Featuring Connecticut's Amazing Land Trusts
As we close the chapter on the 2023 #LoveYourCTLandTrust eNews series, we are delighted to share six stories that exemplify the diverse projects undertaken by our state's remarkable land trusts throughout the year.
Each #LoveYourCTLandTrust story embodies the passion and commitment of these community organizations to safeguarding our natural and working landscapes. Land trusts preserve critical habitats, protect biodiversity, and engage people of all ages. They offer access to recreation and local food while championing sustainability amidst a changing climate.
Land trusts are Connecticut's unsung heroes.
Your unwavering support has been pivotal to CLCC's ability to ensure land trusts have the resources, assistance, and advocacy they need to achieve their remarkable success this year, and always. Thank you.
#LoveYourCTLandTrust - for 2023 conservation triumphs that will benefit those to come.
May this holiday season offer you and your loved ones ample opportunity to find a land trust, explore a new preserve, and soak in the joys of nature.
The CLCC Team
P.S. All #LoveYourCTLandTrust stories are featured on our website here. We are already queuing up stories for 2024. Do you have one to share? Submit it here, and we'll take it from there.
Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy
Celebrating A Successful Merger
New Virtual Property Trail Tours
"On your mark, get set...search!" East Haddam Land Trust (EHLT) held its second annual bell search this autumn. One hundred bells, each stamped with the year and an image of the East Haddam Swing Bridge, were hidden along or within arm's reach of trails across thirteen EHLT preserves. (One of those preserves was a CLCC TAG recipient last Fall!) Finders get to keep their bells, with photos of each treasure posted on the EHLT social media channels...
Purchase of Land for New Preserve
Middlesex Land Trust (MLT) has purchased 147 acres for permanent protection, which will become the Meshomasic Rattlesnake Brook Preserve. It is named for its proximity to MLT’s existing Rattlesnake Brook Preserve and the Meshomasic State Forest. This project received $9,800 from the CLCC TAG program during the 2022 Fall Round and a $364,000 grant through CT DEEP’s OSWA program. The conservation of this land will contribute to habitat and biodiversity protection, improved water quality, and climate stabilization. Once the property is prepared for public access, it will also allow residents to go hiking, birdwatching, or picnicking...
Acquisition of Sunset Hill Road Property
In September, Bethel Land Trust (BLT) acquired a 3-acre property at 7T Sunset Hill Road, increasing the total amount of protected property in the area to 100 acres. This acquisition will make it easier for residents to access the preserve’s trails. The increase to 100 acres will also allow scientists to study the land and develop protection plans for the area...
Why Do We Need Land Trusts?
“Land trusts are nonprofit, community-based organizations dedicated to the permanent protection and stewardship of land for public benefit.”
- Connecticut Land Conservation Council
New Canaan Land Trust (NCLT) has shared an editorial explaining why land trusts are vital to land conservation in Connecticut and beyond. The piece reviews what a land trust is, the history of its land trust, the role of land trusts in Connecticut and the United States, and the need for our state to reach its conservation goals. It’s a short read that provides excellent insight into why land trusts are essential locally and globally...
You Make It All Possible...
CLCC is a community-supported organization. You are the engine behind these eNewsletters and our ability to bolster the work of CT land trusts.
Thank you.
Photo Credits
Traprock Ridge Land Conservancy Group Photo courtesy of Jenny Sagers
Wilcox Family Homestead with Holcomb Farm Fields courtesy of Granby Land Trust
East Haddam Land Trust Hidden Bell courtesy of Doreen Jezek
Rattlesnake Brook Preserve Aerial Photo courtesy of Ehren and Gary Meisinger
Sunset Hill Road Property courtesy of Kendra Baker
Snowy Forest with Trail - stock photo
Connecticut Land Conservation Council
deKoven House
27 Washington Street
Middletown, CT 06457
The Connecticut Land Conservation Council advocates for land conservation, stewardship and funding, and works to ensure the long term strength and viability of the land conservation community.
©2023 Connecticut Land Conservation Council. All rights reserved except photos as noted.