Online Worship - Wednesday Evening Lent
April 1, 2020
Online Midweek Lent Mini-Service
Wednesday 7:00pm

Join us! (14-minute service)

Theme: "The Corner Stone" - Mark 12:10

You can still view our Facebook page, even if you do not have a Facebook account. Click the link above. Ignore the bar at the bottom when it opens asking you to sign-in or create an account. You are still able to scroll through our page. Also, there may be a pop-up screen that appears, click "not now" when it again asks you to sign up, then it will go away - - hope that helps!! :-)
WE ARE SENDING OUT 2 editions of
"Notes of Joy" PER WEEK....
make sure to read both, 
as they may contain different information!
Dear Friends in Christ,

After much prayer, we have decided NOT to gather in our cars here in the Church parking lot for Palm Sunday for a mini-worship. It is most likely we will not do so on Easter Sunday either.

We had been planning on meeting and doing something where we stayed in our vehicles and attempted a "drive in" type of service. However at this point, it seems it may not be a good idea since the plan to prevent the covid 19 spread is really for folks to stay home as much as possible and not gather. I even purchased a "megaphone" so I could lead a short service, so I am disappointed!  

But the hope is when the virus finally dissipates perhaps we can try an outdoors service then! And I will be able to use my megaphone.
I really encourage you to watch the Online Worship services which we are putting on our Joy Lutheran Church facebook page. You do not have to be a subscriber to connect to these....check the link in your Joy Notes or on our website. I am attempting too to start putting them on When I do, I will let you know.

Also this week we encourage you to come by and see the rugged Cross that is standing outdoors on the Eagle Loop Road parking lot side. Say a prayer if you drive by the cross. It will be standing there through Easter.

You are in my thoughts and prayers and I miss seeing you!

-Pastor Karen
MSP Questionnaire

Watch the mail this week for your Week 4, half sheet questionnaire (green) and a ministry survey.

We have enclosed a self-addressed stamped envelope for your convenience. If you do not get one and you want one, let us know!
Thank You!


There are SO many helpers out there right now. We would like to give a special shout out to:
  • Clarke and Aydin for chipping ice at church
  • All the health care folks, especially Peter, Marge, Eric, Karrie Young, Mona’s daughters and Kathy Adams
  • Everyone calling, texting, emailing to stay in touch with each other
  • Kids sending out cards and pictures to members and family
  • Members giving thru online giving and mailing their offerings
  • Folks giving life to our online services, especially our musicians Roy, Kathy H, Nancy W. and Mona  
  • Our MSP team Jim, Betty and Kristi as they continue their important work even during extraordinary challenges
  • Kelly for pulling together Zoom meetings with the Confirmation Class
  • Parents of the Confirmation kids that are helping them complete their assignments
  • Kathy A and daughter Jesse for the children activity bags
  • All you Food Bank givers
  • All you seamstresses that are making masks, especially Mona, Nancy D and Jan O
  • Pastor Karen for rethinking how we do church
  • Jan D for keeping the office running and sometime operating the video!
  • The generous gift that paid for the furnace repair
  • The Simaskos for getting the heavy cross off the exterior wall
  • All of the unnamed Helpers that are reaching out to neighbors and friends with prayers and offers to help.

Remember always that God is with us and working thru us. As the message on our church sign says: THE PROMISE OF EASTER IS STRONGER.

Drive by and have a Prayer and contribute to the Food Bank
Its easy this Sunday!
The Food Bank Bin will be outside Joy
Eagle River Loop Rd. Entrance Doors
Next to the "rugged" Cross - 
Pause and Have a quiet Prayer by the Cross too!


Put a ""Palm Branch on your Door!
It can be a Branch from a willow, an alder, 
Or make a Branch from green color paper.
Its a way to announce to yourself and the world
the coming of our Lord into our hearts this Holy Week!""
Consider Giving Online
You are welcome to mail your offering to the church (10111 E. Eagle River Loop Rd., ER, AK 99577), or call ahead (694-9601) to drop it off at the office.

You can also give online. Click the blue "Donate" button below. You can give one time or set up a regular, sustained giving schedule using a credit card or a bank draft. Let us know if we can help!
AA and NA are suspending their meetings here until further notice, post-Covid19.
Joy Church Council Members
Sue Weimer -
Scooter Bentson -
Tom Bird -
Debby Bird -
Corrine Finnie -
Kelly Mullin -
Heather Slocum -
Clarke Hemphill, Treasurer -

The next church council meeting is
Tuesday, April 14th
at 7:00pm.