160 Mohegan Drive
West Hartford, CT 06117
Messages From Rabbi Small & Hazzan Risman
(Above) Rabbi Small shares memories of the late Hazzan Sanford Cohn.
The Beth El Temple Orchestra warms up before the concert (above); then (below) perform before a full audience under the direction of Cantor Joseph Ness
i(Below): Cantor Eliana Kissner with Bob Nasta on oud perform "Yismah Har Tzion"
A great big Yishar Koach to everyone involved with last Sunday’s magnificent "Joyful Noise" cantorial concert and reception! The entire program was superb, meaningful and uplifting. Kudos to Hazzan Risman and all the Hazzanim, to Hazzan Joseph Ness and the Beth El Temple Orchestra and Choir! Yishar Koach to concert Chairman Ken Simon and Campaign Co-Chairmen Mel Simon and Ken Malley and the multitudes of amazing volunteers and staff who made all of this possible. Todah Rabbah to all our donors and those of you who attended!
Our Emanuel Strategic Plan, “A Ladder to the Sky,” approved by the Board of Trustees, includes the following vision:
The Emanuel will be known for its leadership in spirituality, entertainment and the arts, its amazing clergy and professional staff. The Emanuel Synagogue will be a ladder connecting its members to each other, to the Almighty and to the rich traditions of Jewish life.”

The Joyful Noise concert and reception, the culminating event in an outstanding series of diverse offerings celebrating Israel’s 75th birthday and the Emanuel’s ongoing vitality, represent a wonderful expression of the qualities envisioned in our Strategic Plan. Todah Rabbah to all our members who were sponsors and donors, who volunteered, attended and supported all our amazing events. Your generosity and commitment help make the vision a reality. As Theodor Herzl, the founder of modern Zionism said, “Im tirzu, ein zo aggadah,” or “If you will it, is no [mere] dream.”

Thank you all for helping us to bring our dreams into reality! May we go from strength to strength!

Wishing you and yours a Happy and Healthy Shavuot Holiday and a Shabbat Shalom.

Rabbi David J. Small
Now that was a Joyful Noise! 
Sunday night - audience, orchestra, soloists, and conductor - together, we all helped to build connections to the Cantorate. Connections to the Divine within ourselves, each other and that which is greater than us all.
Thank you to so many people for making this experience possible. 
This month has been a Tour de Force of innovative and interesting programming and fundraising essential for the success of shul. Thank you to the Israel at 75 Steering Committee - you have worked tirelessly for months, especially the co-chairs Mel Simon and Ken Malley. Thank you to the Concert Committee for all of your behind the scenes work. Thank you to Regina Miller for all of her support and work on the program. Thank you to Pam Simon for her collage and design work for our invitations and program and to Pam and intrepid team for hosting us so beautifully at the dessert reception. The space looked beautiful and joyful, and I must have eaten three eclairs! Thank you to our many volunteers, especially Mark Wolfberg, who ran our lights. Thank you to Rabbi Small for being an essential sounding board in this process and especially for valuing and supporting art and music at The Emanuel. Thank you to our beloved Rabbi Philip Lazowski for your invocation. You framed the evening beautifully. To our Synagogue Board President for just a few more days, Ken Simon, thank you. I cannot begin to list all the hats Ken has worn and pieces of the puzzle he has taken on in putting together Sunday’s program. So, I will simply say thank you from the bottom of my heart!
This concert was not just a fun event; it was an important fundraiser. Thank you to our sponsors, especially Fierston Financial Group for sponsoring the reception; LAZ Parking; and Andy and Suzanne Pinkes for their generosity. Thank you to all our donors large and small. This concert could not have come together without your financial support. Thank you to Executive Director Kobi Benita for your able operational leadership. To our entire office staff, especially Lisa Lenkiewicz, and to our custodial team led by Joseph Ward, you work day in and day out to make everything run smoothly. 
Cantor Joseph Ness put together an amazing group of musicians making up the Beth El Orchestra and Choir. We are so lucky to be in a community in which we can collaborate and build something so much greater than the sum of our parts. Cantor Ness arranged and orchestrated nearly every piece on the program as well as hiring, rehearsing, and conducting the orchestra. The entire West Hartford community is enriched by his skill and generosity. Thank you Cantor Ness. I am so lucky to have such amazing friends and colleagues in Cantors Matthew Austerklein, Eliana Kissner, and Danny Mendelson. I hope you all enjoyed their performances as much as I did!
I would like to thank Beth Polebaum for allowing all of us to share in the experience of hearing the late Hazzan Sandy Cohn’s voice raised in beautiful, recorded song. I am so grateful for the brief time I had with Hazzan Cohn. His musical legacy will live on in all of us who knew him. 
It is our people’s tradition to make music together since before the Levi’im sang at the Temple in Jerusalem. I feel privileged to have had the honor of creating Joyful Noise! I hope the thrill of Sunday night’s concert inspired you, and I look forward to many more musical adventures together.
Chag Shavuot Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!
Hazzan Daniella Risman
Hazzan Daniella Risman sparkles as she takes the stage.
(Above) Cantors Mendelsohn & Risman sing a duet for "V'af Hu."
The four Hazzans (Above): From left, Cantor Matthew Austerklein, Cantor Daniel Mendelson, Cantor Eliana Kissner and Cantor Daniella Risman
(Above) Emanuel BOT President Ken Simon, Rabbi Small, Hazzan Daniella Risman and Cantor Joseph Ness, are all smiles at the reception following the Cantors' Cabaret celebrating Israel75!
(Above) Judith and Allen Kronick and Mickey Libbin at the dessert reception

All photos courtesy Bob Tellar and Kobi Benita
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