Peace Lutheran Church's
Monthly Newsletter
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Please let the church office know if you are in need of prayers, pastoral visits
or anything else.
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“There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28
We have just celebrated Juneteenth, now a national holiday that commemorates the events of June 19, 1865, when Gordon Granger, a Union general, arrived in Galveston, Texas, to inform enslaved African Americans of their freedom after the Civil War had ended.
This freedom granted them equality of rights in every sense of the constitution. Texas was the first state to commemorate this day, other states followed suit and now it is a national holiday.
In one aspect it saddens me that we need to set aside a “special” day to recognize this freedom – because this freedom is for everyone, no matter who you are, the color of your skin, your sexual identity. And yet, we are not there. We still have too many “isms” that separate us one from another.
I think how long ago Paul wrote to the church in Galatia, and still we are not there yet. Still we divide ourselves, even though we are one in Christ! We continue to have systemic inequities that divide peoples. And this is not how God loves God’s people, or God wants us to love.
We are called to love our neighbor as ourselves, whomever that neighbor might be! How we live our lives as God’s beloved children – matters! How we love one another beyond all divisions – matters! All of God’s people, whatever ethnic background, gender, or economic status – matters!
Do not be discouraged however, for every day we have awesome opportunities to love as God loves, to treat people with kindness and respect, to ensure that each one matters. Every day we are encouraged by God’s love to love our neighbor.
Thanks be to God, we all matter.
Pastor Linda
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Pick up your JESUS ON THE GO from the church or click here for a printable PDF.
- Color, Design, Artsy-Up Jesus to your liking.
- Cut out Jesus.
- Tape the wooden craft stick to the back.
- Take your JESUS ON THE GO on your summer adventures and take a picture of Him and you/your family at your destination(s).
- Send your picture to us via
Email: (
Text: 320-288-6653
or Message to our Facebook Page: Peace Lutheran New London
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A few snapshots from June | |
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Sunday Worship:
9:00 am at Peace
10:30 am at Shores of St Andrew
Theology on Fire:
6:30 pm on Wednesdays
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(May 29th - September 4th)
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9:00 a.m. Worship at Peace
This Service will be available live-streamed
10:30 a.m. Worship
at Shores of St Andrew
19080 16th St NE, New London
(May 29th - September 4th)
**On August 7th, We will not have Worship at Shores. Instead, we will host an outdoor service behind Peace in the grassy area followed by a potluck! Please bring a lawn chair and dish to pass!
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**We will still hold our regular services at 9am at Peace and 10:30 am at Shores | |
K—5th (completed) 9am—3pm
at Shores of St Andrew
Bussing option to and from Peace: Pick-up 8:45a & Drop-off 3:15p
No before or after child care will be offered this year.
Register at using code NLS2022 at checkout.
Registration deadline is July 11th
Preschool 3—5 y/o 8:30am—11am
at Faith Lutheran Church
Click Here for the Preschool Registration!
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Upcoming Family & Youth Happenings: | |
Contact Quentin if you are interested!
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Family Canoe Trip- It’s still not too late to think about joining us for a rustic week in God’s creation. We’ll be going on August 8-12 and have the option to canoe on the river, or drive from site to site with us along the way. The cost is $125 for canoers and $60 for campers. See Quentin with questions! | |
Family Movie Night- Join us at Peace for a Family Movie Night on Wednesday July 27th. For now, save the date! Pop and popcorn concessions will be available. We’ll announce the start time and movie soon! | |
LYF Valleyfair Trip- Join us for a day trip to Valleyfair in Shapkopee, MN on Wednesday July 20th. All students going into grades 9-12 are welcome, and so are friends! We’ll leave early in the morning, and arrive back at Peace late in the evening. Students will be responsible for their own meals. The cost for tickets and registration forms will be shared in the coming days. | |
Theology on Fire - Join us each summer Wednesday at 6:30pm for casual campfire conversations about any matters of faith, God, and life. Of course there will be s'mores! "Peep" sandwiches while supplies last!
Bring your own folding chair!
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Book Club Selection for
When All is Said
by Anne Griffin
July 28th
10:00 a.m.
Fireside Room
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All are welcome!
