.............. PRAYERS ..............
❤.............. DONATE ..............
At its March meeting, the synod council answered a call to care for migrant minors and young adults in our synod by establishing our synod’s Sanctuary/AMMPARO Ministry.

The MNYS Sanctuary/AMMPARO Ministry will attempt to provide weekly Word/Sacrament ministry and pastoral care to children in immigration detention centers in our synod, create a Sanctuary Youth Group that coordinates monthly outings with children in detention, organize quarterly trainings throughout our Synod pertaining to becoming foster parents and/or guardians to young adults and children who are released from custody, coordinate with the ELCA AMMPARO network, and more[...]

Last weekend, in partnership with the Office of the Mayor for Faith and Community Partnerships: Community Affairs Unit, The Consulate of El Salvador, Cayuga Center, Gotham Knights Rugby Football Club, and The Cliff in LIC, our Sanctuary Youth Group, which included over 85 unaccompanied migrant minors, was able to have its first outings of rock climbing and a rugby field day on Randall’s Island. 
From March 10 to 12, 2019, members of the ELCA AMMPARO Executive Committee , together with our Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton and staff from Mission Advancement, visited Central America in order to see the work being done by ELCA AMMPARO companions .

Read their brief summary of conclusions, here .
Interfaith Community Forum on Immigration| MNYS Southwest Brooklyn Conference
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Brooklyn
Saturday, June 1 | 12:30 pm – 3 pm

Celebrating our neighbors of diverse cultures & faiths. Translation will be provided in Arabic, Spanish & Mandarin. Good Shepherd is wheelchair-accessible.

For more information, click here.
Becoming an ELCA Welcoming Congregation
Let us know, and we can have one of our team members discern this call. Just send an email, here.

For resources about becoming an ELCA AMMPARO welcoming congregation, click here.
Donate to Help Unaccompanied Migrant Minors
The Sanctuary Ministry Fund was set up to help support the work of our Sanctuary Ministry. Your donation will help our synod accompany migrant minors, and provide them with protection, advocacy, representation and opportunity. 
  • A gift of $4,000 would help provide for a minor's asylum application and processing.
  • A gift of $1,500 would provide for an outing of our Sanctuary Youth Group, for 30-50 minors in detention.
  • A gift of $121 would provide for a monthly MetroCard for a minor recently released from detention.
  • As bonds to be released from detention range from $1,500 to as great as $10,000, any gift of any size will join with others to help change the life of an unaccompanied migrant minor.

If you or your congregation would like to make a special gift to this ministry fund, send a check to: Metropolitan NY Synod | 475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1620 | New York, NY 10115. Memo line: Sanctuary Ministry.
Urban Leaders Institute 2019
"In God's Hands"
The Interchurch Center, Manhattan
Jul 24 - Jul 26, 2019

For clergy refreshment (Wednesday through Friday) and leader empowerment (Thursday & Friday). More information coming soon.
MNYS Immigration Legal Clinic
Understanding that legal counsel is needed to maneuver through our immigration system, we have found a team of lawyers who offer their time and talents to those in our communities in need. The MNYS Immigration Legal Clinic will keep regular clinic hours on Sunday afternoon and Wednesday evenings in NY. For more information, send an email to [email protected].

If a congregation or conference would like to set up a pop-up special clinic at their ministry site, we will happily coordinate to make that happen. Please share this new synodical resource with your communities! 
The New York diakonia Program
Graduation Liturgy
2019 Graduation Class

Grace Lutheran Church, Yorktown Heights
Saturday, June 1 | 2:00 pm

Bishop Donald McCoid,  presiding and preaching

Clergy, Past Graduates and First-Year Students are invited to vest and process. Liturgical color of the day is white. Reception to follow.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church Flatlands, Brooklyn
TODAY! Saturday, May 11 
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

All are welcome to this event that will help PINECREST, a community that inspires young adults in their faith formation and helps develop leaders in the Lutheran Church. You are invited to hang out for a night of games and prayer. For more information, click  here.
Church on the Sound, Stony Brook
Thursday, May 16 - Thursday, May 23 |  8:00 am

