Last Chance for a 2018 Tax-Deductible Donation
Do you remember where you were before you were Living In Freedom Everyday (L.I.F.E.)? There are many of God's children out there, hurting, considering finding help. Help us reach them by supporting us financially and getting one more tax-deduction for 2018.
Early Bird Discount Ends 1/3/19

The Living In Freedom Intensive Workshop is
coming up January 18 - 20th.

The Living in Freedom Intensive Workshop for men is a Biblically-based, weekend-long, twenty-hour debriefing of the addictive condition. We address in great depth the family systems and core wounds that lead to compulsive vulnerabilities, as well as the neurological foundations and intimacy struggles that perpetuate compulsive or addictive behaviors. 

It is equivalent to 6 months of weekly counseling ...
all in 1 weekend!