Learning Gate News 2020-2021
Annual Giving Campaign 2020
Help the Heron Update! 

This is Learning Gate's biggest fundraiser when we ask our families to give a one time gift or monthly payments directly to LG. This year you can choose if your donation will support our General Fund, Technology in the Classroom or Outdoor Classrooms/Maintenance

Check out our Splash Off Challenge:

Current Home Room Standings:
When each class reaches 100% the student’s will receive a
free ice cream virtual certificate from our friend’s at Culvers! 

K Betsy 25%
K Karoliina 20%
K Kristie 20%
K Beth A 30%
1st Becki 15%
1st Vicky 25%
1st Lauren 15%
1st Nicole 14%
2nd Anna 20%
2nd Sarah 5%
2nd Ellie 20%
2nd Jessica 20%
3rd Wendy 20%
3rd Linda 30%
3rd Jacob 30%
3rd Victoria 30%
4th Hayley 35%
4th Dina 15%
4th Ms. C 20%
4th Holly 40%
5th Alyson 30%
5th Alex 25%
5th Kim 20%
5th Autumn 15%
6th Melanie 15%
6th Kara 25%
6th Ben 10%
6th IIlene 20%
6th Breen 15%
7th Mellum 15%
7th Crespo 5%
7th Mr. K 30%
7th Myrick 25%
7th Merrick 15%
8th Reese 10%
8th Guzzo 5%
8th Hughes 25%
8th Hickey 15%
8th Hilland 15%

Join The Great Heron Race at www.learninggate.org/annualgiving
We are at $37,000 pledged! Thank YOU LG!
Congratulations Middle School Fab 10 Students!
To kick off the new school year the 7th and 8th graders doubled down and recognized a Fab 10! The following students were awarded this honor:

8th Grade
Madeline D
Olivia L
Holleigh C
Justin P
Wyatt B
Nate B
Adam D
Shannon R
Tyler B
Olivia O

7th Grade
Keegan R
Sienna F
Theo A
Emma H
Caden R
Gage H
Jada H
Victoria F
Cassidy F
Brayden N
Learning Gate PTSA
It’s time for another exciting school year to start and an important part of Learning Gate is our PTSA. Our PTSA supports critical academic needs and is actively working to support students and teachers to build a stronger school community. We invite you to join the Learning Gate PTSA for your child because increasing our membership even by one makes it possible to:
·       Sponsor the 8th-grade celebration
·       Coordinate Teacher Appreciation Week
·       Reflections
·       Fund Teacher Grants and the School Newsletter
·       And many more areas
There is no wrong way to be involved and there is no obligation to volunteer, but any time or money will support your child’s potential. This year especially because of the Coronavirus our fundraising events have been very limited, without membership we cannot continue to provide the same level of support as previous years. We invite you to join because we can do more together than apart, especially while facing this unprecedented school year. https://lgcs.new.memberhub.store/store
Middle school students are eligible for membership with an incentive of 30 Dojo points for joining. Each parent who joins will receive 2 parenting hours per parent member and anyone, member or not, who attend any of the three PTSA General Meetings can earn additional parenting hours per parent that attends.

Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/lgcsptsa
Follow us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/lgptsa/
Calling all golfers! Join us and other local schools for a PTA/PTSA golf tournament and support the LGPTSA. Just pick Learning Gate at registration for the school supported and you are all set for a great day of fun!
LGPTSA Reflections Art Contest
~In-person & e-Learners~
The National PTA Reflections Art contest is here! This year’s theme is
“I Matter Because…”
Give your child the chance to shine through the arts! There are 3 categories to choose from: Visual Arts, Photography, or a Literature.
for the Student Entry Form and Rules & Regulations. The forms must be completed/signed and accompany your child’s entry.

Deadline to submit your entries is:
Monday- November 9th, 2020.

