January 19, 2023
Dear Park Spanish Immersion Elementary School Community:
I hope that you are having a good week. My heart was filled with joy on Tuesday evening at our PTO-sponsored Imagination and Inventors' Fair! Our kids demonstrated their brilliance and passion in so many cool ways. Thank you to everyone involved for making it a great night for our community! See here for some photos.
Our Amity interns switched homes this weekend! Thank you to the first semester's host families, as well as our new host families. Our interns will switch grade levels in a few weeks. Our Amity intern program continues to thrive thanks to the generosity of host families, cousin families, coordinators, and many volunteers. Our teachers and staff members also serve as great mentors.
Next week, January 23-29 has been designated as Minnesota Paraprofessionals Recognition Week. Please join me in thanking our amazing paraprofessionals who help to make our school a kind, caring, supportive learning environment. Mil gracias, and please see below for more information.
Have a great week, keep reading, and thank you for sharing your children with us.