In This Issue
Upcoming Events
The Journey of Adam Goldfarb
Alumni Soldiers in Israel
College Counseling News
Class of 1991 Reunion
Mazel Tov!

Alumni Accomplishment Series - May 2011  

Alex Feder 


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It's Wednesday

היום יום רביעי

May 2011 / Iyyar 5771

Welcome to the quarterly CESJDS Alumni Newsletter,  

"It's Wednesday".


The Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School is grateful to the Salzberg Family Foundation for their generous support of our Alumni Relations program.

Dear CESJDS Alumni Community, 


The Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School is a remarkable institution, and I have been privileged to be associated with it since the day I entered kindergarten nearly forty years ago.  I proudly graduated from CESJDS in 1984 and send my three children here today. 


Much of what is great about the school crystallized in my mind on a Sunday in early April when my family joined other CESJDS families to participate in Families in Action Day - a day in which CESJDS families - 700 people - engaged in a wide range of activities to benefit the broader community.  We cleaned trails, spent time with senior citizens, made meals and planted flowers for the homeless, cared for abused and unwanted animals, packed thousands of rice and soy packages for victims in Haiti and Japan, and more.   


Families in Action Day was an entirely voluntary activity.  The school did not require any student to attend, and no school credit was given for participation.  Still, 700 of us came.  Why?  Because our students, teachers, staff and parents all recognize and appreciate the value of building our community, as well as the importance of contributing to make the world around us a better place.   


There is no doubt in my mind that my children will emerge from CESJDS well equipped to take on the world with a superior secular education and a strong grounding in Judaism.  More importantly, however, I know that they will graduate with a powerful moral compass; sense of self, and how they can contribute to their community, both Jewish and at large.  At the end of the day, CESJDS is not only about what happens within the four walls of our buildings (although that is great as well), but also about preparing our students to make a real difference in our world.



David Topol '84

President, Board of Directors 

Proud Parent of Ben (4th grade), Sam (3rd grade),

and Hannah (kindergarten)

Upcoming Events


May 25, 2011 - Arts Chai-Lights 2011 - CESJDS's annual signature event - an evening that celebrates students' creativity in the Visual and Performing Arts 


May 29-30, 2011 - Class of 1990 Reunion  


June 5, 2011 - Class of 2011 Barbeque 


July 10, 2011 - Alumni Parents are invited to see Next to Normal at the Kennedy Center.  For more information, please contact Barbara Weisel at 


July 21, 2011 - Save the Date - Alumni Event in Jersusalem, Israel.  For more information, please contact Jaime Neaman, Associate Director of Campaign and Alumni Relations at

Honoring Rabbi David Bienenstock   


Our friend and colleague, Rabbi David Bienenstock, will be leaving CESJDS at the end of this year.  Rabbi Bienenstock, as you are all aware, has been at CESJDS for many years and, during that time, he has been influential in the lives of perhaps thousands of CESJDS students.  How does one pay tribute to someone whose dedication to CESJDS and to Jewish education has been so profound?  The Jewish Thought, Text and Practice Department (JTTP) of CESJDS would like to collect notes written from former students and put them in a booklet that will be presented to Rabbi Bienenstock at the faculty luncheon at the end of the year.  Our goal is to have at least one note from a student of every graduating class that Rabbi Bienenstock has taught.  If you are interested in being part of this project, please submit a note that will be included as part of the booklet, and email to  We are asking that notes be kept to 100 words or less.  Shorter notes are also appreciated.  For consistency, the notes should begin in the following way:  "The thing I remember most about Rabbi Bienenstock is..."  However, please feel free to include any personal thoughts that you think are appropriate.  Please remember also to include your full name and your year of graduation.  Please submit your notes by June 10. Hope to hear from you!   


Thank you,  JTTP Department

The Journey of Adam Goldfarb

From Kindergarten to the Class of 2011 

As Adam Goldfarb '11, was preparing to start his senior year at CESJDS, he logged in to the school's new website to download his schedule. To his surprise, Adam found he was in the Class of 2023.


It didn't take long to realize that, no, he was not back in Kindergarten, but there was a new Adam Goldfarb coming to CESJDS.


Adam was part of a group of seniors who visited the Kindergarten to have Shabbat with Rhonda Kleiner and Sara Rothenstreich's class. Rhonda and Sara have been teaching together at CESJDS for 13 years - these seniors were in their very first class.


And this was where Adam Goldfarb met Adam Goldfarb. While Adam the senior was preparing to graduate and head off to Tulane University in the fall, the other Adam was just beginning his educational journey. He came to meet his older counterpart from Evonne Schnitzer's class (who has 19 former students in the Class of 2011). He had never met another Adam Goldfarb before.


