My dear friends and supporters,

I have exciting news I would like to share with you. Are you looking for a proven set of action steps you can take to enhance you health and well-being? Action steps that can lead to less pain in your body and more joy in your heart?

My newly released downloadable book Living Health-A Transformational Master Plan will give you a scientifically proven road map to awaken your innate healing power and experience life with balance, clarity and joy. Live life free from pain and discomfort, quiet that voice in your head and experience inner peace.

This book will teach you to take charge of your biology so you can stay active, healthy and happy….and best of all the suggestions won’t take a lot of time. Just a small commitment starts to bring forth the results. It is a perfect companion to my Living Health class or as stand alone information to help you heal, relax and be happy. Introductory price $16.00! Read More