July 9, 2021
Junipero Serra High School Newsletter
Junipero Serra High School believes that students of all faiths and backgrounds deserve an academically challenging, spiritually enriching Catholic college preparatory education that forms them to become generous, responsible citizens and leaders
Some Serra Lore From The Fifties to the Early Eighties.
Greg Lee '73 (above left) recently retired from William S. Hart Unified School District where he served as Director of Human Resources and as the District Athletic Administrator. We recently had a conversation with Greg about all things Serra. As we talked, Mike Rose's '62 (above right) beyond distinguished career and contributions to American education came up.

We think that you too will be intrigued by Mike's career.
Click here to learn more about him.

His many awards include a Guggenheim Fellowship and a recent election to the National Academy of Education. In addition, he has written widely on education to include the book
"Lives on the Boundary," first published in 1989.

As we talked with Greg of Serra's past and present we suggested that he read Mike's "Lives on the Boundary," especially Chapter 2 and Our Lady of Mercy High School. He did.

Click here to read Greg's writing. If you attended Serra from the 50s through '80s
(Mr. Balakian) you will likely recognize a lot.

By the way, if you didn't check out the Class of 2021's planned majors and colleges/universities in the last newsletter, Click Here
5th Annual Cavalier Golf Classic is on July 23rd and it is Full!
The 5th Annual Cavalier Classic!
144 Golfers Ready to Tee off, after a year's hiatus.
Serra's 5th Annual Cavalier Classic Golf Tournament is scheduled for July 23rd at Serra's home course, Chester Washington, 2.1 miles driveway to driveway.

And all 144 Slots are Full!
We look forward to seeing you all at the Course and at the Awards Dinner on Senior Lawn for the Awards Dinner.
All 144 Tee Times are booked. We will be accepting ad sponsorships until Monday, July 12 at 1:00PM. Program goes to printer on morning of July 13th. We will accept sponsorships through July 22. Click here for more more information.
Contact Brian Cooper '74 at bcooper@la-serrahs.org or (310) 910-5414

We can accept promotional items for the Goody Bags at the Advancement/Alumni
Office through Friday, July 16th.
Thanks to Patrick Copeland '82, Matthew Brown '79 and Miles Houze '80 and some of our sponsors shown below.
Mother Teresa and the Missing Drops!
"The ocean would be less because of that missing drop."
Thank you to Richard '61 and Noreen Peschke for becoming 5001 Club Members and getting their picture taken in 105 degree heat.

Click here to learn more about the 5001 Club. If you have questions, contact Vince Kates '61 (310) 324-6675 Ext. 3010 or vbkates@la-serrahs.org.
And thanks to Transfiguration School, Marlise Ervin Brown and C.I.F. Southern Section.

No one asked, but the Alumni did set a donation record in a sqweaker Official number to us soon. Don't think we hit the record for number of individual donors. That number will be to us soon as well.
Events Back on the Calendar!
1) JULY 23rd - Serra Cavalier Golf Classic is Full. Come to the Awards Ceremony.

2) AUGUST 14th - 50th Year Reunions Classes '70-'71

Surface Mail and E-Mail Invitations have been sent. Ben del Villar, Mark Brajnikoff, Bill Powell, Craig Brown, Mike Lievens, Rick Fucci and Tim Boyer from the Class of '70. Greg Wais, John Engelbert, George (Joe) Gorciak (below left points out his Alumni Tile to Religion teacher par excellence Ed Sanders), Andre' Pettigrew (who is coming from Durham NC) Lloyd Hardy, Corey Ferguson and Bob Cogrove from the Class of '71 plus Music Director Phil Limina and Coach Marty Garrison have registered. Click here to register!
3) August 20th - Celebration of new DeMar Harper Turf Field at Kretzschmar Stadium before the 7:00PM game versus Orange Lutheran. Special Events are planned including the Alumni Tunnel. If you were a Team Captain or know who was, please send your name or his name to John Rout '62 at dabully2@msn.com.
4) August 28th Old-Timers Legends

E-Mail and Surface Mail Invitations will be sent soon. Save the date. David Nelson's '63 Lettermen's sweater will be returned to Serra at the event for appropriate display.
OCTOBER 23rd 40th Year Reunions '80-'81
More information coming soon.
Basketball '80
Life Team '81
Thanks to Some of Our Golf Supporters!
Cavalier Code
Cavaliers have faith and integrity.
Cavaliers are humble and accountable.
Cavaliers are scholars who lead and serve.
Cavaliers are soldiers for Christ.
We are Cavaliers.
All Hail!

Joe Cormier '81
Director of Development