The older Adam fondly recalled his days in Mrs. Kleiner's class, where he remembers making challah, playing with dinosaurs and Legos, and learning to tie his shoes. He also recalls meeting his best friend, fellow member of the Class of 2011, Max Kershner, on his very first day. They've been friends ever since.


The Kindergarten students were curious what 12th grade was like, and the seniors were all in agreement. "Kindergarten and 12th grade are the best," said Adam. "I had so much fun, and I'll miss it."


The younger Adam can't imagine what being a senior means, and for right now his favorite parts of Kindergarten are recess and PE class. But who knows, maybe he's already met his lifelong best friend?


Alumni Recognized as Outstanding Presidential Soldiers in Israel

Gabe Cohen '05, and Ronen Lautman '05 were best of friends during their time at CESJDS.  Now, six years later, they both have been recognized as Mitztaiynei Nassi ("Outstanding Presidential Soldiers") in a ceremony at the Residence of Israel's President Shimon Peres in Jerusalem.  Gabe serves in the Nahal Brigade, one of five combat infantry brigades.  Ronen is in Yiftach, a unit which designs weapons and equipment for combat units.


The award is given each Yom Ha'atzmaut to the top 120 of the many thousands of IDF soldiers representing all different branches and functions of the military.  This year's honorees included 34 females, 86 males, 53 combat soldiers, and 20 olim from a dozen countries.  President Peres, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. General Benny Ganz presented certificates of achievement to each soldier.  The soldiers also received a 4000 Shekel scholarship for continued education.


The ceremony was attended by hundreds of family members as well as government officials, dignitaries and past IDF heroes.  It was broadcast live on Israel TV and around the world via webcast.


CESJDS is extremely proud that two of its graduates were included in this year's group of honorees.

Mazel Tov, Class of 2011!


The Class of 2011 was awarded $4.95 million in merit scholarship money with over 45% of the class receiving a scholarship and boasts 2 National Merit Finalists, 15 National Merit Commended Students, and 24 University of Maryland Honors/College Park Scholars.  Our newest alumni will be headed to 53 different colleges and universities all over the county. 


To see a complete list of where the Class of 2011 will be attending this fall, please click here

Class of 1991 - 20 Year Reunion

The Class of 1991 held their 20 year reunion on May 21-22, 2011.  Over half of the 42 members of the class traveled from as far as California, Wisconsin, and Georgia back to Rockville for a cocktail party and picnic at the School.  It was great to see everyone again!

Steve Handwerger, Tal Zlotnisky, Ethan Solom

Rachel Siegel Garvin, Mark Spira

Sarina Godin, Caren Bromberg, Jonathan Landy

Dave Gottesman and Family

Class of 1991

Todah תודה Thank You!


The Ma'ayan campaign provides critically important funds for the most pressing needs at CESJDS.


Through generous gifts, this year's Ma'ayan campaign has raised  $1,262,742.  To reach our $1.5 million dollar goal, we are counting on you to help us raise the final $237,258.  Your gift of any amount is crucial and very appreciated.


Ma'ayan is the Hebrew word for "spring," a natural source of precious water, nourishing life to thrive and grow. This name expresses our hope that the campaign will be a lasting source of support for our School.


Please make your pledge by June 30, 2011, and pay once or in monthly installments by December 31, 2011.  We will list donor names in the next edition of "It's Wednesday". 


Thank you to the following alumni and alumni parents who have participated in the Ma'ayan campaign this year:


