“Sisters, Servants,Soldiers” Worldwide!
I Lost My Way in Office Max!

Just a few days ago, I was standing in line at Office Max to check out. I was browsing all of the small items that are placed just at eye level to tempt you as you are waiting in line.

Did I need a few of those pens? How about another small bottle of hand sanitizer? That would be a cute case for my granddaughter's phone! I just kept looking and thinking about which of those things I might "need."

All of a sudden I looked up and I was following two managers into the office! I had been distracted and started following the wrong people!

Immediately I thought about how often that happens in our lives. How often do we get distracted by Satan and worldly things that don't matter much and certainly don't matter for eternity?

I sincerely believe that "distraction" is one of the most powerful tools in Satan's toolbox.

As Christian women, our job is to stay in the right line! I asked some women at a Ladies' Day recently to study the life of Abigail when they had time. And then I immediately corrected myself and said, "No. Not when you HAVE time. MAKE time!" We have to make time to keep ours hearts and minds "in the right line."

No matter what happens in your life. No matter what decisions others make. No matter what circumstance you are in . . . stay in the right line! We are plainly told that "narrow is the gate and difficult is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it!" (Matthew 7:14)

I want to share eternity with you! ❤️

"Sisters, Servants, Soldiers" is one of the tools helping each of us to stay in the right line!

In Him,

P.S. As you scroll down, you will find great information and resources to use while you stay in the right line on your journey to Heaven!

  • I hope you are printing these Newsletters off and filing them for reference.

The Annual MARCH for LIFE will be on Friday, January 29th, in Washington, DC.

What a fantastic time this would be to make our voices heard for those who may never have the chance to speak because their lives were cruelly snuffed out!

I believe that many young ladies will be in this battle with us for the right of babies to live! When Roe V. Wade was ruled by the Supreme Court, there were no ultrasounds. No one had seen what the judges were calling "fetal tissue." We have had seen those babies now and so have our young people. The first pictures of our grandchildren were their ultrasounds posted on our refrigerator. I know that many of our young people will join us if we take the lead!

The link below will take you to the home page for MARCH FOR LIFE. This would be an opportunity for us to be salt, light and leaven in a culture that no longer values life. Our voices matter!

Maybe several ladies from your congregation or from congregations close by could plan a trip together for this great event!


It was a joy being with our Sisters in Grand Rapids, MI, at the Southside Congregation
on November 4th!

We studied "Sisters, Servants, Soldiers."
It is always a joy watching our young ladies being "trained" to serve the Master in many ways. Lilly (right) and Adele Medawar (left), sisters, each gave the lessons they had prepared for "Lads to Leaders"
and led singing!

"What Kind of Sense Doesn't That Make?"
by Carla Moore

This past weekend, John and I were in Katy, TX so he could present a seminar about counseling. He referenced something from Dr. Larry Crabb that really, really stepped on my toes. Speaking about our struggle with personal problems, Dr. Crabb said the “usual objective so passionately desired is fundamentally self-centered: ‘I want to be happy.'”
While there isn’t anything wrong with being happy, we won’t ever truly BE happy if simple happiness is our goal. But…if we “firmly and consciously, by an act of our will, reject the goal of becoming happy and adopt the goal of becoming MORE LIKE THE LORD” – that will lead to true happiness.

So, practically speaking: when we are trying to resolve a conflict, or deal with frustrating current events, or communicate with a difficult friend—how do we handle ourselves? With sarcasm? Pouting? By withholding love? Cynicism? All in the name of being happy? As our son used to say, “What kind of sense doesn’t that make?”

The next time we try to address any of our issues, what if we decided to be more like the Lord – with the heart of a servant, humbly thinking more of others than ourselves, loving unselfishly, and forgiving—sometimes without even being asked? (Read the letter to the Philippians, especially 2:1-9.) Most likely, the result will be much more satisfying, even though we are denying ourselves the “pleasure” of pouting. Like everything else in life, if we do things God’s way, it will lead to peace and joy, the very goal we began with.

My new mantra for the rest of 2020 and beyond is this: More Like the Lord. I hope you’ll join me. ❤️

I wanted to share this article by Carla Moore from the Blog Page of Come Fill Your Cup. There are great articles and thoughts for us to consider from our sisters in Christ there. I hope you will BOOKMARK it or WRITE DOWN the link below for future reference.

The Case for Christianity

"This is an excellent site for those who have some questions about the existence of God, design, or about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here believing scholars answer many of the objections often posed by those who do not believe. This is not an endorsement
of the theology of every video.
(Remember to:) Eat the fish and throw the bones away."

Comments by: Phil Sanders,

* This would be great information for your HOMESCHOOL classes or just to be used
to enrich your family Devotionals.

Here is the link . . .

There are some great Bible Stories for children on the World Video Bible School Website!

Follow this link to "The Man Who Loved Money" the story of the rich young ruler. You will find others there to share!


The Dates for NEXT YEAR'S WORKSHOP are
July 18-22, 2021.

Mark you calendars and be thinking of a young lady or two to send who would like to study the Bible in depth for a week. We are building strong sisters for the work of The King!

It is held in Columbia, Tennessee. We will take 20 young ladies who would enjoy deep Bible Study and leadership training, ages 14-20.
We have speaking dates available for 2021! Please contact us and we will be happy to help you find a wonderful Speaker and Bible Teacher
for your Ladies' Day, Lectureship or Retreat!


Sheila Butt
FB: Sheila K. Butt

Please visit our Website at: www.sistersservantssoldiers.com


Join Our "Sisters, Servants, Soldiers"
Facebook Group!

We have recently set up a Facebook Group for us use together to discuss
things that sisters in Christ want and need to discuss.

We are here to help and encourage one another!

I hope you will click the link below and join our
"Sisters, Servants, Soldiers" group!
