June 17, 2022
Featuring Connecticut's Amazing Land Trusts
OSWA Spotlight
The Alice Fern Bruce Preserve owned by Berlin Land Trust (BLT), named posthumously in honor of a founding member and generous benefactor of BLT, is an exemplary property that represents everything Connecticut open space has to offer. Purchased in December 2019, partially funded with a state Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition Grant (OSWA), this pristine 47-acre preserve is free of invasive plants and contains traprock ridges, habitat for abundant wildlife, and three vernal pools with a unique feature of swamp cottonwood trees, a documented rare species. Located on Lamentation Mountain in Middletown, the preserve delivers spectacular panoramic views with a sightline as far as Mt. Tom in Massachusetts at the top ridge. BLT often sponsors guided hikes highlighting the native plants and wildflowers that occupy this land…
North Branford Land Conservation Trust
Biodiversity Book Feature
Throughout the world, communities can support and develop local land trusts to assist in the development of biodiversity islands by supporting landowners in putting their land into conservation” -Florencia Montagnini, Biodiversity Islands: Strategies for Conservation in Human-Dominated Environments

Florencia Montagnini, North Branford Land Conservation Trust (NBLCT) member and author, featured NBLCT in her recently published book, Biodiversity Islands: Strategies for Conservation in Human-Dominated Environments as an exemplary representation of community involvement to conserve land as open space. She discussed the 26-acre donation of the Harrison Farm Preserve to NBLCT to be protected and preserved in its natural state in perpetuity -- land that otherwise would have been desired for development. Under the ownership of NBLCT, the farm now serves as a “true biodiversity island in an otherwise suburban landscape”...
CLCC land and wave
Land Trusts in Action
Bridges, Benches, and Bunches of Fun
Using locally sourced black locust and red cedar, Steep Rock Association recently rebuilt this bridge in Macricostas Preserve, allowing hikers to access the trails beyond Meeker Swamp, including the popular routes leading to Waramaug’s Rock. Volunteers John Aiello, Gregg Nolting, Roger Provey, and Bruce Richardson, as well as SRA's stewardship staff, Mike Giapponi and Lee Wolfel, made this possible...
Branford Land Trust (BLT) Trails Crew spent the spring completing construction and restoration projects across multiple preserves, including the replacement of the Ilsa Gabel bridge at Van Wie Woods. The construction of the bridge was originally started in 2016 at a Connecticut Forest & Park Association (CFPA) Spring Trails Workshop and completed a few weeks later by a BLT group that included two Branford High School interns along with the leader of the CFPA trail maintenance team...
But wait, there's more...
When I started to compile stories for this month's eNews, I came across several social media posts featuring land trusts building bridges, benches, and other trail infrastructure. With land trust work parties advertised all across the state, I decided to put out a call for photos. I was taken aback by the response! The collage above is just a sampling of what I received.

Connecticut land trusts have been super busy with trail maintenance and stewardship activities ranging from bridge-building to trail clearing to ensure people can have a safe and enjoyable outdoors experience. Summer is a great time to check out the fruits of their labor.

#LoveYourCTLandTrust — from books to bridges, they are doin' it all!


Sylvie Boucher
Sandy Breslin Conservation Fellow

P.S. Land trusts rely on volunteers to make a difference. If you would like to become involved, talk with the land trusts in your community or region about how you can use your passion, talent, and interests to further local conservation and connect more people to the land.
Woman standing in front of green mountain view
Photo Credits
Alice Fern Bruce Preserve courtesy of BLT director, Ray Archacki & Joe Porcaro; Harrison Farm photo courtesy of Peter Marteka/Hartford Courant;Harwinton Land Trust courtesy of Karen Kelleher; Lyme Land Trust courtesy of Kristina White; Newtown Forest Association courtesy of Trent McCann; Suffield Land Conservancy courtesy of Chris Childs; Kongscut Land Trust courtesy of Frank Kaputa; Flanders Leavenworth Preserve courtesy of Ana Jordan; Prospect Land Trust courtesy of Lisa SanSoucie; Joshua's Trust courtesy of Michael Hveem; East Granby Land Trust courtesy of Amanda Thompson; Avon Land Trust courtesy of Rick Dubiel; Wolcott Land Conservation Trust courtesy of Tom Tella; Avalonia Land Conservancy courtesy of Terri Eickel; Bridgewater Land Trust courtesy of Julie Stuart; GOSA courtesy of Dan O’Connell; Roxbury Land Trust courtesy of Ann Astarita; Sharon Land Trust courtesy of Maria Grace; Stamford Land Conservation Trust courtesy of John Stone & Kurt Ostheimer; Steep Rock Association courtesy of Monica Roberto; Branford Land Trust courtesy of Jen Payne
Connecticut Land Conservation Council
deKoven House
27 Washington Street
Middletown, CT 06457
The Connecticut Land Conservation Council advocates for land conservation, stewardship and funding, and works to ensure the long term strength and viability of the land conservation community. 

©2021 Connecticut Land Conservation Council. All rights reserved except photos as noted.