Rabbi A. Nathan &  Dr. Barbara Abramowitz

Wendi & Daniel '82 Abramowitz

Rabbi Rachel Ain '95 & Rabbi David Levy

Rise Ain

Lisa & Daniel '79 Akman

Lori Bernstein & Jack Ansaldi

Melissa & Mark '88 Arking

Joel Avigan

Nehama Babin

Melanie '88 & David Bachrach

Rabbi Marvin & Deborah Bash

Naomi Baum-Skorija '97

Shirley Ben-Ami

Mindy & Louis '83 Berger

Paul & Debbie (z"l) Berger

Elyse & Jeffrey Bernstein

Jesse Bernstein-Ansaldi '06

Laura & Jeffrey Blumenfeld

Susan & Harvey Blumenthal

Faith & Philip Bobrow

Gail & Jay Boyar

Galit Brand '03

Caren R. Bromberg '91

Rebecca Bromberg '96

Monique '82 & Brad Buckles

Ruth & Benjamin Burka

Rabbi Leonard & Elizabeth Cahan

Bunny & Jerome Chapman

Corey Cines '07

Dr. Paul & Cyna Cohen

Sarah Cohen '86 & Norman Rich

Sue Ducat & Stan Cohen

Nancy & Jonathan '92 Cutler

Toby & Herschel Cutler

Natalya Davidov

Melissa Goldman Davidson '86 & Alan Davidson

Mr. & Mrs. Max Dekelbaum

Marlene & Marc Eden

Merry & David Eisenstadt

Rebecca Keren Eisenstadt '03

Nancy Abramowitz & Mark Ellenberg

Ellen & Russell Elovitz

Adam '85 & Kimberly Elster

Shulamith & Sheldon Elster

Justin Epner '04

Ellen & David Epstein

Jeremy Epstein '91

Kira Epstein '00

Vivian & Philip Evans

Ellen & Stephen Exelbert

Karen & Ken Falk

Jonathan Farber '03

Eric Feder '98

Gay & Alan Feinberg

Suzanne & Michael Feinstein

Beth & Robert Feldgarden

Kate Grossman & Peter Fidler '90

Amir Fogel '09

Amy & Eric '93 Forseter

Annette & Bernie Forseter

Amy & Charles "Chuck" '91 Fox

Sarah Kagan & Henry Fox

Joshua '89 & Kathy Frey

Stephanie '86 & Michael Frieden

Barbara Friedman & David Blanken

Erica Raphael & Richard Friedman

Stuart Frisch

Liz & Paul Frommer

Sharyn & Arthur Fuchs

Lenore & Philip Garon

Louis Gilden

Marc Glashofer '90

Sanford Gold

Judy & Joel Goldberg

Marcia F. Goldberg

Rabbis Sheryl Katzman & Elliot Goldberg '87

Elissa & Saul '75 Goldfarb

Lori Goldman Zbar '90 & Brett Zbar

Karen & Michael '81 Greenzaid

Judyth S. Groner

Shoshana & Peter Grove

Nellie & Joel Grover

Malka & Herbert Gutterman

Gail Guttman

Benjamin Hamburger '04

Nancy & Paul Hamburger

Toby & Edwin Heilweil

Linda & Jerry Herman

Sarah Hershberg & James Zwibel

Sarah & Edward Himmelfarb

Rachel & Michael '96 Jacobs

Trudy & Howard Jacobson

Sherry & Ron Kabran

Don Kaplan & Evelyn Karson in honor of Joshua Kaplan '08

Vera & Menachem Katz

Elaine & Steven Keller

Judy & Steven Kerbel

Jeannie Engel & Bruce Klein

Bonnie & Rocky Korr

Rebecca '95 & Aaron Kotok

Louis & Debra Kovalsky

Beri & Saul '79 Kravitz

Esther Kaleko-Kravitz & Steven Kravitz '83

Marjorie & Lawrence Kravitz

Freda & Jay Krosnick

Deborah Katz & Ruben Lamdany

Bess '92 & Leor '90 Landa

Tammy '89 & Jonathan '91 Landy

Harry Lapping

Iris & Michael Lav

Barbara & Allen Lerman

Melissa Lerman '92 & Eric Berger

Judy & Mark D. Lerner

Josephine & Amiram Levi

Jordan Levin '85

Dina Epstein '97 & Eitan Levisohn

Ellen Levy

Holli & Michael Levy

Rachel Lieberman '06

Rhona & Eddie Longman

Robyn & Steven Lustig

Rabbi Jonathan & Julie Maltzman

Renee Matalon & Stephen Marcus

Clara & Avi '89 Margolis

Andrea Felzer Marmon & Louis Marmon

Karen & Bob Meister

Dr. Sander & Adina Mendelson

Jennifer Loew Mendelson & Daniel Mendelson '82

Lila Mensh

Jonathan Mervis '01

Shani '87 & Jon Missner

Sharon & Jerry Muller

Ruth Sragow Newhouse in memory of  

Joseph David Newhouse Class of '92

Joyce & Stephen Oliner

Donna & Ronald Oser

Roberta Baruch & Jerome Ostrov

Bernice & Roger Packer

Alexandra & John Paulson

Kathryn & Richard '86 Penn

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Penn

June & Robert Plotkin

Deborah & Alan Pollack

Marilyn & Ira Polon

Alice & Michael Ra'anan

Rebekah & Avraham Rasooly

Deborah Reichmann '89

Lisa & Daniel '88 Reichmann

Rena & Stephen Reiss

Diane & Gerald Rogell

Janet & Jacques Rogozinski

Natalie & Rabbi H. David Rose

Deborah Topol Rosenberg '89 & Larry Rosenberg

Meryl '75 & Samuel '75 Rosenberg 

Nina Simon & Robert Rosenthal

Ethel & H.D. Roth

