We had the pleasure of hosting the Gainesville Offshore Fishing Club & the University of Florida's Salty Gators Fishing Club Tournaments! Lots of fish were caught this weekend!
November fishing is ON FIRE!
Pam caught this awesome redfish while fishing with Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Shelli Griffis caught redfish after redfish the other day!
The Snyder crew slammed the gag grouper, red grouper, vermillion snapper & Florida snapper with Capt. Chase Norwood & his first mate, Zach Bunkley!
Brad Snyder, dockmaster Derek Snyder's uncle, is holding up one of the many red grouper they caught on their charter with Capt. Chase Norwood!
It's fall y'all! And nothing is better than pecans in November! Click below to try out this super yummy pecan pancake recipe!
Gov. Ron DeSantis has announced the opening of five additional recreational red snapper dates for fall for private recreational anglers and state for-hire operations in the Gulf of Mexico.
Nov. 21 and 22 and over
the Thanksgiving weekend,
Nov. 27, 28 and 29.
Bob Burns Jr. of Jacksonville, FL, landed this bull redfish with Capt. Steve Rassel! They safely released it after the picture!
We were excited to add Tori Clayton to our Sea Hag Team! You can find Tori behind the register or on the water catching monster trout with Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Lauren Long, with the Salty Gators Fishing Club, caught this huge trout this weekend!
Brian reeled in a nice trout with Capt. Cindy Graham!
Bill Archer & Ray Spratlin from Atlanta, GA, had limit by 8 a.m. fishing with Capt. Steve Graham!
Richie Phillips slayed the trout with Capt. Kyle Skipper the other morning!
Capt. Chase Norwood has been on the red grouper this fall!
Justin Wynn took a trip with Capt. Cindy Graham and caught a nice limit of trout & redfish!
The Chattanooga Fishing Club went fishing with Capt. Steve & Cindy Graham! Attached below are a few of their members with some awesome fish!
Check out this trout!
They also caught some awesome redfish!
Terry Reedy reeled in a nice trout with Capt. Kyle Skipper!
Sunset Place Resort captured this gorgeous sunset picture!
Marilyn was so excited when she caught this huge redfish with Capt. Les Hernandez!
Brooke Silverstein, Riley Howington & Lauren Long, Salty Gator Fishing Club Members, caught a couple nice trout & flounder over the weekend!
Lindsay Carter and Troy Barrett from Jacksonville, FL, caught a nice limit of trout, redfish & flounder with Capt. Steve Graham!
Gainesville Offshore Fishing Club members with their redfish & trout they caught!
Lindsay Carter caught a gorgeous trout with Capt. Steve Graham!
Colby Connell & his dad, Phillip Connell, tore up the redfish with Capt. Cindy Graham! They safely released this big one!
Hal Kraft landed this big ol' redfish with Capt. Kyle Skipper!
What a way to celebrate your birthday! Mason Frady spent his birthday fishing with Capt. Max Leatherwood & his best friends! Capt. Max said they kept him busy with the net all day!
Mitch caught a delicious lane snapper with Capt. Chase Norwood!
Brian Ellington caught the first barrell fish to come across the Sea Hag docks!
Brian & Donnie Ellington went fishing with Charlie Norwood to the middle grounds where they caught a board full of snowy grouper, gag grouper & a barrel fish!
The Chattanooga Steinhatchee Fishing Club slammed the redfish, trout & flounder with Capt. Steve & Cindy Graham!
Troy Barrett from Jacksonville, FL, reeled in a hefty trout with Capt. Steve Graham!
Pam & Marilyn are holding up perfect-size redfish they caught with Capt. Leslie Hernandez!
Justin Wynn caught a redfish with a HUGE spot on it's tail with Capt. Cindy Graham!
Join us for the Annual Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament, December 12th!
Riley Howington & Robbie Yancy, members of the Salty Gators Fishing Club, had a blast reeling in trout & flounder!
Nick Snyder is holding up a nice red grouper he reeled in while fishing with his cousin Derek & Capt. Chase Norwood!
Chris Wagoner reeled in lots of trout with Capt. Kyle Skipper the other morning!
EXCITING NEWS! The Annual Fiddler Crab Festival is still on this year for February 13th weekend! Book your rooms ASAP as they tend to fill up fast!
Pam & Marilyn were excited to show off their awesome board of fish they caught with Capt. Les Hernandez!
Gainesville Offshore Fishing Club members caught some awesome redfish & trout this weekend!
Capt. Cindy Graham saw a FLAMINGO on the flats while fishing in Steinhatchee!
Fishing is great! Book your rental boat today for _199 plus tax and fuel.
We had the pleasure of hosting the Gainesville Offshore Fishing Club & the University of Florida's Salty Gators Fishing Club Tournaments!
Submit your photos to marketing@seahag.com to be featured on our newsletter.
2020 Tournament/Events List:
November 28th - Turkey Trot 5K in Keaton Beach
December 12 - Eggnog Open Fishing Tournament
January 9th- Power Pole Pro Redfish Tournament
January 16th - Gainesville High School Fishing Club Tournament
January 23rd - Santa Fe High School Baseball Fishing Tournament
Click the link below to shop all the new Heart of Hatchee items!