‘A Joyful Holiday Tea’ 

In support of Watch City Arts mission,

“To create a place of prosperous commerce and growth in understanding the world through art" 

Thursday November 30th, 2023 at 5:00 pm

Enjoy the blissful hours dedicated to the ceremony of afternoon tea during a

hearth-side fête that unfolds within the beauty of our art gallery. Our party tenderly encourages friendship amid unforgettable moments of loveliness. 

Suggested Dress Code: Formal, Elegant, or Cocktail Attire.

Harmonized songs by the award winning ‘Life’s A Pitch Quartet’ 

Bartender Steven Brouillard will craft a lovely selection of cocktails and wine

Evening Schedule:  

5:00 pm Music & Cocktails (cash bar), Art Gallery Perusing

5:30 pm Tea Service/Food  

6:00 pm Musical Performance

6:30 pm Evening Finale Singalongs 


Filet Mignon Kebabs, Cucumber Cream Cheese, Tea Sandwich, Watercress & Egg Sandwich, Whiskey Pineapple Chicken, Cheese & Fruit Plate, Scones & French Preserve, A Trio of Surprises for Dessert, and Tea!

Advanced Paid Reservations. Seating available for Twenty (20) Guests.

Tea Service, Food & Entertainment with tax and gratuity = $102.75 pp

Consider Watch City Arts a recipient of your generosity, we are a 501(c)(3)

Email [email protected] or ring us for more information.

Life's A Pitch Quartet

Award Winning Songs 


Always on My Mind

At Last

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Deed I Do

Let the Rest of the World Go By


Country Roads

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve

Winter Wonderland 

In My Life

Where Are You Christmas 

Lullaby (Goodnight my Angel)

Watch City Arts is proud to list the

Mass Cultural Council as Financial Donor

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