Volume XIII, Issue XXXIV September 2, 2024 | |
Your Weekly Catechetical News from the
Office of Christian Formation
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Annual Faith Formation Statistical Reports due by October 7
Please find below two ways to submit the annual Faith Formation Statistical Reports: via jotform and via a fill in the blank pdf that you should save and print/scan to the office.
Note some updates:
Submit both your remote preparation (curriculum) calendar and your sacramental calendars via email after you submit the stats.
Please ascertain the actual years of service for your catechists. At your recommendation, we will begin to honor catechists this year in 5-year increments: 5, 10, 15, 20, etc.
Jotform version
PDF Version (save, then print)
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Religion Curriculum ~Religion Textbook
Repeat from June
Lots of questions to the office about what "curriculum" to use for faith formation classes. The answer is simple, use the Diocese of St. Augustine's religion curriculum. Many folks are equating the textbook with the curriculum...big mistake. The curriculum is the established list of objectives issued by the local Bishop for his diocese. The textbook is meant as a tool to try and achieve the curriculum in the best possible way at each school and parish.
Our new diocesan curriculum for Pre K- 8 is available on the websites and here via link. It is effective starting July 1 for all entities in the diocese. Curriculum 2024
To achieve this curriculum, a textbook (s) must be chosen from the USCCB list of textbooks found to be in Conformity. All components, teacher and student manuals, must be found in accord. Here is the current list: Current USCCB Conformity List as of May 9, 2024 (this updates automatically on the www.dosaformation.com website when new materials are assessed). This is the current list including curriculum texts and sacramental preparation texts.
Parishes also choose a textbook from the Conformity List for the Immediate Preparation for the Sacraments.
There are no youth ministry programs, like LifeTeen or YDisciple on the Conformity List as they are not meant to provide curriculum. They are meant to be used for youth ministry programming.
Stay tuned here for ways to incorporate family formation into the remote and sacramental preparation as ideas flow from both the NCCL certificate program as well as the NCCL Parent Grant. We will be sharing these as best practices. Our 40th Annual Faith Formation Day will feature a showcase of these best practices.
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Refresher, Reminder #10 The Role of the Community in OCIA
The former Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (now OCIA) makes clear in nearly 20 different paragraphs that the process of initiation takes place within the larger community of the faithful. The Rite calls the community of the faithful to be engaged and involved in this process. It also places the celebrations of the rituals in the context of Sunday Mass—unless there are pastoral reasons not to do so—in order to assure that the entire community participates (see Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 31). By offering prayer, support, and example for those who are seeking Christ, the community of the faithful becomes an active, engaged, and important part of the RCIA process.
The community’s first responsibility to the catechumens and candidates involved in the initiation process is to be present, especially on Sundays. Each person’s presence during liturgy is essential to the community and acts as a witness, example, and support for those journeying through the initiation process. As part of the Sunday Mass, the Universal Prayer may include a prayer for those who are in the initiation process. It is a best practice to provide the assembly with worship aids as well as catechetical information so that they are fully aware of what is being celebrated in each ritual. The faithful—either individually or as households— can also be encouraged to pray daily for a particular catechumen or candidate. The names of individual catechumens and candidates can be made available, or people can be encouraged to pray for all who are in the initiation process. Children in Catholic schools or parish faith formation programs can also pray for a particular catechumen or candidate or for all of those involved in the initiation process. This is a special way to involve the community and raise awareness of the journey that they are undertaking.
The catechumen or candidate is initiated into the Christian way of life and becomes a member of the community of the faithful. Therefore, the community needs to be available to support those seeking to be fully initiated. Support and encouragement can come in the form of letter or card writing, phone calls, or simple kind words of support offered whenever a catechumen or candidate is present. The role of sponsor is also extremely important during this process and mirrors the support from the entire parish community.
The initiation process is training in the Christian way of life. The community perhaps has no more important role in the process of initiation than that of being an example of what it means to live the Christian way of life. Catechumens and candidates are constantly observing the community to better understand what it means to live the Gospel in all aspects of life—worship, service to each other and to the wider world, work, prayer, and even leisure. The community of the faithful, therefore, has great responsibility to strive to live the Gospel so as to provide an example for all to see and learn from.
New resources:
Initial interview Guiding Questions English
Initial interview Guiding Questions Spanish
Data Form: Initial Data Form English
Date Form Initial Data form Spanish
Save the date for the Neophyte Mass which will be held at Corpus Christi Parish on the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, June 22, 2024.