This free, interactive training is co-sponsored by the  National VA Chaplain Center and the  PTS Committee of the Suffolk County American Legion. This event can help prepare you to support many veterans and their family members who are looking for help from clergy. For more information, click  here.
Sophia’s Greek Orthodox Church, Albany
Wednesday, May 29 5:30 pm

All are invited to attend the NY State Council of Churches Fourth Annual Awards and Fundraising Dinner. A reception with a cash bar, dinner and awards presentations. This year,  The Reverend Aaron Baughman, Pastor of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Port Jervis, will receive the Excellence in Ecumenicism Award. To purchase tickets, click  here.
The Playroom Theatre, Manhattan
Saturday, May 25 | 8:00 pm

This compelling story is about the German pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer who awakens one night in his cramped prison cell in Berlin during WWII, with fears of an uncertain future after resisting the Nazis. A somber exploration of one man’s struggle against evil, and the faith that pulls at his heart. For more information, click here.
Augsburg University, Minneapolis
June 23 - 28

Augsburg Youth Theology Institute (AYTI) is a program for high school youth who exhibit leadership skills in various areas of their lives. This year's theme is Stewarding Creation in our Neighborhoods: Science and Theology in Action. For information, click here.
Grace Lutheran Church, Forest Hills
Sunday, June 2 | 4:00 pm

Time to pause and take a breath. Local musicians guide a time of prayer, poetry, readings, and reflection; Jazz is the medium; the community is the vibe. Refreshments and time for conversation follow. Free-will offering supports the music. For more information about this event, click here.
Oceanside Lutheran Church, Oceanside
Wednesday, June 5  |  10:30 am

Writer Kendall Vanderslice will conduct a workshop on dinner church that will include teaching about the history, theology, and practice of dinner church, as well as interactive workshops for thinking about how eating together and God's word, go hand in hand. For more information, click here. For tickets, click here.
Misión Luterana de Ascensión (Salón Social), Deer Park
Sábado, 8 de junio 9:00 am

¿Te has preguntado alguna vez de dónde vienes y a dónde vas? ¿Sabias que el Ángel del Señor le hizo esta pregunta a Agar? Esto y mucho más podrás descubrir al escuchar la poderosa historia de "Agar y el Dios que no nos abandona". Este desayuno y almuerzo está dedicado especialmente a mujeres, con la participación de la Dra. Rvda. Maritza Cruz-Ortiz y el Grupo de Mujeres de la Misión Latina de Ascensión. Para mayor información, clic aquí.
Our Saviour’s Atonement Lutheran Church, Manhattan
Saturday, June 8 | 6:00 pm

Creations Art Show invites you to this special showing: The Spirit Moves Through It; permanence and impermanence; self-worth and its lack. Rakoczy's original works are made of discarded plastic, woven on a large loom and then fused together by the heat of an iron. For more information, click here.
CONTEMPORARY MUSIC DIRECTOR: East Northport—more information here
PARSONAGE AVAILABLE: Nassau County—more information here

––––– CALENDAR –––––
MAY 16-18 : Synod Assembly—more information  here.

The family and friends of The Rev. John Silber Damm, who died in Christ on Saturday, May 4
• Our work toward shaping a more inclusive church that welcomes and affirms all of God's people, specifically our  LGBTQIA+  brothers, sisters, and siblings 
• The asylum seekers who are waiting to be processed at our southern border
 Refugees and immigrants, and those who come to their aid
 Those affected by violence in their schools, workplaces, and homes 
 The unity of this church and its mission
 Peace in our world
 Peace in our nation
 The care of God's Creation 
 ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission, Gracia Luoma-Overstreet and Elizabeth Roderick, serving in Argentina and Uruguay
ELCA missionaries The Rev. Eric and The Rev. Wendolyn Trozzo, Theological Education, serving in Malaysia; and Hailey Brenden, Communications, serving in Nepal
MNYS missionary Melanie Nelson, and her husband David Kingery, serving in Bukoba, Tanzania
  Interim Bishop Donald J. McCoid, the staff, and the people of the Metropolitan New York Synod