Issue 13 - July, 2021
Food for Thought
This quote is written on the wall of the Lockhart State Prison:

"He does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called."

The complete quote is, “But God doesn’t call the qualified; God qualifies the called.” by Mark Batterson in his book The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears.

What are you being called to do?

A Unique, Inspirational Prison Dog
Training Program

  2. The Cutest Critter Photo Contest is Back!
  3. Dog Fostering - What does it mean?
  4. Meet Trixie and Lily
  5. Making Your Foster Feel at Home
  6. Petco Foundation's Love Story Contest
  7. Our Social Media Links

Hello, my name is Dexter Delavan Baines. With a name like that you would think I have a superior pedigree. Well, let me tell you a thing or two about me so you can decide for yourself. I was a stray dog roaming the streets of Lockhart, TX when a nice lady picked me up and enrolled me in Paws in Prison. At first, I was a bit of a jerk but I came around and was adopted into the home I call paradise for dogs. As you can see, I am extremely handsome in a scruffy sort of way. I weigh 45 pounds and stand 20 inches tall. If a threat approaches my territory, I sound the alarm in hopes of scaring off the threat. If that doesn’t work, I head for a safe hiding place because I am a softy, aka "fradee cat," deep down inside. I love to sit on my dad’s lap and snuggle with my mother. Swimming, playing fetch and taking rides in the car are some of my favorite things. Now, let’s see if you can guess my breed.
Good luck!!!

Can you guess my genetics?
My DNA results are at the end of this newsletter.
Do you have DNA results for your dog? If you would like to highlight your dog in "What Is This Dog," send an email to [email protected]
It's a fun way to hold an online fundraiser!
Enter your pet's photo then start soliciting votes from your friends and family. It only costs $5 to enter your cutest critter in the contest (any pet, not just dogs) and it costs $1 per vote. Voters can vote as many times as they want for as many critters as they want to help their human moms and dads have an opportunity to earn prizes! So if someone donates $25 to your critter's photo, that is 25 votes.

Beginning September 1 you can enter the contest through our fundraising host's website. All the top 12 winners get their critter on each month of a 2022 calendar!

Do you, your business or your employer have something to donate for the top winners? If so, we'll advertise it and acknowledge the donor on our website and on the contest website! Currently our Friends of Paws in Prison Board of Directors is donating a gift card package. A-A-A Storage, LLC is donating a week in 2022 in a Grand Cayman beachfront, 3 bedroom condo!

If you would like to donate in-kind prizes for our top winners, please contact us by July 31 and send an email to:

3) Dog Fostering
What does it mean?

Fostering a dog is an altruistic act that will change an animal's life forever. Fostering removes dogs from shelters or rescue groups and gives them temporary homes until they can be adopted and is the key to helping the approximately 3.3 million dogs that enter U.S. animal shelters annually.

Even though our dogs are given love and care, prison life can be loud and stressful and it is never as good as a home environment. Our dogs will thrive even more when they are in a loving home. Right now all the current inmates in the Paws in Prison program have a dog to love, care for, and train, but we need to rescue more dogs by finding homes for these dogs - either foster homes or adoptive homes.

We have a couple of dogs in prison we are highlighting in this newsletter in hopes that you will consider either fostering or adopting them. Ms. Laria and Ms. Sylvia, our two staff members, can help you decide if fostering or adopting any of our dogs is the right decision for you and your family. If you are seriously considering bringing a dog into your home to adopt or foster, we would like to introduce you to Trixie and Lily. And who knows, if you foster and fall in love, you may decide to adopt!

If you would like to discuss fostering, please send an email to:

4) Meet Trixie and Lily!
Hi, my name is Trixie and I am about 8-years-old, 30 lbs and a terrior mix. My previous owners abandoned me outside during the February snowstorm. When I first came into the Paws in Prison program I was terrified of all humans. I didn't want anyone to touch me and I cowered in fear. But I LOVED all the other dogs. The Lockhart Ladies wisely didn't force themselves on me but used the other dogs in the program to help me learn to trust again, just like they also are learning to do.

I am not working on the full curriculum of training, but I am learning to trust, to love, and be loved. Now each person that I get to know I like. I just need time, gentle love, and patience.

I'm crazy about treats, toys, lounging outside, and I adore every dog I meet. After I begin to trust you, I will follow you everywhere! I know my name and will come when called. I still have a hard time trusting men, and in prison, there are not many opportunities to be around them, but with time and gentle love, I will come around.

If you feel you have a place in your heart and home for me, please consider either fostering or adopting me!
I'm Lily. I'm a 20 pound, wonderful little medium-sized mixed-breed terrier. I'm full of energy! I love to play with other dogs and my prison handlers say I have a big personality for being such a little dog. 

I really love people, especially the ones who give me lots of affection - my favorites are belly rubs and kisses! I have a really big voice, but it means nothing. All I want to do is play, play, play. I'll play with all dogs, big dogs, small dogs, ALL dogs!

I am very fast and sporty. I like to play tug and fetch. Not only do I have lots of energy to play with you, but I am super smart. I've even been playing on the prison agility equipment. Please consider fostering me and better yet, adopting me! I will be a really fun member of your family.