Sample Syllabus for an OCIA Process
Coming next week: cheat sheet for annulmene
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Opening Gathering for Parish Catechetical Leaders (DREs, CREs, and AREs) will be on Tuesday, September 10 beginning with Mass in the Marywood Chapel celebrated by Bishop Pohlmeier at 9:30 am. Every parish should send their leader or delegate to this gathering. To register by September 4, 2024:
Jotform to register
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At Home @My School
This initiative to help non-Catholic families as they begin the new school year in a Catholic School was initiated by a group of teachers who over the summer worked on a resource for their schools. This resource asks school leadership to provide two items, with a variety of suggestions on how each location might be able to do them:
- A Teaching Mass: the Mass is the central action and focus for Catholics. Everyone in the Catholic School Community needs to understand its importance and be familiar with its many parts.
- Mentor Families: Most schools already have a mentorship program, so this is an add on to that program...matching Catholic families with new non-Catholic families.
A few times a year, this ad hoc committee will provide liturgical year materials to be shared with families. It is recommended that schools put a link with the logo for the initiative on their websites.
At Home @My School brochure
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NCCL’s Parents and Families at the Center of Faith Formation Project is focused on exploring how to strengthen family religious and spiritual transmission in the first two decades of life, and create parish communities that intentionally accompany and support parents and the whole family.
The Diocese of St. Augustine is participating in this grant, which is courtesy of the Lilly Foundation. Currently, our 10 parishes are forming their teams. As diocesan lead, I attended the kick off Family Summit in Chicago which focused on surveys with parents in a variety of settings and across generations.
NCCL Catholic Families The website is live and it will be providing all of the information, ideas, and strategies being developed in the 20 dioceses participating in the grant.
Currently, the 5 surveys discussed at the recent Family Summit are available. The researchers presented their findings over the week. The recordings of these sessions will be available soon on the site.
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Circle of Grace Safe Environment Programming
Over 2 years ago, the Diocese of St. Augustine adopted the Circle of Grace Program as the vehicle it will use for helping children and youth understand the sacredness of their body and to be more aware of things that might be harmful to them. These lessons were designed by the archdiocese of Omaha and are mandated to be a part of every religion class, faith formation class, and youth program.
To assist these groups in having leaders prepared to lead their teams in how to use these lessons, the OCF has again scheduled two trainings for leaders, which will be hosted by the Archdiocese of Omaha via Zoom:
Friday, September 20 at 10:00
Friday, September 27 at 3:00 pm
Zoom links will be provided closer to the dates.
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Created for Greatness/Theology of the Body
Since 2015, the Diocese of St. Augustine has been providing St. John Paul II's teaching on the Theology of the Body for middle school students through an adaptation called Created for Greatness. A course of Theology of the Body is also offered in the Catholic High Schools.
The OCF worked with Notre Dame's McGrath Institute to create a training 6-week training course for those who instruct in the program. This year, this course will run from October 7 - November 4. It is particular to our diocese, so it does not appear in their regular catalog.
Link to course
Bishop Pohlmeier has just issued the new curriculum for Pre-K - 8 and so we will also be updating during this coming year, our offerings for Created for Greatness. Stay tuned. Plese see below the basic overall of what we hope to achieve with this program.
Created for Greatness PPT
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40th Annual Faith Formation Day
Our Identity as Members of the Body of Christ
Saturday, October 5, 2024
Bishop John J. Snyder High School.
Registration is now open for this special formation event. There is truly something for everyone in the workshops that will be presented. Our keynote presenter will be Dr. Kevin Dowd, Assistant Professor of Theology at Anna Maria College.
Kevin M. Dowd, Ph.D
Keynote Speaker
He is also author of Your Confirmation Bible Companion: What Scripture as ‘God’s Love Song’ Means for You (Twenty-third Publications, 2020), and Teaching Kids to Respect Others: Reflections, Activities, and Prayers on Bullying and Prejudice (Twenty-third Publications, 2018). Kevin has presented for the Diocese of St. Augustine at other events, including this one.
He will also be doing a workshop on the epidemic of bullying and disrespecting others. day. This workshop will offer practical and prayerful ways to help our children and youth learn about and deal with issues of respect, bullying, and prejudice. Among the topics he explores are caring for family, friends, classmates, teachers, people in other countries, people who are different, immigrants and refugees, the sick, and more.
Flyer with full workshop Descriptions
Jotform for Individual Registration
Jotform for Groups of 4 from same location (bargain hunters click here)
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6th Annual Blessing of Homeschool Families Mass and Reception
Monday, September 23 at 5:30 pm at San Jose Parish Registration is open:
Link to register a family
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Catechetical Sunday, September 15, 2024
Catechetical Sunday is celebrated in the United States on the third Sunday of September as a way for parishes to acknowledge and commission those who serve the parish and school community as catechists.