Entries may be submitted to the Hanna campus main office. Please do NOT submit any piece with your child’s name on the front! *E-Learners may drop off art in bin labeled “REFLECTIONS” on the front porch of the LG Hanna campus.
Have a question? Email [email protected]
Learning Gate Cub Scout Pack 37
Learning Gate Cub Scout Pack 37 kicked off our year with a blast during our first Rocket Derby event. Some of these rockets nearly made it into orbit! Our scouts had so much fun launching their rockets with their friends. Our pack is registering new members so if you are interested in joining contact us at [email protected] or submit our interest form at: http://tinyurl.com/pack37interest. Registration is open to both boys and girls from K-5.
Pack 37 Scouts got to attend a virtual meetup with the Simba Scout pack all the way in Kumpala, Uganda. That's almost 8,000 miles away, and a 23 hour flight! They got the opportunity to learn about Ugandan culture, food, languages, and how scouting is done there. And they got the chance to hear about how we do Cub Scouts in America. Both our Pack 37 scouts and the Ugandan scouts all agreed that their two most favorite events they get to do through Scouts is camping and hiking. Although during their hikes they get to see monkeys! What a great way to teach out kids that they are connected to other scouts half way around the world.  https://www.facebook.com/simbascouts.ug/
Clinic Corner
I hope this letter finds you all well. I just wanted to offer a few suggestions now that school is under way.  

With the continued school-wide mask mandate, I wanted to send a reminder to help decrease cross contamination and reduce potential negative health effects. Ensure that the mask fits appropriately. An adult mask is too big for our younger students. Masks should be washed in hot water after each day’s use. Some students may need more than one mask to get through the day. They are prone to becoming soiled and quite damp from breathing out through them.   

It’s hot outside and water fountains are not currently available, the water bottle filling stations are however. Please make sure your child comes to school each day with a clean refillable water bottle labeled with their name. LG is an active campus, it’s hot and humid making hydration critical for the wellness of the students.   

Just as important it is to have fuel in your vehicle before hitting the road, children need breakfast before starting their work day. Here are a few quick breakfast ideas, some can be prepped the evening before: 

Kodiak Cakes brand offers oatmeal and flapjack cups, just add milk and microwave 
Make a few hard-boiled eggs and store in fridge and a glass of OJ 
Avocado on Dave’s bread 
Ezekial Cinnamon and Raisin toast with almond butter 
Ezekial Cinnamon and Raisin toast with peanut/almond butter and banana 
Low sugar cereal with milk 
Yogurt and granola 
Fresh fruit and cheese slices 
Peanut butter and banana sandwich (Consider Whole wheat, Rye, Pumpernickel, Sourdough, or Multigrain as healthier alternatives to white bread) 
Smoothies with protein 
Quiche can be made on Sunday for the upcoming week 
Please consider a flu vaccine this season, they are available. Where children are not reservoirs or transmitters of Covid, they are of the Flu.  Publix is offering a $10.00 gift card and some pharmacists will administer it to children (also eligible for gift card!), call ahead!
Tip: To decrease muscle soreness at injection site, massage and exercise extremity.   

Eat well, sleep well, exercise, & get outside! 
Nurse Pam
2020-2021 School Lunch Information
Important Lunch Information
Food Service Contact: ji[email protected]
October Menu
Menu subject to change and adjustments may be made based on product availability.
All meals are served with appropriate condiments and a choice of 1% or fat free chocolate milk.

Frequently Asked Questions: Food Service
How do I order?
Pre-order online at www.myschoolaccount.com

Where does my student go to pick up their breakfast?
Students pick up their Grab & Go Breakfast Bag in Heron Hall near the kitchen.

Where does my student eat their breakfast?
Students will bring their breakfast to their classroom and eat it at their desk.

What is the cutoff time to pick up?
Breakfast times are 7am-7:30am. Breakfast must be picked up and eaten before class begins. Please leave enough time so that breakfast does not interfere with class time.

Does my student have to pick up their breakfast?
If a meal is ordered, we ask that your child please pick up the meal. The meal has been prepared based on your order. We want to make sure that all students have a healthy start to their day!

What is included in the breakfast meal?
Grain, Fruit, Juice, Milk

What do I do if my student needs an emergency breakfast?
Student’s can request a breakfast meal even if they did not order one. Please keep extra funds available on their account for this situation.

How do I order lunches?
Pre-order online at www.myschoolaccount.com/

How far in advance do I need to order?
2 days
How do the students receive their meal?
Meals are delivered each day to their classroom. Their teacher distributes the meals to the students.

Where do the students eat their lunch meals?
Students eat their lunch in the classroom during their designated lunch time.

What is included in the lunch meals?
Entrée, Vegetables, Fruit, Milk

What happens if I forget to order lunch for my child?
Your child can tell the teacher and we will bring an “emergency lunch” to the classroom. Your account will be charged $3.95 for paid, $.40 for Reduced and $0 for free.

Are we having pizza on Fridays?
We are not using a pizza vendor at this time. We are rotating French Bread Pizza, Pizza Dippers and Square Pizzas on Fridays.

