Circle of Grace quotation
Beloved friends,

As this new season unfolds, I am thinking again and anew about what a blessing can do. How it has the power to enter into all of what we hold—the grief and the grace of it, the chaos and the beauty—and to remind us that in all the tangled mess and wonder of it, we are held and seen and beloved.

I am so thankful for the ways you bear witness to this in the world and for the blessing you are. In gratitude, I simply wanted to slip in and tuck a blessing into your hand. May you know how much your light matters, how beloved you are.


Blessed Are You Who Bear the Light

Blessed are you
who bear the light
in unbearable times,
who testify
to its endurance
amid the unendurable,
who bear witness
to its persistence
when everything seems
in shadow
and grief.

Blessed are you
in whom
the light lives,
in whom
the brightness blazes—
your heart
a chapel,
an altar where
in the deepest night
can be seen
the fire that
shines forth in you
in unaccountable faith,
in stubborn hope,
in love that illumines
every broken thing
it finds.

—Jan Richardson
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