February 1, 2024

An academic bilingual community fostering global citizenship
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  • February is Black History Month and MN School Board Recognition Month
  • Feb. 2: NO SCHOOL - Professional Development
  • Feb. 8: PTO Sponsored Math Night - See below for more info
  • Feb. 5-9: National School Counseling Week
  • Feb. 10: Lunar New Year
  • Feb. 12: National African American Parent Involvement Day
  • Feb. 15: Family Connect Times (3 pm - 7 pm)
  • Feb. 16: NO SCHOOL (K-5 only) - Family Connect Times (7:20 am - 3:20 pm)
  • Feb. 19: NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day

From School Leadership

February 1, 2024

Dear Park Spanish Immersion Elementary School Community:

We hope that you are having a great week. It seems surreal that it's already February! Today, we kicked off "I Love to Read Month" with a 10 minute school-wide reading time in the hallways and an optional book character dress up day. Please see here for a few photos. 

February is Black History Month, and we honor the many contributions of our Black community members, this month, and every month. We encourage each of us to continue to learn more and talk with our children about our history and our shared future. Today is also World Hijab Day; see here for a message to our students from St. Louis Park Mayor Nadia Mohamed!

Tomorrow, we will not have school, due to it being a Professional Development Day for Teachers. Our teachers will have the opportunity to engage in technology and biliteracy in the morning, and there will be curriculum development/design happening in the afternoon. First semester progress reports are going home in backpacks today. We look forward to meeting with families shortly for Connect Times, also.

We are excited for Math Night next Thursday. Please see below. Thank you for sharing your children with us. Have a great week, and keep reading!


Corey Maslowski, Principal

Kelsey Clark, Elementary Support Supervisor

P.S. Our Amity interns in grades 1-5 are transitioning to new assignments starting on Monday. Please join us in thanking our interns for their hard work thus far on behalf of our students.

Meet the PSI Staff

Meet the PSI Staff

In this section, we will be featuring some of our amazing PSI Staff so the community can get to know every adult in the building better, as we all work together to support all students at PSI!

This week we want to introduce you to three PSI Staff members. Ashleigh Foreman-Schuster is a culturally relevant literacy coach, Rebecca Nielsen is a special education teacher and Tricia Zeigle is a third grade teacher. We are so happy to have them! Please help us welcome them to the PSI Community.

PSI News

National African American Parent Involvement Day is Mon., Feb. 12!

Black families and students are invited to join for donuts, coffee, juice and connection in the theater with Principal, Corey Maslowski and Elementary Support Supervisor, Kelsey Clark, from 7:15-8:00 am.

Students will go to their classroom while families are invited to engage in community and conversation until approximately 9:00 am.

Families will also be invited to spend time in their children’s classrooms. Please reach out directly to your child’s teacher if you would be interested in reading a book or participating in, or leading an activity.

Order your PSI yearbook today

From the PSI Health Office

As we head into cold and flu season, we’ve noticed an increase in illnesses commonly seen in the school setting including colds, covid/flu, strep throat, stomach flu, and pink eye. To help prevent the spread of these illnesses, wash hands frequently, do not touch eyes, nose or mouth, cover mouth and nose with elbow when sneezing or coughing, disinfect commonly touched surfaces and stay home for the following reasons: 

  • Fever of 100 degrees or more. The student should stay home for 24 hours after their temperature returns to normal without the use of fever reducing medication.
  • Vomiting or diarrhea. The student is to stay home until 24 hours after the last episode.
  • Any uncontrolled cough.
  • Rashes with unknown causes. Check with your family physician/clinic before your student returns to school.
  • Feeling ill/unwell and the student is unable to fully participate in school activities
  • Please let the attendance line know the reason for your absence.

Free COVID tests can be ordered at the links below:

MDH: Order Your Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests

COVID.Gov: Order Your Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests

K-5 A-E Specialist Calendar

In our SLP elementary schools, our specialist classes rotate on an A, B, C, D, E day schedule. We do this so that students do not consistently miss classes on a particular calendar week day. Please see the February rotation schedule.

School District News

In the Loop SLP Construction Update

View updates from Knutson Construction and St. Louis Park Public Schools about construction projects in the school district. January highlights include project milestones and progress for the High School and Data Center.

Fun Fact:The ceramic wall tile used in the new Tinker Space traveled over 1,500 miles to our jobsite from Mexico. This distance is the equivalent to over 6,000 laps around the new St. Louis Park High School Track! View the construction updates webpage.

In the Loop: SLP Construction Newsletter

Subscribe to Board Briefs

Do you want to receive highlights and happenings after each regular School Board meeting? Subscribe to the Board Briefs newsletter. View past Board Briefs here in English, Spanish, or Somali.

PTO News

Girls on the run

The lottery for Girls on the Run runs February 1-7. Please register your child for one lottery; either the Monday/Friday team lottery or the Tuesday/Thursday team lottery. If you have questions, please reach out to Jacey Cassem at jaceycassem@gmail.com

Staff Meals for Upcoming Connect Times

Families, the Spring teacher-parent connect times are approaching quickly. Providing meals for our amazing PSI staff is a great way to show our appreciation for all they do for our kids. Please consider signing up to supplement a meal or volunteer your time as we plan to provide two meals to over 70 staff members.


Thursday, February 15th will be potluck style soups, sides and desserts. On Friday the 16th, we will serve a combination of baked goods and catered breakfast sandwiches. Both will be buffet-style so that staff can pop in to serve themselves during a break in conferences. 

Please bring all items to the PSI office by the time noted in each SignUp Genius volunteer slot. Be sure to label and arrange pick up of any non-disposable kitchen items you bring from home. 

Thank you for your generosity; the staff is always so appreciative of this special treat!

Math Night is Coming!

The PSI PTO is excited to host Math Night for families on Thursday, February 8th from 5:45-6:15 for sensory sensitive families and then open to all families from 6:15-7:30PM in the PSI gym. Stop by for a night of fun math games and activities such as Quick Chess, Mancala, Towers of Hanoi, Code Breaker, Chances are, Money Bingo and more! This event is an opportunity to build student enthusiasm for math and offer caregivers a few ideas of how they can support math skills at home. 

Math Night is sponsored by Mathnasium of St Louis Park.

Lost and Found

Please visit the Lost & Found located between the gymnasium and library before February 25th. All items left after this date will be laundered and donated.

Dr. Corey Maslowski, Principal

Sra. Kelsey Clark, Elementary Support Supervisor

Park Spanish Immersion Elementary School

9400 Cedar Lake Road

St. Louis Park, MN 55426 


School Hours: 7:45 am - 2:15 pm

School Office Hours: 7:00 am - 3:30 pm

PSI Main Office: 952-928-6555

24Hr-Attendance: 952-928-6570

Health Office: 952-928-6554

PSI Fax: 952-928-6556

School Nutrition: 952-928-6567

SLP Family Tech Help: Call 952-928-6056 or by email to: familytechhelp@slpschools.org

St. Louis Park Public Schools Transportation Department (Bus) 612-437-4719

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