These books can be signed out from the office. Please contact Jane for further information!
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The Second Thursday of the month:
July 14th at 6:30pm
Meet us at Goat Ridge Brewery (located at 17 Central Avenue West) downtown New London. Give us a call if you have questions.
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Do you need to Relax, Unwind, & Laugh?
Join us for relaxation, h'ordevers & wine, and conversation of the Fruit of the Spirit. First Fruit is Love!
We will meet Tuesday, July 26th at 6:30p. Hostess: Jane Hedman 223 Lake Ave, Spicer
Come as you are!
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Questions? Contact Jane Wardell 320-354-0425
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Book Sale Details
We are still accepting donations of books for children and adults, puzzles and games for our July book sale. Please leave donations in the entryway of door #1. Thank you!
Volunteers are needed to help set up books on Thursday, July 14 beginning at 9:00 am. It’s always fun to see what will be for sale – as well as work with other Peace members. Hope you have time to help out!
The Book Sale will take place during New London Water Days. Come visit the sale on:
Thursday, July 14 from 5:00-7:00 pm
Friday, July 15 from 8:00 am until 6:00 pm and on
Saturday, July 16 from 8:00 am until 1:00 pm.
You won’t want to miss this great selection of books for children and adults as well as many puzzles and games. Proceeds benefit Peace missions.
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Missionary for A Day
Peace’s ELCA missionary is the Rev. Dr. Elisabeth Johnson. She serves as a professor at the Lutheran Institute of Theology in Cameroon, West Africa. Pastor Elisabeth has visited at Peace on a home visit, and she preached one Sunday at a Sibley Park service. In February, we introduced a new opportunity to support her ministry. Forms will be available in the church office and online where you can choose a date to sponsor her in honor of, or in memory of, someone or some event. A gift of $7.00 per day you choose will help with her support. Checks may be made to “Peace – ELCA Missionary.” Please keep her in your prayers.
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dates Sponsored JULY:
12th - In Celebration of Linda's Birthday (Mike & Linda Lagergren)
15th - In Celebration of Karen Voge's' Birthday (Jared & Addison Voge)
31st - In Celebration of Sarah Nelson's Birthday (The Nelsons)
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Yo and Trudie are looking for others to be an Altar Guild Team Lead for the 10:30 a.m. summer services at Shores of St. Andrew. If you can help and give these ladies this well deserved support, please call or text Trudie at 320-905-5204. | |
Summer Canoe Trip- Quentin is leading a canoe trip on one of the most family-friendly bodies of water in MN. We will start on the Shell River near Menahga, MN and flow into the Crow Wing River ending the trip north of Staples, MN for a total of approximately 30 river miles along the scenic Crow Wing River State Water Trail. Together we spend time canoeing, sleeping under the stars, worshipping God around the campfire, and so much more! The river is shallow and calm, perfect for the seasoned adventurers and new explores alike. All ages are welcome, there's always space in the middle of a canoe for someone to ride along if they're not ready to paddle yet! For those that don’t want to canoe, all our stops are vehicle accessible. They can travel by car along with us on our journey and camp with us at night!
Please see Quentin for more details.
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Peace Quilters with NOT be meeting in July!!!! | |
Christian Service Day of Quilting
The next date will be August 4th 9am in the Fellowship Hall.
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Here is my June Church Council report. If you have questions contact me or any other council member.
COMMENT: Because it’s summer and with vacations, family activities and work we did not have a quorum present at our June meeting. Only six members were able to attend and we need seven for the quorum. In this situation no business can be conducted, but between those present, a good discussion was held.
FINANCES: The summer giving slump has hit. Our income did not meet expenses this month. I’ll give you some rough numbers so you can get the pictures of what is happening. Our income for the year through May was $276,850 with our expenses being $279,938 so we show a deficit of $3,088 for the year. Now our church financial report is complex, and this example is a gross oversimplification, but it gives you the general idea. Summer slumps are not uncommon but they are also worrisome. Please continue to give to Peace Lutheran as your financial situation allows. All contributions are appreciated and the council thanks you for them.