In his Apostolic letter, Antiquum ministerum, Pope Francis describes the role of the catechist as: “Catechists are called first to be expert in the pastoral service of transmitting the faith as it develops through its different stages from the initial proclamation of the kerygma to the instruction that presents our new life in Christ and prepares for the sacraments of Christian initiation, and then to the ongoing formation that can allow each person to give an accounting of the hope within them. At the same time, every catechist must be a witness to the faith, a teacher and mystagogue, a companion and pedagogue, who teaches for the Church. Only through prayer, study, and direct participation in the life of the community can they grow in this identity and the integrity and responsibility that it entails.”
Annual Theme
“Lord, when did we see you hungry"
Matthew 25:37
"Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento? "
Mateo 25;37
Commissioning of Catechists
We encourage using Catechetical Sunday to publicly commission and pray for those who will serve as catechists and teachers in the parish community. A commissioning rite is available to use at the Sunday Masses or in a special prayer service:
Commissioning Service (English)
Servico de Comisión (Spanish)
Catechetical Sunday also offers an opportunity to recall that all of the baptized have roles in handing on the faith in their daily life, families, work, and church involvement.
The USCCB provides resources (prayer cards, certificates, mostly available as free downloads) for parishes to use for the celebration of Catechetical Sunday:
Resources from USCCB
Other resources:
Sadlier Free Catechetical Sunday resources in Spanish and English. Embody Christ's love through discipleship.
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Hope does not Disappoint (Rom 5:5)
On Ascension Thursday of this year, Pope Francis proclaimed the upcoming Jubilee 2025 calling the Bull of Indiction---Spes non confundit. “Hope does not disappoint” (Rom 5:5). In the spirit of hope, the Apostle Paul addressed these words of encouragement to the Christian community of Rome.
A Jubilee Year is proclaimed by the Pope every twenty-five years. The concept of jubilee or holy year has a long history first prescribed by Moses. Here is a not so brief history of jubilee Years in the Catholic Tradition:
History of Jubilee Years
Papal Bull declaring Jubilee of Hope
The Paulists are providing a three-part series on the virtue of hope:
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Basic Certification (Level I) | |
Upcoming locations and dates:
St. John the Baptist, Atlantic Beach
September 7 and 8 Registration closes Wednesday, the 4th at noon
September 21 and 22
Jotform to register
St. Luke, Middleburg
November 9 and 10
November 23 and 24
Jotform to register
St. Matthew, Jacksonville
January 11 and 12
January 25 and 26
Jotform to register
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Continuing Formation (Level III) Opportunities | |
The Diocesan Liturgical Commission
is offering an opportunity for Formation, Dialogue, and Reflection with
Dr. Steven Janco
Musician, Composer, Liturgist, National Speaker
More about Dr. Janco
Dr. Janco will be offering two presentations in Gainesville and two in Jacksonville
#1 First Presentation:
- For Music Ministers -
"Beautiful Sounds of Music"
"Assembly's Singing at Mass and the
Quality of Our Music"
Saturday, September 28 (10am-noon)
Holy Faith Catholic Church - Gainesville, FL
(inside the Church)
Monday, September 30 (6:30-8:30 pm)
Bishop Snyder High School - Jacksonville, Fl
#2 Second Presentation:
- For All Other Liturgical Ministers & Assembly -
"What Happens Now?"
The Real Presence After the Eucharistic Revival
Saturday, September 28 (1:00-3:00 pm)
Holy Faith Catholic Church - Gainesville, FL
(inside the Church)
Tuesday, October 1 (6:30-8:30 pm)
Bishop Snyder High School - Jacksonville, Fl
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Our Place at the Table:
A Contemporary Approach to the Eucharistic Mystery
Sep 17, 2024 02:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Have you ever wondered what is really going on in the Mass? Whether you are suddenly feeling drawn to the faith or are a lifelong Catholic, many people have questions about the Mass, but are unsure when and how to ask them. Join us for a conversation about the meaning of the liturgy and our role in the celebration.
Link to Webinar
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Faith Meets AI
Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP, Ph.D will be providing a 2 hour workshop on three occasions. This workshop will discuss the benefits as well as the challenges in he use of AI i a faith based environment.
Individual costs are $35 or groups can register for $30.
Here are the dates of times of the three opportunities (each offering is the same)
Saturday, September 21 Noon - 2:00 pm
Wednesday, October 9 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Faith Meets AI Registration
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