Kelly's Update

We’re back!

Torrence and I were both off last week in a rare schedule cross-up, so we decided to give everyone a break and skipped a newsletter to allow the folks holding down the fort to be able to focus on more pressing issues in the office.

I took my annual family vacation to Wyoming. I feel pretty fortunate that the now adult kids are still joining in annual trips, and I know those days are numbered, so I try to focus on how fun it is to see the boys together as they grow into the adults they’re becoming. As much as I am very much a city girl, I treasure my time out in less traveled parts of the world, whether that’s my Florida barrier island hometown, my father’s home in Donegal, the Medicine Bow National Forest, Starved Rock (and Matthiessen!) State Park, or a cabin in an unfamiliar new area. Earlier this year, on an impromptu runaway to the Starved Rock area that two of the boys were able to join me on, I had one of my proudest mom moments when we were all out on a trail and one said to the other, “I’d forgotten how much I need wilderness.” I love that we made the decision to raise the kids in the city and I am grateful we have had so many opportunities to expose them to other ways of life through travel like this.

Even before the Dobbs decision was announced, as I watched my home state of Florida and other states attack the bodily autonomy and free speech rights of my community through bans on speech and access to basic medical care, I found myself questioning whether it was appropriate (or safe) to travel to certain states and really struggled with the idea of leaving the folks who were fighting to restore rights in these states to fend for themselves by avoiding going to "ban" states. Having left Florida at my first opportunity to live openly and authentically, I’ve often looked at friends who have stayed to fight back and felt some survivor's guilt. I appreciate the work of colleagues like Michele Rayner and Fentrice Driskell whom I met through my work with the Reproductive Freedom Leadership Council. As legislators operating in the literal opposite legislative body from our General Assembly, facing Republican super majorities that rival the Democratic makeup of our body, they still manage to take on the toughest policy fights out there and eke out wins that make a difference in the lives of their constituents. When the Florida High School Sports Association proposed requiring young women in high school to submit to electronic menstrual monitoring in order to participate in sports, they were able to generate enough pressure to prevent that policy from taking effect. Then there’s my friend Nadine Smith, whom I’ve known too long to reveal our ages, who has been the leader of Equality Florida (EF) since 1997. Earlier this year, Nadine and EF made headlines by issuing a travel warning for LGBTQ people planning to travel to Florida, warning about increased risks of violence.

All of this is to say that I didn’t want to leave the Nadines and Micheles and Fentrices of our movement alone in their fights to restore dignity and safety to our communities. There’s also a Sarah in this story, but she’ll come up later. So, I decided to come up with a way to still be present in the places where the fights might be more uphill, but also make clear that I don’t support the decisions of the state and local governments that are actively doing harm to people I care about. Now, when I travel to a state with restrictive laws on bodily autonomy, identity, and speech, I keep track of my spending. At the end of the trip, I tally up what I’ve “contributed” in the form of taxes and fees and find an organization in that state to make an equivalent contribution to. We’ve taken to calling it the “Hate Offset Credit,” or HOC, and I’d love for it to catch on. Talking to the folks on the ground in states where they are fighting back against constant legislative attacks, they need to know they’re not in this alone.

Now for the fun part: I learned after we’d planned our visit to Wyoming that the fine folks of Wyoming Equality were going to be having their big annual campout known as "Rendezvous" just a few miles down the road from where we were. This would be a first for us - delivering our HOC donation in person! We reached out to our old friend Sara Burlingame, the longtime Executive Director of Wyoming Equality and former member of the Wyoming House of Representatives, to see if a rendezvous at Rendezvous was workable. I’m so glad we made the drive. First, we got to see a new area that, while near our regular stomping grounds, is very different, and we look forward to exploring it with the boys on a future visit. Second, we got to give an old friend a hug and honestly, if there is anything more worthwhile to drive a bit out of your way for, I’ve yet to find it. Third, we got to see an amazing array of over 600 folks making a little village of love and safety in the wilderness. 

Sara Burlingame (left) with Rep Cassidy (right)

A scene from Rendevous

As is often the case when at a volunteer-driven event, I couldn’t help but try to pitch in a bit. While Sara was showing us around the main camp, we discovered that the water cistern that fuels the really innovative shower they have set up was dangerously low and set off to find a volunteer with a truck. Well, about an hour and maybe a half dozen conversations with the amazing array of folks at Rendevous later, I found myself showing the volunteer how to open and fill the water tank (nope, never done it before, just figured it out) and helping prep and hitch the tank trailer for hauling up to the summit and the filling station. Once that was safely underway, we stopped by the main tent to do a little shopping, chat with the team that keeps EW running, and make our $250 donation to their work to keep this beautiful community connected and safe. Candace and I are definitely down to try to make it back to truly experience all that Rendevous has to offer, but probably in an RV if I’m being honest…