Mimi & Milton Roth

Carol & Jay Rubin

Bev &  Rick Rudman

Olga & Eugene Ryzhikov

Ezra Salop '06

Stacy Mensh '87 & David Schlactus

Alexandra '98 & Daniel '98 Schnitzer

Evonne & Elliot Schnitzer

Rabbi Jonathan & Beverly Schnitzer

Liz Schrayer & Jeffrey Schwaber

Annie '90 & Bradley Schreiber

Daniel Semo '02

Marc L. Shandler '75

Robin & Dan Shapiro

Linda & Michael Sharon

Rabbi Shira Stutman '91 & Russell Shaw in honor of Caren Bromberg

Navid '86 & Kamran Shooshani

David & Susan Siegel

Ruth Vogel Silberg & Jay Silberg

Liza Gilad '95 & Stephen Silver

Jennifer & Aaron Snyder '90

Jayme Sokolow

Linda Solomon

Phyllis & Steven Solomon

Stuart Stahler

Rita & Chet Stein

Laurie & Bob Sunshine

Margot & Philip Sunshine

Rabbi Ari '90 & Jennifer Sunshine and Family

Marla & Robert Tanenbaum

Alissa Tenenbaum '03

Paul Tilles

Barbara & Allan Topol

Stacey & David Topol '84

Korenman-Tracer Family

Gloria & Barton Trenk

Sharon Zuckerman Weinberg'88 & Josh Weinberg

Micha Weinblatt '01

Barbara & David Weisel

Devra '89 & Avi Weiss

Irving Welfeld

Tal & Steven Widdes

Jeremy '98 & Julie-Anne Wohlberg

Anna & Jason '92 Zuckerman 

Dr. & Mrs. Manuel Zymelman


We strive to keep our lists as accurate as possible and very much appreciate your help.  Please let us know if you can help us update or modify our records.  

Mazel Tov to....


Jeremy Bash '89, and his wife, Robyn, on the birth of their daughter, Tessa Rachel Bash, born on January 8, 2011.


Eliot Goldstein '90, and his wife, Rebecca, on the birth of their daughter, Dariel.


Sara Bresnick Tennen '95, and her husband, Adam, on the birth of their son Blake Miles Tennen.


Debbie Mirman Stillman '95, and her husband, Dan, on the birth of their second son, Adam Chase Stillman, on April 25.


Alex Rhyzhikov '96, and his wife, Katie, on the birth of their daughter.


Rebecca Stoil Shimoni '98, on the birth of a baby girl.


Eric Feder '98, and Jordana Ravick '98, on their engagement.


Nina Ravick Aplebaum '99, and her husband, Lowell, on the birth of their son, Lewes Jethro Aplebaum, on April 29th.


Diana Bobrow Medoff '99, and her husband, Ari, on the birth of their son, Shai Bobrow Medoff on April 14th.


Kira Epstein '01 for being named one of the Top 30 Under 30 in the country through Realtor Magazine.


Rachel Sacks '01, on her engagement to Sruly Oberstein.


Rachel Eisenstadt '01, on her engagement to Steven German.


Ben Straus '01, and Rachel Koblenz '02, on their engagement.


Melissa Lurie Chaifetz '02, and Carl Chaifetz '02, on the birth of their daughter, Sophie Roslyn Chaifetz on January 10, 2011. 


Heather Brooks '02 on her engagement. 


Dan Feinberg '03, and Rachel Pasternak '03, on their engagement.


Josh Lipsky '04 and Leah Eiserike '04 on their upcoming wedding in July. 


Nicola Brodie '05, on her engagement to Ezra Fishman.


Michal Bornstein '07, for being awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to study in India.  Michal attends Wellesley College and will graduate in May.  


Max Yadin '07, on his acceptance to the Jewish Theological Seminary Rabbinical School.


Aaron Shapiro '07, for being selected as one of five finalists for the University of Maryland University Medal.


Amy Schilit '07, for being one of the winners of the Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Contest. 


Dan Margulies '08, and Ilana Greene '08, on their engagement.


Josh Kaplan '08, for serving as project manager to create the first LEED-certified building at Northwestern University.


Dina Lamdany '11, for being one of only 40 Maryland high school seniors invited by the U.S. Department of Education to apply for the U.S. Presidential Scholars.


Miriam Stein (CESJDS Director of Jewish Life) and her husband, Andrew, on the birth of their daughter, Maera Reba Stein on March 28.


Beth Poston (Lower School Faculty) and her husband, Ryan, on the birth of their daughter, Hallie Lauren Poston on April 5.


To share your news with the CESJDS community, email Jaime Neaman, Associate Director of Campaign and Alumni Relations.