SUMMER STORMS: Our church did sustain some damage during the recent severe thunderstorms. When you drive into the church parking lot from County 40 you probably noticed a tree is missing. We also had roof damage and the cross on the steeple is bent. We are waiting for more information from our insurance carrier. I will pass along information when it becomes known.
KITCHEN REMODEL COMMITTEE: A Kitchen Remodel Committee of Jo Ann Gesellchen, Barb Gjerde, Deb Wessling and Pastor Linda have been meeting and they are working on plans for a kitchen renovation. They gave the council members a walk through of the kitchen and their ideas moving forward. Everything is in the planning stage and we’ll pass along information when finalized. The council is aware that for many of our church members this is a very important project that is long over due.
STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE: Al Balay and Rick Swenson from the Stewardship Committee were present to discuss with the council a possible Capital Campaign. A couple of months ago I reported that the Property Committee has identified areas around the church that are in dire need of fixing. Brick work, stucco repair, church steeple, plus others and of course the parking lot and a kitchen remodel are examples of areas that are in need of improvement. Again, like written above, everything is still in the planning stage so I have nothing definite to report.
This concludes my report. Because of no quorum it is shorter than usual. Thanks for taking the time to read it.
Cliff Gesellchen, Council President.
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2022 Church Council
Cliff Gesellchen, President -
Kevin Acquard -
Jon Austvold -
David Feist -
Margaret Knisley -
Melanie Netland -
Gail Olson -
Carol Roverud -
Mary Semmler -
Jennifer Stone -
Melissa Straus -
Raelin Van Meter -
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60th Wedding Anniversary Open House
Jim and Ann Turnquist
Saturday July 9th
1-4 PM
Peace Lutheran Church
in the Fellowship Hall
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Contact Jane if you are interested in helping! | |
Burial of Craig Nelson
(Leonard Nelson's brother)
Sunday July 17th
3:00 PM
Lebanon Cemetery
Following the burial service, a light lunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall
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Meals on Wheels Drivers Needed this summer!! | |
If you can help, please call Stacy Adams: 320-796-5208 | |
Opportunity to impact young lives!
Young people from the Czech Republic, Germany, Bolivia, Spain, Mexico, Italy, and other countries are in need of host families. These young people will be enrolling in local high schools for the 2022-2023 school year, but are in need of host families willing to open their hearts and homes. It is a great opportunity for families, with or without children, to make a huge impact on a young person’s life, experience and learn about another culture, and make life-long international relationships.. All the students are 15-18 years old, speak English, are covered by medical insurance, and have their own spending money for their personal expenses. Families are asked to provide food, lodging and love!. For more information or to apply call Bryan Blomker at 320-974-3673 or email at
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Click on the links below for the Birthdays and Anniversaries for this month!
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Tuesday - Thursday 9am - 2:30pm
Friday 9am - 12pm
Please note: the Peace Staff Meetings will be on
Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m.
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Other Important Dates Coming Up! | |
- 6th - 3:00 p.m. Memorial Trust Team Meeting
- 7th - 6:00 p.m. Personnel Committee Team Meeting
- 9th - 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. 60th Wedding Anniversary Open House for Jim and Ann Turnquist
- 14th - 6:30 p.m. Theology on Tap at Goat Ridge Brewery
- 14th - 5:00 -7:00 p.m. Book Sale
- 15th - 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Book Sale
- 16th - 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Book Sale
- 17th - 8:00 a.m. - Community Worship Service on the Pond
- 17th - 3:00 p.m. Burial Service for Craig Nelson at Lebanon Cemetery
- 18th - Peace Lutheran's 51st Anniversary
- 19th - 5:30 p.m. Executive Team Meeting
- 19th - 6:30 p.m. Church Council Meeting
- 20th - SAVE THE DATE - LYF Valleyfair Trip
- 20th - 1:00 p.m. Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting
- 27th - SAVE THE DATE - Outdoor Movie Night
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Staff Email addresses:
Pastor Todd:
Pastor Linda:
Jane Wardell:
Quentin Markfort
Lindsay Freeland
Gail Olson
Mike Lagergren
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Contact Us:
100 Fourth Avenue SW, P.O. Box 286
New London, MN 56273
Phone: (320) 354-2774
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