Is water available?
Yes! Water Bottle filling stations are open and being sanitized regularly. Water fountains are not available. Please send a reusable water bottle to school every day!

What should I pack in my child’s lunch box?
Anything your child may need: Reusable utensils, condiments, napkin and water bottle. 
These items are not available in the classrooms unless you are purchasing lunch.

How do I order?
Pre-order online at www.myschoolaccount.com.

When do I pick up the food?
Tuesday and Friday 9am-10am

Who is eligible to order pick up meals?
Anyone from Learning Gate that is enrolled in our school but learning from home.

Why aren’t the meals free for everyone?
Our school offers free and reduced meals for those who qualify. Applications are available at www.learninggate.org or in the front office at any time. Our lunch program follows the National School Lunch Program but is not connected to the county meal services. There are other programs in the community that may offer meals at no cost, however, we are not a participant in those programs.

What do you get?
Tuesday Pickup includes 3 full breakfast meals and 3 full lunch meals.
Friday Pickup includes 2 full breakfast meals and 2 full lunch meals.
The food is individually packaged and kept frozen/refrigerated.

How do you prepare the meals?
Meals that are frozen must be heated to minimum of 165 degrees. Refrigerated items must be kept at 40 degrees or below. It is important that all food items are stored properly. The food items are intended to be consumed within 2-3 days.

In Person Breakfast both campuses: 7:00am-7:30am available daily, pre-order necessary  

In Person Lunch Times:
1st Grade-11:00am
2nd Grade-10:45am
3rd Grade-11:45am
4th Grade-12:00pm
5th Grade-12:15pm
6th Grade-11:00am
7th Grade-10:35am
8th Grade-11:30am
Volunteer Hours
Please email Michele Northrup for volunteer hour opportunities: [email protected]
Parenting Hours
Topic: Covid Parenting Class
Time: Oct 8, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 2386 0786
Passcode: r13c8h
Heron Outfitters
Future Sales/Buyback Dates:
(See link below for sign up slots)

Saturday the 10th
Wednesday the 14th
Saturday the 31st
Click here to sign up for your personal shopping time:

Buybacks are accepted during store hours.
Buyback Form: printable form

Recommendations for a successful shopping experience:
1.  Arrive with a list of items you need.
2.  Bring item(s) of clothing (shirt, skirt, shorts) that fit your child. Use that to compare sizes while in the store (as the fit of clothes may not be consistent across uniform stores/years).
3.  Remember, keep the white tag on clothes in case you need to return them to the store for an exchange or store credit.

Heron Outfitters provides a retail outlet that offers a sales and buyback program of gently used uniforms and accessories. This program benefits our Learning Gate families by offering an alternative to purchasing new uniforms and benefits Learning Gate Community School by assisting with funding major projects.

Questions? Contact us at: [email protected]
Learning Gate School Board
November Board of Directors Meeting
Monday October 19, 2020 at 6PM
Please check the school website for the next board meeting date and time.
Upcoming Events
eLearner Picture Day
eLearners will have their individual photos
taken on 11/05/2020
(a sign-up genius for elearners will be sent prior to the date)
Please wear school uniforms the day of pictures and be on time.
Learning Gate Talent Show
2020-2021 Important School Year Information
Below are links to new and updated information regarding this school year. If you have any questions, please send an email to: [email protected]

Canvas and Zoom
If you are having an issue with Canvas, please send an email to [email protected]. If you are having an issue with Zoom please email your child’s teacher. We are the ones to fix the issues, not Zoom or Canvas
Learning Gate Community School Calendar
Stay up to date on LG events, parent education opportunities and days off!!
Learning Gate Yearbook
Use our school code-1014132266383383
Treering plants a tree for every book they sell!
Help Learning Gate make this their best selling year yet!
Car Line Reminders
Hanna Road Families
Please remember that when leaving the driveway area there are NO LEFT TURNS between the hours of

Please remember to always have your yellow car tag displayed in your window at pick-up. There are additional yellow car tags in the front office if you need one.
If you are parking in the North Lot to pick your child up you must go to the office to sign in prior to picking your child up. This is only if you park and pick up.
Your child’s safety is our #1 concern.
Box Tops
Amazon Smile
When shopping on Amazon, remember to use Amazon Smile and support Learning Gate

Learning Gate Newsletter is sponsored by the LGPTSA
Learning Gate Community School
16215 Hanna Rd Lutz, FL  US  33549 (813) 948-4190