Meetings provide Chamber Investors with a variety of information. We get you up-to-date on everything that is happening at the Chamber. We introduce you to a new business or organization each month with the Center Stage Investor Program. We give you, the Investor, an opportunity to share your events and announcements, and we host a variety of guest speakers who discuss topics ranging from small business information, to governmental issues and assistance, to community interests.
When Can I Take Advantage of this Benefit?: Monthly Investor Meetings take place the third Thursday of each month, February through November, with a special Holiday Meeting in December. Meetings are held from Noon to 1:00 p.m. at The White Magnolia Banquet Hall in Leadington, Missouri. Lunch is always available for purchase at the luncheons as well. Lunch reservations are required in advance.
How is this a Benefit? Monthly meetings keep Investors abreast of current Chamber and Investor happenings, offer Investors a variety of information through guest speakers, and provides you with an excellent networking opportunity.