Pure Conscious Community presents:
An Online Healing Circle
January 12th at 7 PM to 8:30 PM eastern time

Topic: Letting Go & Space Clearing
  • Have you felt like an alien in 2020?
  • Do you feel like there’s a war going on?
  • Are you feeling the injustice of freedoms being removed?
  • Are you feeling isolated?
  • Are you feeling confused?
  • Are you wondering what the heck is going on?
....then come home by connecting to yourself.

H.armony, O.neness, M.indfulness, E.quanimity

I facilitate a bimonthly healing and support group for us to share in what we are all feeling and experiencing all over the globe.

You’ll receive emotional support, healing and understanding where you can let go, and be heard. We will have an opportunity for individual and collective group work and discussion.

As an intuitive healer, I will help you in your journey through this chaos.
This meeting will include the focus of the concepts, discussion and practical application of 'letting go' and 'space clearing'.
I encourage you to share this with your friends and family- the more, the merrier.

Discussion about letting go and space clearing
Group and Individual Healing by Rebecca

Where: zoom.us
Fee: complimentary for now
Registration: Reply to this email or email Rebecca@purenewtrition.com to receive log-in information ( even if you have attended before to properly prepare for the group.)
*Please do not contact me unless you are certain you plan to attend

Feel free to adjust your video display and audio display as you see fit during the meeting. The group meeting will not be recorded.

Hosted by Rebecca Roseberry, Co-hosted by Jackie Esker Zerrusen

The mission of Pure Conscious Community is to serve as a conduit for individuals seeking to receive and/or discuss information intended to support healing– ourselves, the planet, the universe via natural methods. Any and all forms of energy medicine and natural healing methods are presented here for public knowledge, and are based in non-invasive, wholism /oneness. All material shared is for educational purposes only.

“Health is Inner Peace”
I am here to help you heal-no matter what ails you

Rev. Rebecca Roseberry, MS

Rebecca is the owner and founder of Pure NEWtrition, LLC. She has been helping people heal themselves since 2000 through natural, pure means. Rebecca is a lover of spiritual and divine truth. She is a nutritionist, clairvoyant, healer and medical intuitive. She is admired for her keen sense of knowing, courage, confidence, and bold speaking style. Rebecca believes in speaking the truth with love.

Rebecca obtained her Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition and Food Science from Hunter College in 1999 and Master's Degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport in 2002. Rebecca holds certifications in Total Body Modification, Akashic Field Therapy, 13th Octave LaHoChi and completed the Avatar Course Master’s program. She also utilizes Contact Reflex Analysis for her patients.

Rebecca has made appearances in CT on the Channel 12 local news, interviewed on local cable television and by Center for Energy. She has written articles for the Milford Magazine, Bridgeport Banner, and heard on AM radio.

Pure NEWtrition ® School of Healing Arts launched in 2017 for teaching and empowering people to heal themselves using energy medicine. This is an online course available with the option to become certified in her healing technique, “Source Energy Technique”. This program caters to anyone interested, regardless of experience.

Rebecca is available for speaking engagements, teaching, healing groups and workshops.

When she is not helping you, Rebecca is playing with her son, gardening, enjoying the beach, beautifying her home or working on her other passion of crafting @ Anastazia’s Designs https://www.facebook.com/AnastaziasDesigns/
"When you are sick of sickness, you are no longer sick."

Pure NEWtrition’s foundational principles:

·       Only God heals.
·       â€śThe power that made the body, heals the body”-BJ Palmer
·       You are your beliefs “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he”, “You are only subject to what you hold in mind” Dr. David Hawkins.
·       We are a trinity-body, mind and spirit. Healing must be made on all levels.
·       All humans are unique individuals. There is no single approach to wellness that will work for everyone. 
·       Medication cannot and will not ever cure anyone. Disease is not a prescription medication deficiency. People have been led to believe that poor health can be fixed with prescription drugs. This cannot be farther from the truth. The human body is made of cells containing living matter that run on water, vitamins, minerals, macronutrients and enzymes. 
·       Health is not the absence of disease. Symptoms are also unreliable in terms of identifying where there is an imbalance in the body and if it is truly a negative response.  Conditions can take decades to manifest. Like a car, it is wise to keep the body tuned up rather than wait for it to break down. 
·       Knowledge is power.
·       Get back to the basics. Keep it simple. Consume foods as close to nature as humanly possible, drink purified water, breathe clean air, rest, move your body regularly and be happy J
·       Anyone at any age can improve his/her health. It is never too late.
·       Emotions are the most critical aspect of one’s health. If you can master your thoughts you can do anything.
What you will not experience with her:

·      Indefinitely waiting for your appointment in a waiting room. She works over the phone and your appointment starts promptly on time!
·      You will not be given a diagnosis. Diagnoses are labels that hold the energy of the problem. Focusing on labels reinforces the dis-ease and gives credit to a scientist or doctor that put a collection of symptoms under an umbrella-this doesn’t heal the patient. Instead you will be given practical advice to bring about a new experience to have a new outcome. She will help you get out of your own way. Rebecca will point out to you where your power lies so that you can heal yourself.
·      The big unknown. Many doctors do many tests and come up with nothing. They can’t find anything! Yet, you clearly are not well and something is wrong. I hear this all the time. I detect subtle energies well before they could manifest into a more serious problem. It takes a lot for an abnormality to show up on tests, but I see them before they become huge problems-that is part of the preventative process.
·      There is no blood work, x rays, needles or probing needed. Most sessions are over the phone. Healings and assessments are done on the non-physical plane.
·      You will not be treated in a standardized way. Everyone is treated individually.
·      You will not be given any medication or chemicals to manage your symptoms.
·      You will not have to wait weeks or months for a status update, exam or results.
·      You will not feel victimized or be coerced with fear.
·      You will not be given experimental drugs or procedures.
"{True} healing is not about avoiding doctors. It is about not needing to go to doctors”
Pure NEWtrition | Website