Volume 2022, Issue 2 |March 2022
The Newest Edition of Your Chamber
E-Newsletter Has Arrived!

March Chamber Events & Meetings:
Click the title for more information

McIntyre Psychological Services

A thriving private practice clinic, specializing in various areas of mental health, designed to help individuals overcome their biggest challenges.

March Facebook Giveaway: Now through March 31st!
Center Stage Spotlight: March 15th!
Investor Meeting - March 15, 2022
Cyber Crimes and Juvenile Victims

There are several safety and security issues found on the internet pertaining to juvenile victims. This month's presentation, by Missouri Highway Patrol Corporal Dustin Reed, will focus on potentially dangerous applications that are available online and how predators use these applications to target and exploit children.

At noon on March 15, 2022, at the White Magnolia Banquet Hall. Reservations are required by March 11, 2022.
St. Patty's Day Coffee Coffee - March 17, 2022
Rescheduled from February

Luck and weather just didn't allow for a February First Friday Coffee, so we have rescheduled for a second time, but this time, Tiffany has chosen the LUCKIEST day of the year as her reschedule date - ST. PATRICKS DAY!!

Join us at The Copper Fox Contrived from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. on St. Patty's Day for Coffee!
Sauces & Shows: Music, Mullets, & Muscle Cars
Now Seeking Sponsors & Vendors!

This exciting, 2-day event, will feature things like Really Good Music by bands such as "Top Guns" and "Last Dance", Really Cool Things such as Muscle Cars, Beer (classic & specialty), Food, Vendors, Cornhole, And Mullets!

Chamber NEWS
Chamber News & Announcements
*Click the title to view the news article.

Benefit Reminder!
Benefit Name: Monthly Investor Meetings

Benefit Explained: Monthly Investor Meetings provide Chamber Investors with a variety of information. We get you up-to-date on everything that is happening at the Chamber. We introduce you to a new business or organization each month with the Center Stage Investor Program. We give you, the Investor, an opportunity to share your events and announcements, and we host a variety of guest speakers who discuss topics ranging from small business information, to governmental issues and assistance, to community interests.

When Can I Take Advantage of this Benefit?: Monthly Investor Meetings take place the third Thursday of each month, February through November, with a special Holiday Meeting in December. Meetings are held from Noon to 1:00 p.m. at The White Magnolia Banquet Hall in Leadington, Missouri. Lunch is always available for purchase at the luncheons as well. Lunch reservations are required in advance.

How is this a Benefit? Monthly meetings keep Investors abreast of current Chamber and Investor happenings, offer Investors a variety of information through guest speakers, and provides you with an excellent networking opportunity.

New Investors!!
Investor Anniversaries!!
Happy Anniversary!

Thank you for being an ESSENTIAL part of our Chamber's journey & success year, after year, after year! We are eternally grateful for your dedication and passion! We appreciate each and every one of you!


Investor EVENTS
Investor NEWS
Employment Opportunities
SPECIALS From Your Fellow Investors
Stay Informed!
Small Business Grants with a March Deadline

Looking for extra money for your small business? Applying for small business grants may help. There are currently opportunities for minority-owned companies, agriculture businesses, startups, and businesses affected by COVID-19. The following...

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Stay Connected!
Connect With Us!
Park Hills - Leadington Chamber of Commerce
12 Municipal Drive, Park Hills, MO 63601
Phone Us: 573-431-1051