Greetings! – we hope this will be your best birthday yet; we know it will have immense impact. Thank you again for accepting our birthday challenge. 

As promised, here is a reminder of how you can make it easy for your friends, family, and colleagues to support your birthday wish for donations to Global Sojourns Giving Circle:
Send an email to everyone who celebrates your birthday, inviting them to make a donation instead of giving you a gift.

Here is a sample invite. If you write your own request, be sure to copy and paste the links.

"For my birthday, I would be so grateful if you would join me in helping to educate and empower girls in Southern Africa. By donating to Global Sojourns Giving Circle, we can all give girls in need a chance to gain confidence, stay in school, and ultimately break the cycle of poverty that grips their communities. Now that is something to celebrate!

Option: And to create as much impact as possible, I will match donations up to $X.

Simply make a donation in my name.

Why don’t you pledge your birthday too? Join the GSGC Birthday Challenge here.”
You can easily create a Facebook Fundraiser by clicking here. You will be taken to the GSGC fundraiser page where an easy form will pop up and help you customize and launch your fundraiser on your Facebook page. Once created, your Facebook friends can then simply click on the donate button. Consider encouraging donations by promising a matching donation up to a certain amount raised. 
Birthday Party:
If there is a birthday party or gathering for you this year, let guests know ahead of time that you are requesting donations instead of gifts. You can send the links from the email option, collect checks, or have a computer setup on our donation page.

Send us pictures and we’ll post your celebration on our Facebook page!

Checks can be sent to:
Global Sojourns Giving Circle, 275 West 3rd Street,
Suite 600, Vancouver, WA 98660-2916.
Please ask your guests to include their email and postal address on their checks.  
Create an Event:
Do something you have always wanted to experience and turn it into a fundraising event. Ideas are unlimited, but here are a few to get you thinking.
  • Host a house concert and donate the cover fee. Marimba anyone?
  • Organize a game night and donate the entry fee and/or half the pot if playing for money. Texas Hold-em is fun!
  • Get friends to pledge money to see you do something scary, crazy, or very funny. Be sure to set a fundraising goal to make it worth it!

Whatever you do, be sure to send us photos to share on our Facebook page.  
To help you tell the GSGC story, visit our website, and/or download the GSGC Media Pack.

Your cumulative birthday donation will have a profound impact. Dollars go far in Southern Africa, and 100% of your donation goes straight to the field to support programs for girls in both urban and rural areas. You and your family and friends are helping to set these girls, and their communities, on a new course of possibilities. Thank you!