5) Making Your Foster
Feel at Home
by veterinarian Dr. Karen Becker

As soon as you bring a foster pup home, show him where to use the potty and where he can find a safe place to rest. This will help the dog feel less anxious, as he's just been through a number of sudden, unpleasant experiences. You'll want to do your best to keep his first hours and days in your home as calm as possible to help him feel at ease.

According to Karen B. London, Ph.D., who co-authored the book, Love Has No Age Limit: Welcoming an Adopted Dog into Your Home, "For introductions, that means having him meet every person in your household one at a time in a calm way with no pressure and perhaps some treats or toys if he likes them. He should also meet other dogs, cats and any other species in your household one at a time, with a break between each introduction." During this time of transition, London also advises keeping the dog on a leash when you take him outside, even if you have a fenced yard. A stressed-out dog may run away and be difficult to convince to come inside when you call him, and he may also appreciate having you nearby when he's outside.

Helping your foster dog feel safe, secure and loved is the primary goal of foster care. While you may want to engage in some brief positive training sessions, the goal right now isn't to teach him obedience but rather trust and acceptance. "He may know a lot or he may not even know his name or how to sit when asked. Perhaps he is too overwhelmed to learn much right now. Keep training relaxed and low-key. Consider it a fun way to interact with him rather than a way for him to learn any particular skills," London says, suggesting that you want your foster dog to associate you with love and attention more than anything else.

Fostered Animals Are More Likely to Get Adopted

Fostering a dog is rewarding for those who want to make a difference in a dog's life without making the full-time commitment to adopting. And it's a proven fact that fostering makes an immense difference to animals, helping dogs to get adopted into permanent homes. In a comparison of 30 dogs put into foster care and 30 dogs that stayed in a shelter for one week or more, those given foster care had significant improvements in behavior and wellbeing. Specifically, dogs in foster care were rated as being more playful, happier, friendlier and confident than the shelter dogs, as well as showing less signs of insecurity, anxiousness, barking and repetitive behaviors.

Not only will your love help your foster find a home faster, but it will open up space in shelters and rescues so more animals can get the help they need. It's a win-win scenario for everyone involved — and sometimes foster parents even end up falling for their foster and becoming their permanent home. The possibility of "foster failure" is just one more part of the job to be aware of, but when it happens, it's still a winning scenario for everyone.
6) Have you adopted a Paws in Prison Dog?
If so, please submit a Love Story by Sept. 20 to the Petco Foundation to help us win funds!
There is more than one way to help us with funding besides sending us money. If you have a Paws in Prison dog right now, regardless of what year you adopted, please share your Love Story with the Petco Foundation by September 20, 2021, in 500 words or less. We could be eligible for a grant from Petco Foundation if they select one of our stories or if we have lots of stories submitted! Because we have existed since 2007, surely we have many love stories to share. Just tell them how adopting your dog has changed your life and we can help you tell your story.

You may know you have a great story, but don't feel like you are a good enough writer. Petco allows us to help you edit your story, but you have to write it and submit it to them per the button below. If you want our help with editing, write your story then send it to us in an email or attached to an email in a Word document. After we edit it, we will send it back to you to review and submit to Petco. For editing help, send your story to:

When you are ready to submit your story to Petco, click on the link below to apply to the Petco Love Story contest!
7) Our Social Media Applications

What in the world is social media anyway? People use the term "social media" for a variety of purposes, but the four main uses of social media form the acronym SLIM: sharing, learning, interacting, and marketing. In other words, it's a way to stay connected to people or organizations in a variety of different ways.

Some of us folks who weren't raised in the computer age might appreciate a little more info about social media. Here is a simple explanation of each one of the social media platforms that we use, listed in the same order they are shown below to help you find us.

Facebook is a website that allows users to sign-up for free profiles to connect with new friends, old friends, work colleagues, and even people they don't know, online. We have a Friends of Paws in Prison Facebook Group where you can keep in touch with us. Please be our friend!

Twitter is another social media website, and its primary purpose is to connect people and enable them to share their thoughts and ideas with one another by following them to see their comments. If you do Twitter, please follow us!

Instagram is a free, online photo-sharing application. Check out the photos we have on Instagram by following us.

YouTube is a video-sharing service where users can watch, share, and comment on others' videos and upload their own videos to share. Please subscribe to our YouTube channel!

We have a wonderful volunteer, Lauren F, who is helping us participate in the social media arena. Do you know how to connect with us? If not, make a note of our different social media addresses and start following us. Thank you so much, Lauren!

Just click on the icon below to see us and follow us!


Did you get any of Dexter's DNA results correct?

American Staffordshire Terrier
Chow Chow
Breed Group(s)
·     Hound
·     Herding
·     Companion
·     Terrier
·     Sporting


To all of you who have helped us in any capacity last month, we are deeply grateful. We're sorry if we have omitted any names here - we do not always know the names of our Friends of Paws in Prison angels!

Debra B, Crystal L, Lauren F, Ann & John W, Andrew B, Diane B, Pamela K, Penny L, Susan L, Marie C, Diana S, Debbie M, Jennifer K, John M, Facebook Donor (we don't get those names), AG Light, BJF, and a BIG shoutout to Mike B who made a donation that was truly a Godsend.
Mailing Address:
1711 S Colorado ST., Suite E-204,
Lockhart, Texas 78644
Phone: (833) 341-3523