Rep Cassidy helping with Rendevous' water tank

I’m excited to dig back into what I’ve missed this past week. I’ve been in regular contact with the office, while somewhat (and intentionally) limited by the remoteness of our location. It’s great when nobody’s phone works on a family vacation! I’m hoping to get a bit caught up at the office and at home in these few days leading up to the kickoff of the Democratic National Convention next week. Check further down in the newsletter for information on navigating the city and the various street closures. As we get updated information, we’ll be pushing it out through our newsletter and social channels. With many of my colleagues down in Springfield for State Fair events that I just couldn’t manage to shoehorn in, maybe I’ll get some productive catch-up time even though we’re also all gearing up for the best weekend in Rogers Park: The Glenwood Arts Fest. Come for the most authentically local street fest in the city, buy some art, eat some great local food, dance with your neighbors, and just love the magic that is a Chicago summer. It simply can’t be beat.

Democratic National Convention Perimeter

Updates and Information

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) is coming to Chicago next month from August 19th to the 22nd. This historic event will necessitate added security city-wide and will result in significant traffic disruptions near convention zones. In preparation for the changes to the day-to-day life of Chicagoans, The Mayor's Office of Community Engagement has released perimeter maps for both McCormick Place and the United Center, which is where the DNC conventions will be held. Additionally, the Mayor's Office recommends opting into DNC alerts through the Office of Emergency Management and Communications (OEMC) App to receive convention updates right to your device. And, as always, if you see suspicious activity during this period, please call 911.

To learn more about the convention and how it may impact you, click on this LINK or scan the QR code above.

***Please note that vehicle screening Check ins begin Friday August 16th***

IDFPR Updates!

Two new updates coming out of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations (IDFPR):

Since June of this year professionals in select professions have been able to submit payments online for their paper applications using ePay. ePay is a full-service electronic payment program specifically designed for Illinois governments so they can quickly and securely receive monies through convenient, customized payment channels that offer constituents easier, faster payment choices to pay fees 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The program has now expanded, allowing for people looking to restore or renew their licenses to use ePay as well! See list above for current eligible professions, and be on the lookout as more are added after the pilot program. If you have any questions about ePay check out their website here.

IDFPR also launched a program for Service Members and their Spouses to get licenses that reduces requirements for licensing. Licenses issued via the Military Portability Method will only be valid while the service member is on Active-Duty, stationed in Illinois, and through the date of expiration on the license received.

Renewal of a Military Portability license is only allowed if the service member remains on Active-Duty and stationed in Illinois. For more information or to apply through this program, check out their website here.

August 31st Deadline Approaches

The August 31st deadline is fast approaching, You can check HERE to see if your student is enrolled, or if you will need to apply.

The Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) and the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) are partnering to implement the Summer EBT Program. Families will receive a one-time benefit of $120 for each eligible child. Benefits are distributed on an electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card and can be used at authorized retail locations, including some farmers’ markets.

For more information on the program check out

Misericordia Fundraiser at Theatre on the Lake

Celebrate the end of summer and make a difference. Please join Misericordia at Theater on the Lake on Thursday, August 22nd. The concert will feature Chicago’s best tribute band Tributosaurus and will benefit the 600 children and adults who reside at Misericordia Home (

Tributosaurus will feature one set of the greatest hits of The Talking Heads and another set featuring some of the greatest hits from the 80's.

We are most grateful to our Grand Sponsors: The Corcoran Family Foundation, R.J. O'Brien, Smoque BBQ and John and Maggie Wrenn for their friendship and generous support for this event.

ALL PROCEEDS will benefit our friends at Misericordia. Tickets are $125, and includes beer, wine, cocktails, Smoque BBQ, and concert ticket. They can be purchased online here.

Serve as a Poll Worker

If you have interest in becoming a poll worker for the November 5 Presidential General Election, you can learn how to register by visiting!

Neighborhood Shoutout

Burger Bite opens 2nd location!

Burger Bite opened in 2022 at 1500 W. Devon Ave. in Rogers Park and was quickly a massive hit. Two years later, the family-owned venture has expanded with a second location at 3901 W. Touhy Ave. in suburban Lincolnwood. It has the same menu as the Rogers Park location, but the Lincolnwood restaurant is bigger!

The restaurant hosted a grand opening Monday. People filled the booths, saying they wanted to help support a small business — and, of course, take advantage of the opening day deals.

You can learn more about Burger Bite by checking out their website HERE.

In the District

Events in Rogers Park

Glenwood Ave Arts Fest is finally here!

For over two decades, the Glenwood Avenue Arts Fest (GAAF) has been a beacon of artistic celebration, embodying grassroots spirit and volunteer-driven ethos within Chicago. Organized by the community, this immersive weekend event showcases over 100 artist booths, invites exploration of open studios, and pulsates with vibrant live entertainment across outdoor stages. It stands as one of the few neighborhood festivals where attendees directly engage with creators, discovering and acquiring unique handmade artworks.

Nestled amidst the charming cobblestone streets of Chicago's historic Rogers Park neighborhood, the Fest illuminates the Glenwood Avenue Arts District, enriching the experience with free live music, captivating performances, inspiring art demonstrations, and a delectable array of street food and craft beer offered by local merchants.

Annual Newgard Sales

C24/7 Father's Arms Ministries Back To School Bash

On Saturday, August 17th, C24/7 Father's Arms Ministries is having their 4th annual "The Great Giveaway" Back to School Bash! They will be giving away backpacks and school supplies, and will offer carnival rides, a petting zoo, pony rides, and so many more activities for the whole family! The event will be held at Willye B. White Park from 2pm-6pm.

Also, be sure to sign up for the 3 on 3 cash prize basketball tournament by scanning the qr code in the corner!

Chalk Howard Street

Chicago’s only 3D chalk art festival, Chalk Howard Street, is back! This vibrant event invites national and local street artists, neighbors, families and art lovers to transform Howard Street in Rogers Park into a creative canvas.

Featuring internationally renowned 3D street artists, local 2D chalk artists, emerging talents and kids’ art, Chalk Howard Street promises vivid and interactive chalk drawings for everyone. The family-friendly festival will also highlight the street's unique shops, restaurants, and global cuisine.

Enjoy live music, delicious food and drinks, artisan vendors and countless opportunities to immerse yourself in striking street art. Don’t miss out on this amazing celebration of creativity and community!

Want to be part of transforming Howard Street? Purchase a chalk square and design your own chalk art piece by clicking HERE.

This event is organized by the Rogers Park Business Alliance and will be held on Saturday, August 24th from 11am to 8pm on Howard Street East of the Red Line Station between Paulina and Ashland. For more information about the fest, click HERE.

49th Ward Back to School Bash!

Ready for back to school? Join Alderwoman Hadden and community partners for a Back to School Bash! Free school supplies will be available as well as free food, music, and activities!

This event is taking place on Saturday, August 24 from 11am - 3pm at Willye B. White Park located at 1610 W Howard St.

24th District Council Monthly Meeting

The 24th police district is hosting its monthly meeting on Sunday August 25th at the Indo American Center (6328 N California) at 3 PM.

You can register for this event by clicking the link HERE.

Events in Edgewater

Steep Theatre Block Party

Join Steep Theatre Saturday, August 17 from 12p - 6p at 1044 W. Berwyn, for the second annual Steep Neighborhood Block Party, sponsored by Blume Group Realty. This free event will take place in Steep's parking lot at 1044 W Berwyn (corner of Berwyn & Kenmore) and will feature summer fun and games, as well as the return of the Dunk Tank and a Chicago favorite, Taco Motora food truck.

To learn more about the event and Steep Theater, click on this LINK.

Events in Andersonville

Andersonville Vintage Market

Get ready to turn back the clock at the Andersonville Vintage Market on Sunday, August 18, from 10AM - 4PM! Why settle for new when "they just don't make 'em like they used to"?

Explore timeless treasures from Lost Girls VintageFad2fresh, and Memory Hoard Vintage, where fashion is anything but old news. Catch Betty & Belle's with a touch of class from Classxtrash Vintage—no trash here, just pure gold! Join us, and you might just find something older than your best dad joke!

Youth & Teen

Chicago Park District Fall Programs

Autumn is on the horizon! The Chicago Park District is proud to offer a diverse range of programs for patrons of all ages. View the full offerings here. Online and in person registration has begun. For more information on registration, including a checklist, click here. For the full schedule of program registration dates in a convenient chart, click here.

American Job Center Training or Job Assistance

Job Openings

Illinois Department of Transportation Temporary Hires

The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) is hiring for multiple temporary positions. Information about the role can be found by viewing the linked PDF.

If you have any questions about the role or on how to apply, feel free to email our office at and we can inquire on your behalf.

Census Field Representative Positions Open

The United States Census Bureau is accepting applications for its Field Representative Position through September 2024.

To apply click this LINK.

The Chicago Parks District is Hiring

As one of the largest municipal park managers in the nation, the Chicago Park District works to improve the quality of life in Chicago with recreation and leisure opportunities in safe and beautiful parks. They offer thousands of programs and events, and are responsible for maintaining 28 indoor pools, 50 outdoor pools, and 28 miles of lakefront including 23 swimming beaches plus one inland beach. If you’re looking for a job where you can use your expertise to improve the quality of life in our city, look no further than the Chicago Park District! 

Whatever your passion, schedule, or experience–they have a job for you.

Apply today!


Kelly Cassidy

State Representative, 14th District

Office of State Representative Kelly Cassidy

1507 W. Morse Ave

Chicago IL 60626

773-784-2002 (phone)

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